
is mamta ne pau chaale

Jetaram Das

is mamta ne pau chaale

Jetaram Das

MORE BYJetaram Das

    is mamtā ne paa.u chāle

    ghar ghar laay bham ke taale

    iske beTe Dimb aur maan qadī kareñ sāheb dhyān

    jhūTh kapaT lampat parivār sab bo diye yapiv vikār

    dekhat sab mar mar jaay to bhī mamtā chhūTat naath

    ghīsā satguru kare nirvāle kaal jaal mahāre sab Taale

    jinke satguru hue sahāy ‘jītādās’ kuuñ liyā chhuTay

    is mamta ne pau chaale

    ghar ghar lay bham ke tale

    iske beTe Dimb aur man qadi na karen saheb ka dhyan

    jhuTh kapaT lampat pariwar sab hi bo diye yapiw wikar

    dekhat sab hi mar mar jay to bhi mamta chhuTat nath

    ghisa satguru kare nirwale kal jal mahaare sab hi Tale

    jinke satguru hue sahay ‘jitadas’ kun liya chhuTay


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