Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki's Photo'

क़ुतुबुद्दीन बख़्तियार काकी

1235 - 1187 | दिल्ली, भारत

ख़्वाजा मुईनुद्दीन चिशती के मुमताज़ मुरीद-ओ-ख़लीफ़ा और जानशीन

ख़्वाजा मुईनुद्दीन चिशती के मुमताज़ मुरीद-ओ-ख़लीफ़ा और जानशीन

क़ुतुबुद्दीन बख़्तियार काकी

सूफ़ी उद्धरण 21

Communion with God is conferred after the dervish has become alien to all else.

Communion with God is conferred after the dervish has become alien to all else.

  • शेयर कीजिए

The spiritual state of nearness of God is a sign of true saintliness. This ultimately results in the experience of love and longing for early union.

The spiritual state of nearness of God is a sign of true saintliness. This ultimately results in the experience of love and longing for early union.

  • शेयर कीजिए

He who claims of love with the Lord and when calamity befalls him, if he complains of it, he would not be considered as true lover of his friend; rather he is tier. Thus in the domain of friendship, whatever is sent by the friend, must be welcome.

He who claims of love with the Lord and when calamity befalls him, if he complains of it, he would not be considered as true lover of his friend; rather he is tier. Thus in the domain of friendship, whatever is sent by the friend, must be welcome.

  • शेयर कीजिए

Oath of allegiance (Bait) can be twice at the hand of a pir because if anyone revokes it or becomes doubtful, it can be renewed.

Oath of allegiance (Bait) can be twice at the hand of a pir because if anyone revokes it or becomes doubtful, it can be renewed.

  • शेयर कीजिए

The gnostic is he who is blessed with thousands of states moment after moment from the world of secrets and he is overwhelmed in his state of intoxication. Even if eighteen thousand worlds descend on his heart on such occasion, he will not be aware of their descent.

The gnostic is he who is blessed with thousands of states moment after moment from the world of secrets and he is overwhelmed in his state of intoxication. Even if eighteen thousand worlds descend on his heart on such occasion, he will not be aware of their descent.

  • शेयर कीजिए

मल्फ़ूज़ 7

संबंधित ब्लॉग


संबंधित लेखक

"दिल्ली" के और लेखक


