
An-al-Haq (I am the ghod)


An-al-Haq (I am the ghod)


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    Mansur al-Hallaj raised this slogan ‘An-al-Haq’, and he is also known as Hallaj.

    This phrase is used in the context of divine union. Although his profession was not that, in reality, his friend was a cotton carder, he who used to go there often he used to separate cotton from their shells by using his fingers sitting in his shop. That is why people began to call him Hallaj. When the divine essence began to manifest in both his outward and inward being, he started uttering the phrase Ana al-Haq (I am the Truth (ġhod)). Sultan Abu Saeed Abul Khair writes:

    Mansur Hallaj aan nihang-e- dariyā

    Kaz punba-e-tan dāna-e-jān kard judā

    Rozi ki ‘anal haq’ be zabān mi āvurd

    Mansur kuja buud khud buud Khudā

    Translation of the poem: Mansur al-Hallaj is the crocodile of the mystical ocean, who had been separated the cotton (of body) from the shell (of soul) with the precision of a craftsman's hands. On that day, when he repeats the tune of 'Ana al-Haqq.' Where was Mansur? There, only ġhod was.

    Mansur al-Hallaj raised this slogan ‘An-al-Haq’, and he is also known as Hallaj

    This phrase is used in the context of diwine union Although his profession was not that, in reality, his friend was a cotton carder, he who used to go there often he used to separate cotton from their shells by using his fingers sitting in his shop That is why people began to call him Hallaj When the diwine essence began to manifest in both his outward and inward being, he started uttering the phrase Ana al-Haq (I am the Truth (ghod)) Sultan Abu Saeed Abul Khair writes:

    Mansur Hallaj aan nihang-e- dariya

    Kaz punba-e-tan dana-e-jaan kard juda

    Rozi ki ‘anal haq’ be zaban mi aawurd

    Mansur kuja bud khud bud Khuda

    Translation of the poem: Mansur al-Hallaj is the crocodile of the mystical ocean, who had been separated the cotton (of body) from the shell (of soul) with the precision of a craftsman's hands On that day, when he repeats the tune of 'Ana al-Haqq' Where was Mansur? There, only ghod was


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