
Syed Fazaluddin Gilani Batalavi

Sufi Quotes of Syed Fazaluddin Gilani Batalavi


If anyone asks a Shaikh, ‘I am your disciple’, and the Shaikh refuses to accept, that disciple will be considered his disciple (mureed) for discipleship is act and he stands firmly on it. On the other hand if a Shaikh declares anyone his disciple, but the latter refuses, he will not be considered his disciple for he denies his own act.

If anyone asks a Shaikh, ‘I am your disciple’, and the Shaikh refuses to accept, that disciple will be considered his disciple (mureed) for discipleship is act and he stands firmly on it. On the other hand if a Shaikh declares anyone his disciple, but the latter refuses, he will not be considered his disciple for he denies his own act.

The Divine mysteries which are revealed to me, more often descended on me after chanting litanies (awrad) and recitation of the holy Quran. Sometimes these were also revealed to me during obligatory prayers. And there are a few which were revealed in some other times. But all were bestowed unto me in rapturous state.

The Divine mysteries which are revealed to me, more often descended on me after chanting litanies (awrad) and recitation of the holy Quran. Sometimes these were also revealed to me during obligatory prayers. And there are a few which were revealed in some other times. But all were bestowed unto me in rapturous state.

The temporal world is like 4 beautiful serpent, a big calamity.

The temporal world is like 4 beautiful serpent, a big calamity.

It is indispensable for the Shaikh to be aware of the inner state of his disciple every moment and nothing should be out of his knowledge. And if the disciple claims something marvellous of his Shaikh, he should reach to help him instantly.

It is indispensable for the Shaikh to be aware of the inner state of his disciple every moment and nothing should be out of his knowledge. And if the disciple claims something marvellous of his Shaikh, he should reach to help him instantly.

The disciple (mureed) should leave aside all of his volitions and be attached to his Shaikh like a suckling child. It is essential that he should be before his Shaikh like a servant before God. He should firmly believe that no one in the world is like of his Shaikh.

The disciple (mureed) should leave aside all of his volitions and be attached to his Shaikh like a suckling child. It is essential that he should be before his Shaikh like a servant before God. He should firmly believe that no one in the world is like of his Shaikh.

Whatever I write, all pertain to the oceans of knowledge of the great Shaikh i,e. Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani, but I write only that which is allowed to me to expose,

Whatever I write, all pertain to the oceans of knowledge of the great Shaikh i,e. Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani, but I write only that which is allowed to me to expose,

The object before the disciple (mureed) must not be anything except the Shaikh, may it be even Kaaba.

The object before the disciple (mureed) must not be anything except the Shaikh, may it be even Kaaba.

We believe that karmat of auliya Allah are true in their worldly life and after death. These are wrought even after their departure to celestial abode. These are never ceased. Those who deny them might invite wrath of God. May God save us.

We believe that karmat of auliya Allah are true in their worldly life and after death. These are wrought even after their departure to celestial abode. These are never ceased. Those who deny them might invite wrath of God. May God save us.

There are many ways of Divine love. The easiest one is the love of one’s own Shaikh which causes love of God Most High. This is why it is said: “Love of God is love of the Shaikh.”

There are many ways of Divine love. The easiest one is the love of one’s own Shaikh which causes love of God Most High. This is why it is said: “Love of God is love of the Shaikh.”

Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani honoured me with special conferment and gave me gift from the treasure of his gifts (marifat).

Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani honoured me with special conferment and gave me gift from the treasure of his gifts (marifat).

O the lustful! You claim to be in love with Allah, the Glorious and His Apostle but your eyes, ears and tongue are busy in the love others. This is stupidity, avidity and vainglory. You must shun them. You should be ashamed of false claim. It is incumbent on you not to see anyone except the Beloved.

O the lustful! You claim to be in love with Allah, the Glorious and His Apostle but your eyes, ears and tongue are busy in the love others. This is stupidity, avidity and vainglory. You must shun them. You should be ashamed of false claim. It is incumbent on you not to see anyone except the Beloved.

Know that doors of Divine knowledge were opened to me to such an extent that if I happen to get life as long as that of Noah and attempt to explain esoteric knowledge hidden beneath the word ‘yasin’ throughout my life, still I won't be able to complete its exegesis.

Know that doors of Divine knowledge were opened to me to such an extent that if I happen to get life as long as that of Noah and attempt to explain esoteric knowledge hidden beneath the word ‘yasin’ throughout my life, still I won't be able to complete its exegesis.

Sin can be committed by a saint but the lesson implied in such on act is hidden in it.

Sin can be committed by a saint but the lesson implied in such on act is hidden in it.


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