Naseeruddin Charagh-e-Dehli's Photo'

Naseeruddin Charagh-e-Dehli

1274 - 1337 | Delhi, India

Sufi Quotes of Naseeruddin Charagh-e-Dehli

No human effort can succeed if it is guided by the nafs (the lower and the material self). Those who deliver sermons and invite others to path of rectitude and trust should be absolutely selfless. One who takes to preaching, his aim should be neither money nor fame but God alone. This alone can enhance the effectiveness of his activity.

No human effort can succeed if it is guided by the nafs (the lower and the material self). Those who deliver sermons and invite others to path of rectitude and trust should be absolutely selfless. One who takes to preaching, his aim should be neither money nor fame but God alone. This alone can enhance the effectiveness of his activity.

The Shaikh advised his followers to subject material ego (nafs) to self mortification. They were to eat less, sleep less and avoid company. They could engage themselves in anything they liked but had to keep their hearts busy in zikr (praise of God).

The Shaikh advised his followers to subject material ego (nafs) to self mortification. They were to eat less, sleep less and avoid company. They could engage themselves in anything they liked but had to keep their hearts busy in zikr (praise of God).

A mystic should not behave as if he is somebody different and distinct from others. Apart from breeding an obnoxious sense of superiority, it creates a gulf between him and the people in general. He should mix with people of different temperaments and profession and behave as if he is one of them.

A mystic should not behave as if he is somebody different and distinct from others. Apart from breeding an obnoxious sense of superiority, it creates a gulf between him and the people in general. He should mix with people of different temperaments and profession and behave as if he is one of them.

One should earn his livelihood through strictly honest means.Those in business should be honest in their dealings and should never try to earn profit by uttering ties. Black-marketing and profiteering lead to ruin. If a man holds anything in trust, he should be absolutely honest in discharging his obligations. Livelihood honestly earned ensured happiness, satisfaction and goodwill. He used to say: “Morsel earned through effort is a good morsel.”

One should earn his livelihood through strictly honest means.Those in business should be honest in their dealings and should never try to earn profit by uttering ties. Black-marketing and profiteering lead to ruin. If a man holds anything in trust, he should be absolutely honest in discharging his obligations. Livelihood honestly earned ensured happiness, satisfaction and goodwill. He used to say: “Morsel earned through effort is a good morsel.”

جس قدر سالک کو معرفتِ خدائے تعالیٰ حاصل ہوتی ہے، اسی قدر تعلقات کم ہوتے جاتے ہیں۔

طلبِ دنیا میں اگر نیت خیر کی ہو تو وہ فی الحقیقت طلبِ آخرت ہے۔

تمام کاموں میں نیت خالص درکار ہے۔

درویش کو چاہئے کہ اگر اس پر فاقہ گزرے تب بھی اپنی حاجت غیر سے نہ کہے۔


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