
Abul Hasan Hankari

1017 - 1093 | Mosul, Iraq

Sufi Quotes of Abul Hasan Hankari


The two rarest things in our time are a learned man who Practices what he knows and a gnostic who speaks from the reality of his state.

The two rarest things in our time are a learned man who Practices what he knows and a gnostic who speaks from the reality of his state.

The Sufi knows God through God; he eats; drinks, sleeps, and loves through Him.

The Sufi knows God through God; he eats; drinks, sleeps, and loves through Him.

Sufism is liberty so that a man is freed from the bonds of desire, and generosity, and abandonment of useless trouble and munificence.

Sufism is liberty so that a man is freed from the bonds of desire, and generosity, and abandonment of useless trouble and munificence.

Union with God is separation from all else, and separation from all else is union with Him.

Union with God is separation from all else, and separation from all else is union with Him.

The mark of the poor one is contentedness when he has nothing and generosity when he has plenty.

The mark of the poor one is contentedness when he has nothing and generosity when he has plenty.

Sufism is to leave all pleasures of the lower soul.

Sufism is to leave all pleasures of the lower soul.

Tasawwuf is not a system composed of rules or sciences, but it is morals. This is so because if it were a rule, it could be made one’s own by strenuous exertion and if it were a science, it could be acquired by instruction. On the contrary, it is moral form yourselves on the mortal rature of God; and it is impossible to come forth to the mora! nature of God either by means of rules or by means of science.

Tasawwuf is not a system composed of rules or sciences, but it is morals. This is so because if it were a rule, it could be made one’s own by strenuous exertion and if it were a science, it could be acquired by instruction. On the contrary, it is moral form yourselves on the mortal rature of God; and it is impossible to come forth to the mora! nature of God either by means of rules or by means of science.

There are some saints in the world who, if deprived of the company of the Lord even for a moment, would die. These saints eat with Him, steep with Him. ask of Him, converse with Him and are with Him.

There are some saints in the world who, if deprived of the company of the Lord even for a moment, would die. These saints eat with Him, steep with Him. ask of Him, converse with Him and are with Him.

Ecstasy and music were part of his mystical life. For him love is to rend the veils and unveil the secrets.

Ecstasy and music were part of his mystical life. For him love is to rend the veils and unveil the secrets.

When God created reason, He said to it: “Who am 1?” and it was silent. Then he shed upon it the Light of His unicity (Wahdaniya) and it said: “Thou art God’; and it is not for reason to know God except by God.”

When God created reason, He said to it: “Who am 1?” and it was silent. Then he shed upon it the Light of His unicity (Wahdaniya) and it said: “Thou art God’; and it is not for reason to know God except by God.”

The true faqir does not think of secondary causes but rests all the time in trust of God. (Tawakkul)

The true faqir does not think of secondary causes but rests all the time in trust of God. (Tawakkul)

Rational knowledge can never disclose the secrets of divinity because reason is a veil between the knower and the known Thus al-Haq remains hidden to the philosopher.

Rational knowledge can never disclose the secrets of divinity because reason is a veil between the knower and the known Thus al-Haq remains hidden to the philosopher.

The patched frocks used to cover pearls, have turned today into dunghills over corpses.

The patched frocks used to cover pearls, have turned today into dunghills over corpses.

Sufism consists not of forms and sciences but of Akhlaaq, good qualities.

Sufism consists not of forms and sciences but of Akhlaaq, good qualities.

Those who regard things as determined by God turn to God in everything.

Those who regard things as determined by God turn to God in everything.

I looked into the light until I became myself that light.

I looked into the light until I became myself that light.

Qualify yourselves with God’s qualities, i.e., substitute for each of our lowly qualities as praiseworthy one.

Qualify yourselves with God’s qualities, i.e., substitute for each of our lowly qualities as praiseworthy one.

The intellect is weak, and that which is weak only guides to what is weak like itself.

The intellect is weak, and that which is weak only guides to what is weak like itself.

Poverty is to keep quite when nothing is available, and Ithar, preferring others when something is found, i.e., the true faqir will always give from his meager Possessions or food to others.

Poverty is to keep quite when nothing is available, and Ithar, preferring others when something is found, i.e., the true faqir will always give from his meager Possessions or food to others.

It is only the soul’s contemplation (Mushahada) of God which reveals Divine mysteries, and the true knowledge of God is experienced.

It is only the soul’s contemplation (Mushahada) of God which reveals Divine mysteries, and the true knowledge of God is experienced.

The Sufis are they whose souls have becomes free from the defilements of humanity and pure from the taint of the self and have obtained release from lust so that they are at rest with God in the first rank and in the highest degree, and having fled from all besides Him, they are neither masters nor slaves.

The Sufis are they whose souls have becomes free from the defilements of humanity and pure from the taint of the self and have obtained release from lust so that they are at rest with God in the first rank and in the highest degree, and having fled from all besides Him, they are neither masters nor slaves.

A disciple is one who, if the wealth of the world was offered to him, will not cast a glance at it.

A disciple is one who, if the wealth of the world was offered to him, will not cast a glance at it.

A Sufi is one who is fettered by noting nor holds anything in bondage. Sufism is neither a formal doctrine nor mere mundane knowledge. If it were a ceremony, it would need some practice, and if it were learning, it would need some coaching. It is really something natural with one (Akhlaaq).

A Sufi is one who is fettered by noting nor holds anything in bondage. Sufism is neither a formal doctrine nor mere mundane knowledge. If it were a ceremony, it would need some practice, and if it were learning, it would need some coaching. It is really something natural with one (Akhlaaq).

Ecstasy is flame which springs up in the secret-heart and appears out of longing, and at that visitation the members are stirred either to joy or grief. Someone else said: “Ecstasy is the glad tidings sent by God of the mystic’s promotions to the stations of His contemplation.”

Ecstasy is flame which springs up in the secret-heart and appears out of longing, and at that visitation the members are stirred either to joy or grief. Someone else said: “Ecstasy is the glad tidings sent by God of the mystic’s promotions to the stations of His contemplation.”

In ecstasy the lover of God annihilates his self and gains true knowledge of God.

In ecstasy the lover of God annihilates his self and gains true knowledge of God.

Union is the revelation of the heart and the contemplation of the conscience.

Union is the revelation of the heart and the contemplation of the conscience.

The real proximity to God is enjoyed by the seeker at the stage of Pure Love. Here the secret communion between the lover and the Beloved takes place and the heart of the lover sees the vision of the Beloved.

The real proximity to God is enjoyed by the seeker at the stage of Pure Love. Here the secret communion between the lover and the Beloved takes place and the heart of the lover sees the vision of the Beloved.

Heart is a garden, it is either fertilized or destroyed by the divine rain, the rain of His grace or the rain of His wrath. The first one is revealed by thunders of majesty in the hearts of those who repent, by the lightning of desire in the hearts of the ascetics, by the showers of generosity in the hearts of the lovers, and by the breeze of appeasement in the hearts of the Gnostics.

Heart is a garden, it is either fertilized or destroyed by the divine rain, the rain of His grace or the rain of His wrath. The first one is revealed by thunders of majesty in the hearts of those who repent, by the lightning of desire in the hearts of the ascetics, by the showers of generosity in the hearts of the lovers, and by the breeze of appeasement in the hearts of the Gnostics.

Repentance is that you turn away from everything other than God.

Repentance is that you turn away from everything other than God.

This place (world) is for serving the Lord and attainting to union with Him.

This place (world) is for serving the Lord and attainting to union with Him.


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