Shah Kamaal Qadri Kaithli's Photo'

شاہ کمال قادری کیتھلی

1489 - 1573 | کیتھل, بھارت

مقتدائے راہ تصوف ہیں، انہیں ’’سلبِ احوال‘‘ اور ’’لال ریال‘‘ کے القابات سے بھی یاد کیا جاتا ہے۔

مقتدائے راہ تصوف ہیں، انہیں ’’سلبِ احوال‘‘ اور ’’لال ریال‘‘ کے القابات سے بھی یاد کیا جاتا ہے۔

شاہ کمال قادری کیتھلی

صوفی اقوال 9

Mujadd-i-aif-i thani said: “When glory of the Mashaikh of Qadiriyya is revelaed to us, we don’t find any spiritualist of the highest elevated rank like Shah Kamal Qadiri after Ghause-e-Azam.” It reveals that his. sainthood and axial centrality (qutbiyyat) is the highest in the world of Islamic spirituality.

Mujadd-i-aif-i thani said: “When glory of the Mashaikh of Qadiriyya is revelaed to us, we don’t find any spiritualist of the highest elevated rank like Shah Kamal Qadiri after Ghause-e-Azam.” It reveals that his. sainthood and axial centrality (qutbiyyat) is the highest in the world of Islamic spirituality.

  • شیئر کیجیے

O Son listen carefully! Don't dwell with the sincere, nor with the ascetics, nor with the folk of Hereafter, nor with the worldlings. Rather nullify yourself; become ardent lover. Dwell with those who are annihilated and enraptured. Be dust and become of dust.

O Son listen carefully! Don't dwell with the sincere, nor with the ascetics, nor with the folk of Hereafter, nor with the worldlings. Rather nullify yourself; become ardent lover. Dwell with those who are annihilated and enraptured. Be dust and become of dust.

  • شیئر کیجیے

Once a governor named Ali Khan sent fifty rupees to him through Mullah Hussain. Shah Kamal refused to accept and said: “O Idiot! Don’t blacken your face by sending worldly wealth to dervish. Shun from such acts.” Ali Khan, later on apologised.

Once a governor named Ali Khan sent fifty rupees to him through Mullah Hussain. Shah Kamal refused to accept and said: “O Idiot! Don’t blacken your face by sending worldly wealth to dervish. Shun from such acts.” Ali Khan, later on apologised.

  • شیئر کیجیے

Once for three or four days Shah kamaal would come and go home with his head bowed down. A privy friend asked what was the reason?” He said: “In these days, Divine refulgence (tajjaliyyat) are descending so heavily on me that they have injured my head. That is why I walk with head bowed down.”

Once for three or four days Shah kamaal would come and go home with his head bowed down. A privy friend asked what was the reason?” He said: “In these days, Divine refulgence (tajjaliyyat) are descending so heavily on me that they have injured my head. That is why I walk with head bowed down.”

  • شیئر کیجیے

Shah Kamal wrote to Shaikh Abdul Ahad Kabali. O Dear! Dive into the sea of violent love. If tide of the sea throws you on the sea-shore, it is good and it is a great success. And if driven into the abyss of the sea, no one would criticise you nor shall we. If time is wasted while sitting at the sea-shore, you shall deserve dead fish. And if like driver dive into the depth of the sea, you shall be deserving radiant pearl.

Shah Kamal wrote to Shaikh Abdul Ahad Kabali. O Dear! Dive into the sea of violent love. If tide of the sea throws you on the sea-shore, it is good and it is a great success. And if driven into the abyss of the sea, no one would criticise you nor shall we. If time is wasted while sitting at the sea-shore, you shall deserve dead fish. And if like driver dive into the depth of the sea, you shall be deserving radiant pearl.

  • شیئر کیجیے

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