
Nikhat Sahsawani

1871 - 1952 | Bhopal, India

Profile of Nikhat Sahsawani

Pen Name : 'Niakhat'

Real Name : Shakir Hussain

Born : 01 Jun 1871 | Rampur, Uttar Pradesh

Died : 01 Sep 1952 | Sahaswan, Uttar Pradesh, India

Born as Shakir Hussain on June 29, 1871 in Rampur, Nikhat’s father's name was Munshi Sabir Hussain Saba Sahswani. At the age of about nine, he moved with his father from Rampur to Bhopal. Nikhat's education began in Ramhor and he also received his early education there. In Bhopal, he got the opportunity to benefit from the eminent scholars of his time.He had the opportunity to benefit from teachers like Maulana Umar Welayati, Maulana Muhammad Bashir Muhaddis Sahswani and Maulana Sheikh Arab. He was employed in the state of Bhopal.. About twenty years later, he returned to Sahswan and spent the rest of his life there. Nikhat inherited a taste for poetry. Apart from well-known and respected poets like father Saba Sahswani and Uncle Grami Taslim Sahswani, almost all the members of the family were considered as good poets of their time. Growing up in this poetic environment, Nikh'hat Sehswani also started reciting poetry.He got the correction of Persian poetry from his uncle Taslim Sehswani and the correction of Urdu poetry from Jamil Sehswani. Apart from ghazals, he has left behind a large poetic asset consisting of hymns, naats, manqabats, qasidas, chronograms, etc.In his later years, he almost gave up poetry, and would rarely recite one two ghazals in Persian or Urdu. Nikh'hat also wrote good prose. His countless articles on literary subjects were published in newspapers and magazines. His Kulliyat was published in book form in 1930 under the name Khairul Kalaam. He died on September 23, 1952 at the age of about 81 and was buried in Sahswan.

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