
इब्न-ए-अताउल्लाह स्कंदरी

1260 - 1309

इब्न-ए-अताउल्लाह स्कंदरी

सूफ़ी उद्धरण 90

Cling to the attributes of His Lordship and realize the attributes of your servanthood!

Cling to the attributes of His Lordship and realize the attributes of your servanthood!

  • शेयर कीजिए

How can it be conceived that something veils Him, since he is the One alongside of whom there is nothing?

How can it be conceived that something veils Him, since he is the One alongside of whom there is nothing?

  • शेयर कीजिए

Many a life is tong in years but meager in fruits, and many a life is short in years but rich in fruits.

Many a life is tong in years but meager in fruits, and many a life is short in years but rich in fruits.

  • शेयर कीजिए

No deed is more fruitful for the heart than the one you are not aware of and which is deemed paltry by you.

No deed is more fruitful for the heart than the one you are not aware of and which is deemed paltry by you.

  • शेयर कीजिए

Whoever is not thankful for graces runs the risk of losing them, and whoever is thankful fetters them with their own cords.

Whoever is not thankful for graces runs the risk of losing them, and whoever is thankful fetters them with their own cords.

  • शेयर कीजिए

