
Ameen Gujrati

Profile of Ameen Gujrati

Pen Name : 'Ameen'

Real Name : Muhmmad Ameen

Muhammad Amin, popularly known as Amin Gujarati, was a resident of Godhra (Gujarat). An intimate acquaintance of Aurangzeb, he wrote 4 prolific Masnavis- (1) Tavalludanama, (2) Vafatnama, (3) Merajnama and (4) Yusuf Zulekha. His Masnavi Yusuf-Zulekha (1697 AD), is important from the perspective of both language and literature. He has presented famous love stories of Persian literature in Gujari language. His language is decorated and idiomatic. On one side there are words like Gul, Bulbul, Shama, Parwana and on the other side there are native words like Chander, Kanwal, Raina, Nirmal, Virah. The influence of Gujarat words abounds is works, like Jhad (tree), Dungar (mountain), thirty-two (dental row). Along with language he also had a great command over the prosody.

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