
’umrat ta-kai ba-KHud-parasti guzrad

Omar Khayyam

’umrat ta-kai ba-KHud-parasti guzrad

Omar Khayyam

MORE BYOmar Khayyam

    ’umrat tā-kai ba-ḳhud-parastī guzrad

    dar pai-e-nestī-o-hastī guzrad

    mai ḳhur ki chunīñ umr ki ġham dar pai-e-ūst

    aañ beh ki ba-ḳhvāb ba-mastī guzrad

    How long thy life will pass in self-worship, or thou wilt spend it in arguments about existence and non-existence? Rather take a draught of wine for it is better that this sorrow stricken life be spent either in inebriation or in forgetful sleep.

    ’umrat ta-kai ba-KHud-parasti guzrad

    ya dar pai-e-nesti-o-hasti guzrad

    mai KHur ki chunin umr ki gham dar pai-e-ust

    aan beh ki ba-KHwab ya ba-masti guzrad

    How long thy life will pass in self-worship, or thou wilt spend it in arguments about existence and non-existence? Rather take a draught of wine for it is better that this sorrow stricken life be spent either in inebriation or in forgetful sleep.

    Source :
    • Book : RUBAIYAT-I-OMAR KHAYYAM (Pg. 51)
    • Author : A. C. Bose
    • Edition : First

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