Imam Bakhsh Nasikh's Photo'

Imam Bakhsh Nasikh

1772 - 1838

Profile of Imam Bakhsh Nasikh

Pen Name : 'Nasikh'

Real Name : Imam Bakhsh

Born : 01 Apr 1772 | Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh

Died : 01 Aug 1838

Sheikh Imam Bakhsh was born on April 10, 1772 in Faizabad and grew up there. His father's name was Sheikh Khuda Bakhsh Lahore. Nasikh was quite fond of exercising.He did not get married. According to Muhammad Hussain Azad. "Nasikh had only three hobbies, eating, exercising and writing poetry, and he was mad for each of them." Muhammad Taqi, an Ameer of Faizabad, was fond of patronizing such Nasikh ones, so Muhammad Taqi summoned him and Nasikh came to Lucknow with him.A nobleman became attached to Mir Kazim Ali, who adopted Nasikh as his son. On his death, a considerable amount of wealth came into the hands of Nasikh. He settled in Lucknow and lived a leisurely life. Nasikh was not a regular disciple of anyone. He is considered one of the first poets of Lucknow and has written in most prominent genres of poetry. He has also written a Masnavi and has written many chronograms. He died on August 16, 1838 in Lucknow.

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