grah chandr tapan jot barat hai surat rag nirat tar bajai
grah chandr tapan jot barat hai surat raag nirat taar bājai
naubatiyā ghurat hai rain din sunn meñ kahae 'kabīr' piu gagan gājai
The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shines bright:
The melody of love swells forth, and the rhythm of love's detachment beats the time.
Day and night, the chorus of music fills the heavens; and Kabir says
My Beloved One gleams like the lightning flash in the sky.
chhan aur palak kī aartī kaun sī rain-din aartī visv gāvai
ghurat nissān tañh gaib kī jhālar gaib kī ghañT kā naad aavai
Do you know how the moments perform their adoration?
Waving its row of lamps, the universe sings in worship day and night.
There are the hidden banner and the secret canopy:
There the sound of the unseen bells is heard.
kahae 'kabīr' tañh rain din aartī jagat ke takhat par jagat sā.īñ
karm aur bharm sansār sab karat haiñ piiv kī parakh koī premī jānai
surat au nirat dhaar man meñ pakaḌ kar gañg aur jaman ke ghaaT aanai
pāñch ko naath kari saath soñh liyā adhar dariyāv kā sukkh mānaiñ
kahaiñ 'kabīr' soī sant nirbhay dharā janm aur marn kā maram bhānai
niir nirmal tahāñ rain-din jharat hai janam aur marn tab ant paa.ī
‘Kabir’ says: There adoration never ceases; there the Lord of the Universe sitteth on His throne.
The whole world does its works and commits its errors: but few are the lovers who know the Beloved.
The devout seeker is he who mingles in his heart the double currents of love and detachment, like the mingling of the streams of Ganges and Jumna;
In his heart the sacred water flows day and night; and thus the round of births and deaths is brought to an end.
dekh vojūd meñ ajab bisrām hai hoai maujūd to sahī pāvai
surat kī Dor sukh-sidh kā jhūlnā ghor kī sor tañh naad gāvai
niir bin kañval dekh ati phuliyā kahae 'kabīr' man bhañvar chhavai
Behold what wonderful rest is in the Supreme Spirit! and he enjoys it, who makes himself meet for it.
Held by the cords of love, the swing of the Ocean of Joy sways to and fro; and a mighty sound breaks forth in song. See what a lotus blooms there without water! and ‘Kabir’ says My heart's bee drinks its nectar.
chakr ke beach meñ kañval ati phuliyā taasu kā sukh koī sant jānai
shabd kī ghor chhuñ or tañh hote hai asiim samundar kī sukh mānai
kahae 'kabīr' yo Duub suukh sidh meñ janm aur maran kā bharm bhānai
What a wonderful lotus it is, that blooms at the heart of the spinning wheel of the universe! Only a few pure souls know of its true delight. Music is all around it, and there the heart partakes of the joy of the Infinite Sea.
Kabir says: Dive thou into that Ocean of sweetness: thus let all errors of life and of death flee away.
pāñch kī pyaas tañh dekh puurī bha.ī tiin kī taap tañh lagai nahīñ
kahae 'kabīr' yah aagam kā khel gaib kā chāñd nā dekh māñhīñ
janam-maran jahāñ taarī parat hai hot ānand tañh gagan gājai
uThat jhanakār tañh naad anhad ghurai tiralok mahal ke prem bājai
Behold how the thirst of the five senses is quenched there! and the three forms of misery are no more!
Kabir says: It is the sport of the Unattainable One: look within, and behold how the
moon-beams of that Hidden One shine in you.
There falls the rhythmic beat of life and death:
Rapture wells forth, and all space is radiant with light.
There the Unstruck Music is sounded; it is the music of the love of the three worlds.
chand tapan koTi diip barat hai tuur bājai tahāñ sant jhūlai
pyā jhanakār tañh nuur barsat rahe ras pīvai tañh bhakt jhūlai
There millions of lamps of sun and of moon are burning;
There the drum beats, and the lover swings in play.
There love-songs resound, and light rains in showers; and the worshipper are entranced in the taste of the heavenly nectar.
janam-maran beach dekh antar nahī dachchh aur baam yuuñ ek aahī
kahaiñ 'kabīr' yā sain gūñgā ta.ī ved katteb kī gamm naahī
adhar aasan kiyā aagam pyāla piyā jog kī muul jag juguti paa.ī
panth bin jaai chal sahar be-gam pure dayā jagdev kī sahj aa.ī
dhyān dhar dekhiyā nain bin pokhiyā aagam agādh sab kahat gaa.ī
sahar be-gamm purā गम्म ko nā lahai hoai be-gamm jo gamm pāvai
gunā kī gamm nā ajab bisrām hai sain jo lakhai soī sain gāvai
Look upon life and death; there is no separation between them.
