Ghaus Gwaliori's Photo'

Ghaus Gwaliori

1500 - 1562 | Gwalior, India

Profile of Ghaus Gwaliori

Pen Name : 'Ghous'

Real Name : Muhammad Ghaus

Born :Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Died : Madhya Pradesh, India

Sheikh Mohammad Ghaus Gwaliori's lineage goes back to Khawaja Farid-ud-Din Attar. He was one of the late saints and great leaders of the Indian subcontinent. His lineage goes back to the caliph of Haji Hameed Hazrat Qazan Shah. His grandfather was one of the Sadats of Neshapur. He came to India from Neshapur and settled here. Sheikh Ghaus Gwalior is considered one of the greatest Sufis of the Shatari lineage. He not only promoted the Shatari sect of Sufism but also made it a prominent one. Sheikh Muhammad Ghaus Gwaliori was a great writer. Jawahar-e-Khamsa and Bahr-e-Hayat are his famous works. He died in 15 Ramadan 970 AH. His shrine is in Gwalior.

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