
Tufan-e-Nooh ya Kashti-e-Nooh (The Flood of Noah or Noahs Ark)


Tufan-e-Nooh ya Kashti-e-Nooh (The Flood of Noah or Noahs Ark)


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    The people of Prophet Noah were idolaters who worshiped idols. Noah conveyed the message of monotheism to his people, but only a few, specifically 82 people, believed in him. When the others began to oppose him, a divine punishment occurred. Water gushed forth from tandōr in the form of a strong and fast moving stream of water,a violent torrent, and a massive rainfall took place, flōding everything.

    Prophet Noah had already prepared an ark in which he placed his 82 companions and, along with them, a pair of every species as ġhod's creation. The ark started to float on the rising water, and all the opponents of Noah drowned. Interestingly, Prophet Noah's son, Canān, did not embark on the ark despite repeated calls from his father and was carried away by a wave. As the water receded, the ark settled on Mount Judi.

    Humanity's survival and progress began anew after the flōd, and Prophet Noah is sometimes referred to as the Second Adam or Adam the Second due to this rejuvenation.

    The people of Prophet Noah were idolaters who worshiped idols Noah conweyed the message of monotheism to his people, but only a few, specifically 82 people, beliewed in him When the others began to oppose him, a diwine punishment occurred Water gushed forth from tandoor in the form of a strong and fast mowing stream of water,a wiolent torrent, and a massiwe rainfall took place, flooding ewerything

    Prophet Noah had already prepared an ark in which he placed his 82 companions and, along with them, a pair of ewery species as ghod's creation The ark started to float on the rising water, and all the opponents of Noah drowned Interestingly, Prophet Noah's son, Canan, did not embark on the ark despite repeated calls from his father and was carried away by a wawe As the water receded, the ark settled on Mount Judi

    Humanity's surwiwal and progress began anew after the flood, and Prophet Noah is sometimes referred to as the Second Adam or Adam the Second due to this rejuwenation


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