The right hand and the left hand are one and the same.
Kabir says: There the wise man is speechless; for this truth may never be found in Vadas or in books.
I have had my Seat on the Self-poised One,
I have drunk of the Cup of the Ineffable,
I have found the Key of the Mystery,
I have reached the Root of Union.
Travelling by no track, I have come to the Sorrowless Land: very easily has the mercy of the great Lord come upon me.
They have sung of Him as infinite and unattainable: but I in my meditations have seen Him without sight.
That is indeed the sorrowless land, and none know the path that leads there:
Only he who is on that path has surely transcended all sorrow.
mukkh baanī tiko svaad kaise kahae svaad pāvai soī sukkh mānai
kahae 'kabīr' yā sain gūñgā ta.ī hoai gūñgā joī sain jānai
Wonderful is that land of rest, to which no merit can win; It is the wise who has seen it, it is the wise who has sung of it.
This is the Ultimate Word: but can any express its marvellous savour? He who has savoured it once, he knows what joy it can give.
Kabir says: Knowing it, the ignorant man becomes wise, and the wise man becomes speechless and silent.
chhakyāñ audhōt mastān maatā rahai gyaan vairāg sudhi liyā puurā
svāñs-usvāñs kā prem pyāla piyā gagan garjai tahā bajai tuurā
bin kar tāñtiyā naad taagā rahai jatan jaranā liyā sadā khelai
kahae 'kabīr' parān-parān sindh meñ milāvai param sukh dhaam tañh parān melai
The worshipper is utterly inebriated. His wisdom and his detachment are made perfect; He drinks from the cup of the inbreathings and the outbreathings of love.
There the whole sky is filled with sound, and there that music is made without fingers and without strings;
There the game of pleasure and pain does not cease.
Kabir says: If you merge your life in the Ocean of Life, you will find your life in the Supreme Land of Bliss.
āThahū pahar matvālī laagī rahai āThahū pahar kī chhāk pīvai
āThahū pahar mastān maatā rahai braham ke deh maiñ bhakt jīvai
sāñch hī kahat aur sāñch hī gahat hai kāñch kuuñ tyaag kar sāñch laagā
kahaiñ 'kabīr' yuuñ bhakt nirbhar huā janm aur marn kā bharm bhāgā
gagan garjai tahāñ sadā pāvas jharai hot jhankār nit bajat tuurā
divas aur rain tañh nek nahiñ pā۔iye prem parkās ke sindh maahī
sadā ānand dukh-dard vyāpe nahīñ pūrnā-nand bharpūr dekhā
dharm aur bharāñti tañh nek nahiñ pā۔iye kahaiñ 'kabīr' ras ek pekhā
khel brahmāñD kā pinD meñ dekhiyā jagat kī bharamnā duur bhāgī
bāhrā-bhītarā ek ākāsvat ghariyā meñ adhar bharpūr laagī
dekh dīdār mastān maiñ hoai rahyā sakal bharpūr hai nuurā terā
gyaan kā thaal aur prem dīpak ahai adhar aasan kiyā aagam Derā
kahaiñ 'kabīr' tañh bharm bhāsai nahīñ janm aur maran kā miTā pherā
What a frenzy of ecstasy there is in every hour! and the worshipper is pressing out and drinking the essence of the hours: he lives in the life of Brahma.
I speak truth, for I have accepted truth in life; I am now attached to truth, I have swept all tinsel away.
Kabir says: Thus is the worshipper set free from fear; thus have all errors of life and of death left him.
There the sky is filled with music: There it rains nectar:
There the harp-strings jingle, and there the drums beat.
What a secret splendour is there, in the mansion of the sky!
There no mention is made of the rising and the setting of the sun;
In the ocean of manifestation, which is the light of love, day and night are felt to be one.
Joy for ever, no sorrow,-no struggle!
There have I seen joy filled to the brim, perfection of joy;
No place for error is there.
Kabir says: There have I witnessed the sport of One Bliss!
I have known in my body the sport of the universe: I have escaped from the error of this world.
