Rahim's Photo'


1553 - 1626 | Agra, India

A fine poet of Persian who was equally adept at Sanskrit language, poetry, and astrology.

A fine poet of Persian who was equally adept at Sanskrit language, poetry, and astrology.

Profile of Rahim

Pen Name : 'Rahim'

Real Name : Abdul Rahim Khan-e-Khana

Born : 01 Dec 1553 | Lahore, Punjab

Died : 01 Oct 1626 | Uttar Pradesh, India

The son of Mughal Sardar Bairam Khan Khan-e-Khana (patron of Akbar), Rahim was a general and a minister during Akbar's time. He was a scholar and a great poet. He also had deep knowledge of Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian languages. During the reign of Akbar, his giving nature was quite famous. During Jahangir’s rule, he was accused of cheating in the war and was also arrested. Among his poetic texts - Rahim Dohavali, Satsai, Barwai Nayika Bhed, Shringar-Sorath, Madanashtak and Ras Panchadhyayi are famous. Rahim had equal mastery over both Braj and Awadhi language. It is said that Tulsi wrote his Barwai Ramayana only after Rahim's suggestion, seeing his Barwai Nayika Bhed.

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