
manam az baada-e-hubb-e-ali sarshaar mi-raqsam

Abdul Hadi Kavish

manam az baada-e-hubb-e-ali sarshaar mi-raqsam

Abdul Hadi Kavish

MORE BYAbdul Hadi Kavish

    manam az bāda-e-hubb-e-alī sarshār mī-raqsam

    jahāñ hairāñ ki man bā-jubba-o-dastār mī-raqsam

    I am dancing in a state of ecstasy, intoxicated by the love of Hazrat Ali. The world is amazed that I am dancing in the realm with a jubba (robe) and dastar (turban).

    namī-dānam quyūd-e-dīn-o-īmāñ maz.hab-o-millat

    shahīd-e-nāz man hastam ba-pesh-e-yār mī-raqsam

    I am unaware of the restrictions of religion, faith, creed, and community, for I am completely enthralled by the beloved's grace and style, dancing before my beloved.

    namī-ḳhvāham qusūr-o-hūr-o-ġhilmāñ ne.amat-o-jannat

    fidā kardam dilam bar haidar-e-karrār mī-raqsam

    I do not desire the palaces of paradise, the houris and attendants, for I am in a state of dancing, having surrendered my heart to Hazrat Ali.

    ba-har-lahza sarāpā āfat-e-jāñ hast pesh-e-man

    ba-zaḳhm-e-ḳhūñ-chakāñ ḳhud ba-rsar-e-bāzār mī-raqsam

    Every danger to my life is right in front of me. I am bathed in the blood of my wounds, and I am dancing with my head held high in the marketplace.

    che mastī be-ḳhudī yābam ze-chashm-e-mast-e-tū saaqī

    zamāna ze-e-pā-e-man va man sarshār mī-raqsam

    I am lost in ecstasy, the world is beneath my feet, and I am dancing in exuberance. Oh, cupbearer, what intoxication and delight in your intoxicated gaze.

    nihāda bar gulū aañ ḳhanjar-e-nāz-o-adā 'kāvish'

    manam naaz zer-e-ḳhanjar-e-ḳhūñ-ḳhvār mī-raqsam

    The dagger around my neck is the pride of her grace and style, and proudly, I am in a state of dancing under the dagger's edge.

    manam az baada-e-hubb-e-ali sarshaar mi-raqsam

    jahan hairan ki man ba-jubba-o-dastar mi-raqsam

    I am dancing in a state of ecstasy, intoxicated by the love of Hazrat Ali. The world is amazed that I am dancing in the realm with a jubba (robe) and dastar (turban).

    nami-danam quyud-e-din-o-iman mazhab-o-millat

    shahid-e-naz man hastam ba-pesh-e-yar mi-raqsam

    I am unaware of the restrictions of religion, faith, creed, and community, for I am completely enthralled by the beloved's grace and style, dancing before my beloved.

    nami-KHwaham qusur-o-hur-o-ghilman neamat-o-jannat

    fida kardam dilam bar haidar-e-karrar mi-raqsam

    I do not desire the palaces of paradise, the houris and attendants, for I am in a state of dancing, having surrendered my heart to Hazrat Ali.

    ba-har-lahza sarapa aafat-e-jaan hast pesh-e-man

    ba-zaKHm-e-KHun-chakan KHud ba-rsar-e-bazar mi-raqsam

    Every danger to my life is right in front of me. I am bathed in the blood of my wounds, and I am dancing with my head held high in the marketplace.

    che masti be-KHudi yabam ze-chashm-e-mast-e-tu saqi

    zamana ze-e-pa-e-man wa man sarshaar mi-raqsam

    I am lost in ecstasy, the world is beneath my feet, and I am dancing in exuberance. Oh, cupbearer, what intoxication and delight in your intoxicated gaze.

    nihada bar gulu aan KHanjar-e-naz-o-ada 'kawish'

    manam ba naz zer-e-KHanjar-e-KHun-KHwar mi-raqsam

    The dagger around my neck is the pride of her grace and style, and proudly, I am in a state of dancing under the dagger's edge.


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