The inward and the outward are become as one sky, the Infinite and the finite are united: I am drunken with the sight of this All!
This Light of Thine fulfils the universe: the lamp of love that burns on the salver of knowledge.
Kabir says: There error cannot enter, and the conflict of life and death is felt no more.
grah chandr tapan jot barat hai surat rag nirat tar bajai
naubatiya ghurat hai rain din sunn mein kahae 'kabir' piu gagan gajai
The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shines bright:
The melody of love swells forth, and the rhythm of love's detachment beats the time.
Day and night, the chorus of music fills the heavens; and Kabir says
My Beloved One gleams like the lightning flash in the sky.
chhan aur palak ki aarti kaun si rain-din aarti wisw gawai
ghurat nissan tanh gaib ki jhaalar gaib ki ghanT ka nad aawai
Do you know how the moments perform their adoration?
Waving its row of lamps, the universe sings in worship day and night.
There are the hidden banner and the secret canopy:
There the sound of the unseen bells is heard.
kahae 'kabir' tanh rain din aarti jagat ke takhat par jagat sain
karm aur bharm sansar sab karat hain piw ki parakh koi premi jaanai
surat au nirat dhaar man mein pakaD kar gang aur jaman ke ghaT aanai
panch ko nath kari sath sonh liya adhar dariyaw ka sukkh manain
kahain 'kabir' soi sant nirbhay dhara janm aur marn ka maram bhanai
nir nirmal tahan rain-din jharat hai janam aur marn tab ant pai
‘Kabir’ says: There adoration never ceases; there the Lord of the Universe sitteth on His throne.
The whole world does its works and commits its errors: but few are the lovers who know the Beloved.
The devout seeker is he who mingles in his heart the double currents of love and detachment, like the mingling of the streams of Ganges and Jumna;
In his heart the sacred water flows day and night; and thus the round of births and deaths is brought to an end.
dekh wojud mein ajab bisram hai hoai maujud to sahi pawai
surat ki Dor sukh-sidh ka jhulna ghor ki sor tanh nad gawai
nir bin kanwal dekh ati phuliya kahae 'kabir' man bhanwar chhawai
Behold what wonderful rest is in the Supreme Spirit! and he enjoys it, who makes himself meet for it.
Held by the cords of love, the swing of the Ocean of Joy sways to and fro; and a mighty sound breaks forth in song. See what a lotus blooms there without water! and ‘Kabir’ says My heart's bee drinks its nectar.
chakr ke beach mein kanwal ati phuliya tasu ka sukh koi sant jaanai
shabd ki ghor chhun or tanh hote hai asim samundar ki sukh manai
kahae 'kabir' yo Dub sukh sidh mein janm aur maran ka bharm bhanai
What a wonderful lotus it is, that blooms at the heart of the spinning wheel of the universe! Only a few pure souls know of its true delight. Music is all around it, and there the heart partakes of the joy of the Infinite Sea.
Kabir says: Dive thou into that Ocean of sweetness: thus let all errors of life and of death flee away.
panch ki pyas tanh dekh puri bhai tin ki tap tanh lagai nahin
kahae 'kabir' yah aagam ka khel gaib ka chand na dekh manhin
janam-maran jahan tari parat hai hot aanand tanh gagan gajai
uThat jhanakar tanh nad anhad ghurai tiralok mahal ke prem bajai
Behold how the thirst of the five senses is quenched there! and the three forms of misery are no more!
Kabir says: It is the sport of the Unattainable One: look within, and behold how the
moon-beams of that Hidden One shine in you.
There falls the rhythmic beat of life and death:
Rapture wells forth, and all space is radiant with light.
There the Unstruck Music is sounded; it is the music of the love of the three worlds.
chand tapan koTi dip barat hai tur bajai tahan sant jhulai
pya jhanakar tanh nur barsat rahe ras piwai tanh bhakt jhulai
There millions of lamps of sun and of moon are burning;
There the drum beats, and the lover swings in play.
There love-songs resound, and light rains in showers; and the worshipper are entranced in the taste of the heavenly nectar.
janam-maran beach dekh antar nahi dachchh aur baam yun ek aahi
kahain 'kabir' ya sain gunga tai wed katteb ki gamm nahi
adhar aasan kiya aagam pyala piya jog ki mul jag juguti pai
panth bin jai chal sahar be-gam pure daya jagdew ki sahj aai
dhyan dhar dekhiya nain bin pokhiya aagam agadh sab kahat gai
sahar be-gamm pura गम्म ko na lahai hoai be-gamm jo gamm pawai
guna ki gamm na ajab bisram hai sain jo lakhai soi sain gawai
Look upon life and death; there is no separation between them.
