Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki's Photo'

क़ुतुबुद्दीन बख़्तियार काकी

1235 - 1187 | दिल्ली, भारत

ख़्वाजा मुईनुद्दीन चिशती के मुमताज़ मुरीद-ओ-ख़लीफ़ा और जानशीन

ख़्वाजा मुईनुद्दीन चिशती के मुमताज़ मुरीद-ओ-ख़लीफ़ा और जानशीन

क़ुतुबुद्दीन बख़्तियार काकी के सूफ़ी उद्धरण


श्रेणीबद्ध करें

Communion with God is conferred after the dervish has become alien to all else.

Communion with God is conferred after the dervish has become alien to all else.

The spiritual state of nearness of God is a sign of true saintliness. This ultimately results in the experience of love and longing for early union.

The spiritual state of nearness of God is a sign of true saintliness. This ultimately results in the experience of love and longing for early union.

Austerity in the life of dervish purifies the soul and brings him close to God.

Austerity in the life of dervish purifies the soul and brings him close to God.

One’s friendship with God consists in being satisfied with whatever comes from God and expresses his gratitude hundred thousand time that he was remembered by Him.

One’s friendship with God consists in being satisfied with whatever comes from God and expresses his gratitude hundred thousand time that he was remembered by Him.

The day when affliction does not befall, I conclude that this day God’s blessing has been taken away from me because a blessing on the path of God is nothing but a calamity that comes from the friend. Divine afflictions are necessary for the moral and spiritual progress of the soul.

The day when affliction does not befall, I conclude that this day God’s blessing has been taken away from me because a blessing on the path of God is nothing but a calamity that comes from the friend. Divine afflictions are necessary for the moral and spiritual progress of the soul.

After repentance, one should not restore his association with the friends he had been attached previously lest he should not indulge in sinful acts again. Nothing is more harmful for the human than the companionship of the sinful folk since it leaves deep injurious impact.

After repentance, one should not restore his association with the friends he had been attached previously lest he should not indulge in sinful acts again. Nothing is more harmful for the human than the companionship of the sinful folk since it leaves deep injurious impact.

Gnostic is that in whose inmost being thousands of mysteries are created and he may remain intoxicated. And in this state of condition if eighteen thousand worlds are put into his breast, he should still remain unaware of them.

Gnostic is that in whose inmost being thousands of mysteries are created and he may remain intoxicated. And in this state of condition if eighteen thousand worlds are put into his breast, he should still remain unaware of them.

Fear is a whip of God for the undisciplined devotee. When the fear of God enters into the heart, it turns the flask of the heart into pieces.

Fear is a whip of God for the undisciplined devotee. When the fear of God enters into the heart, it turns the flask of the heart into pieces.

Oath of allegiance (Bait) can be twice at the hand of a pir because if anyone revokes it or becomes doubtful, it can be renewed.

Oath of allegiance (Bait) can be twice at the hand of a pir because if anyone revokes it or becomes doubtful, it can be renewed.

The gnostic is he who is blessed with thousands of states moment after moment from the world of secrets and he is overwhelmed in his state of intoxication. Even if eighteen thousand worlds descend on his heart on such occasion, he will not be aware of their descent.

The gnostic is he who is blessed with thousands of states moment after moment from the world of secrets and he is overwhelmed in his state of intoxication. Even if eighteen thousand worlds descend on his heart on such occasion, he will not be aware of their descent.

He who claims of love with the Lord and when calamity befalls him, if he complains of it, he would not be considered as true lover of his friend; rather he is tier. Thus in the domain of friendship, whatever is sent by the friend, must be welcome.

He who claims of love with the Lord and when calamity befalls him, if he complains of it, he would not be considered as true lover of his friend; rather he is tier. Thus in the domain of friendship, whatever is sent by the friend, must be welcome.

The seekers on the path of God are a community who are overwhelmed in the ocean of love from head to nail of the foot.

The seekers on the path of God are a community who are overwhelmed in the ocean of love from head to nail of the foot.

How much the temporal world is disloyal and cunning! It is friend of everyone but not of dervish because they have abandoned ft and kept themselves distant from it.

How much the temporal world is disloyal and cunning! It is friend of everyone but not of dervish because they have abandoned ft and kept themselves distant from it.

The poor men (dervishes) are a community who consider sleep to be prohibited, becomes dumb when they utter anything, take straw and grass as their food and regard their association with the rest of mankind as a fatal viper so that they can reach the station of proximity to God.

The poor men (dervishes) are a community who consider sleep to be prohibited, becomes dumb when they utter anything, take straw and grass as their food and regard their association with the rest of mankind as a fatal viper so that they can reach the station of proximity to God.

The saint enjoys real attachment to God when he experiences states of contentment and satisfaction.

The saint enjoys real attachment to God when he experiences states of contentment and satisfaction.

The seeker’s real approach to God means his preoccupation with afflictions appearing on the way to Him. Tribulations in separation from God is to be treated as a boon granted by God to His elect.

The seeker’s real approach to God means his preoccupation with afflictions appearing on the way to Him. Tribulations in separation from God is to be treated as a boon granted by God to His elect.

Detachment from worldly things is the most essential qualification required for a true ‘dervish’. His separation from everything, including his own self is the only way for the realization of kinship with God.

Detachment from worldly things is the most essential qualification required for a true ‘dervish’. His separation from everything, including his own self is the only way for the realization of kinship with God.

Talking about supplication of Pir, he said: “There are two kinds of supplication (dua): one is noble and the other ignoble. But remember, one should never imprecate for other.

Talking about supplication of Pir, he said: “There are two kinds of supplication (dua): one is noble and the other ignoble. But remember, one should never imprecate for other.

Once he said to Farid: “There are such spiritualists on this way that they drink oceans of Divine mysteries, still they are unaware of what they have drunk. Rather implore for more.

Once he said to Farid: “There are such spiritualists on this way that they drink oceans of Divine mysteries, still they are unaware of what they have drunk. Rather implore for more.

Sometime auliya Allah unveil Divine mysteries, but they do it on account of their over-intoxicated state. But there are other consummate elect who never disclose arcane secrets of divinity.Thus it requires widest receptacle on Sufi path so that secrets of His divinity remain concealed.

Sometime auliya Allah unveil Divine mysteries, but they do it on account of their over-intoxicated state. But there are other consummate elect who never disclose arcane secrets of divinity.Thus it requires widest receptacle on Sufi path so that secrets of His divinity remain concealed.

The gnostic (arif) attains the station of passionate love of God so that he may experience Godhead or His pure Essence.

The gnostic (arif) attains the station of passionate love of God so that he may experience Godhead or His pure Essence.

