
ابو نصر سراج

- 988 | بغداد, عراق

ایران کے مشہور صوفی، فقیہ اور محدث، انہیں طاؤس الفقرا اور صاحبِ اللمع کہا جاتا ہے، آپ نے زہد و پارسائی میں بہت شہرت حاصل کی۔

ایران کے مشہور صوفی، فقیہ اور محدث، انہیں طاؤس الفقرا اور صاحبِ اللمع کہا جاتا ہے، آپ نے زہد و پارسائی میں بہت شہرت حاصل کی۔

ابو نصر سراج کے صوفی اقوال

Trust in God is “restricting concern for livelihood to one day and refraining from aspirations for the morrow.” Also condition of trust in God is what Abu Turab Nakhshabi has noted: “Casting down the body in worship, attaching the heart to His Lordship, and being serene as to sufficiency. If something is given, he is thankful, and if it is withheld, he is patient.

Trust in God is “restricting concern for livelihood to one day and refraining from aspirations for the morrow.” Also condition of trust in God is what Abu Turab Nakhshabi has noted: “Casting down the body in worship, attaching the heart to His Lordship, and being serene as to sufficiency. If something is given, he is thankful, and if it is withheld, he is patient.

Gnosis is of three kinds: The gnosis of acceptance, the gnosis of reality and the gnosis of contemplation. And in the gnosis of contemplation, understanding and learning and explanation and disputation fade away.

Gnosis is of three kinds: The gnosis of acceptance, the gnosis of reality and the gnosis of contemplation. And in the gnosis of contemplation, understanding and learning and explanation and disputation fade away.

God reveals the truth behind the language of the Quran to those whom He loves and who are true Sufis.

God reveals the truth behind the language of the Quran to those whom He loves and who are true Sufis.

Trust in God is the last station on the Divine Path for nothing remains to be attained through mystical efforts after having experienced spiritual satisfaction.

Trust in God is the last station on the Divine Path for nothing remains to be attained through mystical efforts after having experienced spiritual satisfaction.

Humanity is not destroyed from men any more than blackness is destroyed from that which is black or whiteness from that which is white but that inborn qualities of humanity are converted and transformed by the all-powerful Light that is shed upon them from the Divine Realities. Those who inculcate the doctrine of Fana’ mean the obliteration of one’s own deeds and works of devotion through the continuance of regarding God as the doer of those deeds on behalf of His devotee.

Humanity is not destroyed from men any more than blackness is destroyed from that which is black or whiteness from that which is white but that inborn qualities of humanity are converted and transformed by the all-powerful Light that is shed upon them from the Divine Realities. Those who inculcate the doctrine of Fana’ mean the obliteration of one’s own deeds and works of devotion through the continuance of regarding God as the doer of those deeds on behalf of His devotee.

Renunciation (Zuhd) is a noble station, and it is the basis of all spiritual progress. It is the first step on the way to God. Without renunciation one cannot hope to make progress in this respect.

Renunciation (Zuhd) is a noble station, and it is the basis of all spiritual progress. It is the first step on the way to God. Without renunciation one cannot hope to make progress in this respect.

Gnosis (Marifat) is fire and faith light; gnosis is ecstasy and faith a gift. He differentiates between the believer and gnostic saying that the believer sees by the light of God and the gnostic sees by means of God Himself, and the believer has a heart, but the gnostic has no heart.

Gnosis (Marifat) is fire and faith light; gnosis is ecstasy and faith a gift. He differentiates between the believer and gnostic saying that the believer sees by the light of God and the gnostic sees by means of God Himself, and the believer has a heart, but the gnostic has no heart.

He quotes a Sufi who said, “Lovers do not reach the height of true love until one says to the other, “O Thou who art I.”

He quotes a Sufi who said, “Lovers do not reach the height of true love until one says to the other, “O Thou who art I.”