The right hand and the left hand are one and the same.
Kabir says: There the wise man is speechless; for this truth may never be found in Vadas or in books.
I have had my Seat on the Self-poised One,
I have drunk of the Cup of the Ineffable,
I have found the Key of the Mystery,
I have reached the Root of Union.
Travelling by no track, I have come to the Sorrowless Land: very easily has the mercy of the great Lord come upon me.
They have sung of Him as infinite and unattainable: but I in my meditations have seen Him without sight.
That is indeed the sorrowless land, and none know the path that leads there:
Only he who is on that path has surely transcended all sorrow.
mukkh bani tiko swad kaise kahae swad pawai soi sukkh manai
kahae 'kabir' ya sain gunga tai hoai gunga joi sain jaanai
Wonderful is that land of rest, to which no merit can win; It is the wise who has seen it, it is the wise who has sung of it.
This is the Ultimate Word: but can any express its marvellous savour? He who has savoured it once, he knows what joy it can give.
Kabir says: Knowing it, the ignorant man becomes wise, and the wise man becomes speechless and silent.
chhakyan audhoot mastan mata rahai gyan wairag sudhi liya pura
swans-uswans ka prem pyala piya gagan garjai taha bajai tura
bin kar tantiya nad taga rahai jatan jarana liya sada khelai
kahae 'kabir' paran-paran sindh mein milawai param sukh dham tanh paran melai
The worshipper is utterly inebriated. His wisdom and his detachment are made perfect; He drinks from the cup of the inbreathings and the outbreathings of love.
There the whole sky is filled with sound, and there that music is made without fingers and without strings;
There the game of pleasure and pain does not cease.
Kabir says: If you merge your life in the Ocean of Life, you will find your life in the Supreme Land of Bliss.
aaThahu pahar matwali lagi rahai aaThahu pahar ki chhak piwai
aaThahu pahar mastan mata rahai braham ke deh main bhakt jiwai
sanch hi kahat aur sanch hi gahat hai kanch kun tyag kar sanch laga
kahain 'kabir' yun bhakt nirbhar hua janm aur marn ka bharm bhaga
gagan garjai tahan sada pawas jharai hot jhankar nit bajat tura
diwas aur rain tanh nek nahin pa۔iye prem parkas ke sindh mahi
sada aanand dukh-dard wyape nahin purna-nand bharpur dekha
dharm aur bharanti tanh nek nahin pa۔iye kahain 'kabir' ras ek pekha
khel brahmanD ka pinD mein dekhiya jagat ki bharamna dur bhagi
bahra-bhitara ek aakaswat ghariya mein adhar bharpur lagi
dekh didar mastan main hoai rahya sakal bharpur hai nura tera
gyan ka thaal aur prem dipak ahai adhar aasan kiya aagam Dera
kahain 'kabir' tanh bharm bhasai nahin janm aur maran ka miTa phera
What a frenzy of ecstasy there is in every hour! and the worshipper is pressing out and drinking the essence of the hours: he lives in the life of Brahma.
I speak truth, for I have accepted truth in life; I am now attached to truth, I have swept all tinsel away.
Kabir says: Thus is the worshipper set free from fear; thus have all errors of life and of death left him.
There the sky is filled with music: There it rains nectar:
There the harp-strings jingle, and there the drums beat.
What a secret splendour is there, in the mansion of the sky!
There no mention is made of the rising and the setting of the sun;
In the ocean of manifestation, which is the light of love, day and night are felt to be one.
Joy for ever, no sorrow,-no struggle!
There have I seen joy filled to the brim, perfection of joy;
No place for error is there.
Kabir says: There have I witnessed the sport of One Bliss!
I have known in my body the sport of the universe: I have escaped from the error of this world.
The inward and the outward are become as one sky, the Infinite and the finite are united: I am drunken with the sight of this All!
This Light of Thine fulfils the universe: the lamp of love that burns on the salver of knowledge.
Kabir says: There error cannot enter, and the conflict of life and death is felt no more.
- Book : Kabir Samagra (Pg. 759)
- Author :Kabeer
- Publication : Hindi Pracharak Publication PVT, Varanasi (2001)
- Edition : 5th
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