
Syed Ehtisham Husain

1912 - 1972

One of the most prominent literary critics associated with Progressive Movement.

One of the most prominent literary critics associated with Progressive Movement.

Profile of Syed Ehtisham Husain

Pen Name : 'Ehtisham'

Real Name : Syed Ehtisham Husain Rizvi

Born : 21 Apr 1912

Died : 01 Dec 1972

Syed Ehtesham Rizvi was an all-rounder of literature. He was not just a poet, but a critic and a translator too. He was born on 21 April 1912 in Azamgarh. According to his family customs, he completed his elementary education at maktab. His English education began at Aligarh. He passed every exam with flying colors. After intermediate, he came to Allahabad and was a university-level topper in M.A. He was Chairman of the urdu Deptt of Allahabad University. He died on 1st December 1972 in Allahabad. Urdu Adab Ki Tanqeedi Taarekh, Urdu Lisaaniyat Ka Khaka, Tanqeedi Jayzey, Tanqeedi Nazriyat, Tanqeed Aur Amal-E-Tanqeed, Riwayat Aur Baghawat, Roshni Ke Dareechey, Hindustani Lisaniyaat Ka Khaka and Adab Aur Samaaj are the titles of his published work.

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