
Maroof Shah Warsi

- 1926 | Barabanki, India

Profile of Maroof Shah Warsi

Pen Name : 'Maruf'

Real Name : Maroof Warsi

Born :Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh

Died : 01 Sep 1926 | Uttar Pradesh, India

Haji Syed Ma'roof Shah Warsi Dewa Sharif was a resident of Barabanki District. He belonged to a well-to-do family. He pledged allegiance from Haji Waris Ali Shah and took an Ihram. His forefathers came to India with the army of Mahmood Ghaznavi and were the beacons of the Kirmani family. His chain of allegiance is widespread. He died on 11th Rabi-ul-Awwal 1342 AH on 10th September 19226 in Dewa Sharif and was buried there.

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