
अबू अली दक़्क़ाक़

- 1015 | निशापुर, ईरान

अबू अली दक़्क़ाक़

सूफ़ी उद्धरण 33

Fear is that you leave off making excuse with ‘it might possibly be...’ and it will be.’.

Fear is that you leave off making excuse with ‘it might possibly be...’ and it will be.’.

  • शेयर कीजिए

Generosity is not rich giving to the poor. Generosity is the poor giving to the rich.

Generosity is not rich giving to the poor. Generosity is the poor giving to the rich.

  • शेयर कीजिए

The murid is made to bear and the Murad is borne.

The murid is made to bear and the Murad is borne.

  • शेयर कीजिए

When the sinner weeps, he has started the exchange of communication with God the Glorious and Majestic.

When the sinner weeps, he has started the exchange of communication with God the Glorious and Majestic.

  • शेयर कीजिए

Whoever refrains from speaking the truth is mute devil.

Whoever refrains from speaking the truth is mute devil.

  • शेयर कीजिए

"निशापुर" के और शायर


