
Muzaffar Balkhi

- 1368 | Bihar Sharif, India

Profile of Muzaffar Balkhi

Pen Name : 'Muzaffar'

Real Name : Muzaffaruddin

Born :Balkh

Died : Iran

Maulana Muzaffar Balkhi was the eldest son of Hazrat Shams Balkhi Ibn Ali Balkhi. He is one of the descendants of Hazrat Ibrahim bin Adham Balkhi. It is said that he left the royal life and came to India and reached Bihar Sharif on foot where Hazrat Makhdoom-e-Jaha'n Sheikh Sharafuddin Ahmed Yahya Maneri's Khanqah was at the height of its fame. Muzaffar Balkhi took his tutelage and performed Riyazat and Mujahada. He used to serve the poor and darveshes living in the Khanqah and manage the kitchen. He even cut wood from the forest for the kitchen. Hazrat Makhdoo-e-Jaha'n had fallen in love with him and the matter had escalated to a stage that Amir Khusrau has described as "Man tu Shudam Tu Man Shudi". Something similar happened between Hazrat Makhdoom-e-Jaha'n and Muzaffar Balkhi. Loving phrases like "Tan Sharafuddin Jaa'n Muzaffar, Jaa'n Sharafuddin Tan Muzaffar, Sharafuddin Muzaffar, Muzaffar Sharafuddin" were uttered by Makhdoom-e-Jaha'n. He was the most successful and authoritative scholar of his time. Makhdoom-e-Jaha'n's disciple and authority, Muzaffar Balkhi was elected the first Sajjada Nashin of the Great Khanqah in 782 AH. After the demise of Hazrat Makhdoom, he spent the last days of his life in Mecca, Medina, and Aden. He passed away in 3 Ramadan 788 AH. He was followed by his nephew Hazrat Makhdoom Hussain Balkhi, who later became the Sajjada Nashin. Muzaffar Balkhi was second to none in the field of knowledge. His collection of letters, Risala Hidayat Darwesh, Sharh-e-Aqaed-e-Nasfi, Sharh-e-Mashariq-ul-Anwaar, and his Persian Kulliyat exemplify his unparalleled knowledge. He has also tried his hand at Hindi.

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