
agar tu aashiq-e-ishqi-o-ishq ra juya


agar tu aashiq-e-ishqi-o-ishq ra juya



    agar āshiq-e-ishqī-o-ishq juuyā

    ba-gīr ḳhanjar-e-tez-o-ba-bur gulū-e-hayā

    If thou art Love’s lover and seekest love,

    Take a keen poniard and cut the throat of bashfulness.

    badāñk sadd-e-azīm ast dar ravish-e-nāmūs

    hadīs-e-be-ġharaz ast iiñ qabūl kun bā-safā

    Know that reputation is a great hindrance in the path;

    This saying is disinterested: receive it with pure mind.

    hazār guuna junūñ az che kard aañ majnūñ

    hazār shaid bar āvurd aañ gazīñ shaidā

    Wherefore did that madman in a thousand forms,

    That chosen wild one display a thousand wiles?

    gahe qabāsh ba-darīd va gahe ba-koh davīd

    gahe ze-zahr chashīd va gahe guzīd fanā

    Now he rent robe, and now sped o’er mountain,

    Now sipped poison, now chose death.

    chū ankabūt chunīñ said-hā-e-zaft giraft

    ba-bīñ ki che kunad dāman-e-rabbī-al-a.alā

    Since the spider seized prey so large,

    Behold what the snare of My Lord the Supreme will do!

    chū ishq-e-chehra-e-lailā hamī badāñ arzīd

    che guuna bāshad asrā be-abdehī-laila

    Since the love of Laila’s face had such value,

    How will it be with “He took His servant by night”?

    na-dīda.ī davāvīn-e-vaisa-o-rāmīn

    na-ḳhvānda-e-tū hikāyat-e-vāmiq-o-azrā

    Hast thou not seen the divans of Waisa and Ramin?

    Hast thou not read the tales of Wamiq and ‘Adra?

    jaama gird kunī ze-āb tar na-shavad

    hazār ġhota tu ḳhurdanest dar dariyā

    Thou gatherest up by thy garment lest the water should wet it:

    Needs must thou plunge a thousand times in the sea.

    tarīq-e-ishq hama pastī aamad va mastī

    ki sail past ravad kai ravad ba-sū-e-alā

    Love’s way is all lowliness and drunkenness:

    For the torrent runs down : how should it runs upward?

    miyān-e-halqa-e-ushshāq chuuñ nagīñ bāshī

    agar halqa-ba-gosha takīnī ai maulā

    Thou wilt be as the bezel in the ring of lovers

    If thou art the bezel’s thrall , O master.

    chunāñ ki halqa-ba-gosh ast charḳh iiñ ḳhaak

    chunāñ ki halqa-ba-gosh ast ruuh a.azā

    Even as this earth to the sky is thrall,

    Even as the body to the spirit is thrall.

    bayā bago che ziyāñ kard ḳhaak aziiñ paivand

    che lutf-hā ki na-kardast aql ajzā

    Come, say, what did the earth lose by this connexion?

    What kindnesses has not the reason done to the limbs?

    duhul ba-zer-e-galīm ai pisar na-shāyad zad

    alam bazan chū dilerāñ miyān-e-sahrā

    It behoves not, son, to beat a drum under a quilt;

    Plant, like brave men, thy banner in the midst of the desert.

    ba-gosh-e-jāñ ba-shino az girvī-e-mushtāqāñ

    hazār ġhalġhala dar jau gumbad-e-ḳhazrā

    Hark with the soul’s ear to the sounds innumerable

    In the hollow of the green dome, rising from lovers’ passionate cry.

    chū bar kushāyad band-e-qabā ze-mastī-e-ishq

    hā.e-o-hūe malak-bīñ va hairat-e-hūrā

    When the strings of thy robe are loosed by the intoxication of love,

    Behold heaven’s triumph and Orion’s bewilderment!

    che iztirāb ki baalā va zer-e-a.alam raast

    ze-ishq kuust munazzah ze-zer-o-az-bālā

    How the world, high and low, is troubled

    By love which is purified from high and low!

    chū āftāb bar aayad kujā ba-māñd shab

    rasīd jaish-e-ināyat kujā ba-māñd anā

    When the sun goes up, where stayeth night?

    When the joy of bounty came, where lagged affliction?

    ḳhamosh kardam ai jān-e-jān-e-jān-e-tū ba-go

    zarra zarra ze-shauq-e-ruḳh-e-tū shud goyā

    I am silent. Speak thou, O soul of soul of soul,

    From desire of whose face every atom grew articulate.

    agar tu aashiq-e-ishqi-o-ishq ra juya

    ba-gir KHanjar-e-tez-o-ba-bur gulu-e-haya

    If thou art Love’s lover and seekest love,

    Take a keen poniard and cut the throat of bashfulness.

    badank sadd-e-azim ast dar rawish-e-namus

    hadis-e-be-gharaz ast in qabul kun ba-safa

    Know that reputation is a great hindrance in the path;

    This saying is disinterested: receive it with pure mind.

    hazar guna junun az che kard aan majnun

    hazar shaid bar aawurd aan gazin shaida

    Wherefore did that madman in a thousand forms,

    That chosen wild one display a thousand wiles?

    gahe qabash ba-darid wa gahe ba-koh dawid

    gahe ze-zahr chashid wa gahe guzid fana

    Now he rent robe, and now sped o’er mountain,

    Now sipped poison, now chose death.

    chu ankabut chunin said-ha-e-zaft giraft

    ba-bin ki ta che kunad daman-e-rabbi-al-ala

    Since the spider seized prey so large,

    Behold what the snare of My Lord the Supreme will do!

    chu ishq-e-chehra-e-laila hami badan arzid

    che guna bashad asra be-abdehi-laila

    Since the love of Laila’s face had such value,

    How will it be with “He took His servant by night”?

    na-didai tu dawawin-e-waisa-o-ramin

    na-KHwanda-e-tu hikayat-e-wamiq-o-azra

    Hast thou not seen the divans of Waisa and Ramin?

    Hast thou not read the tales of Wamiq and ‘Adra?

    tu jama gird kuni ta ze-ab tar na-shawad

    hazar ghota tu ra KHurdanest dar dariya

    Thou gatherest up by thy garment lest the water should wet it:

    Needs must thou plunge a thousand times in the sea.

    tariq-e-ishq hama pasti aamad wa masti

    ki sail past rawad kai rawad ba-su-e-ala

    Love’s way is all lowliness and drunkenness:

    For the torrent runs down : how should it runs upward?

    miyan-e-halqa-e-ushshaq chun nagin bashi

    agar tu halqa-ba-gosha takini ai maula

    Thou wilt be as the bezel in the ring of lovers

    If thou art the bezel’s thrall , O master.

    chunan ki halqa-ba-gosh ast charKH ra in KHak

    chunan ki halqa-ba-gosh ast ruh ra aaza

    Even as this earth to the sky is thrall,

    Even as the body to the spirit is thrall.

    baya bago che ziyan kard KHak azin paiwand

    che lutf-ha ki na-kardast aql ba ajza

    Come, say, what did the earth lose by this connexion?

    What kindnesses has not the reason done to the limbs?

    duhul ba-zer-e-galim ai pisar na-shayad zad

    alam bazan chu dileran miyan-e-sahra

    It behoves not, son, to beat a drum under a quilt;

    Plant, like brave men, thy banner in the midst of the desert.

    ba-gosh-e-jaan ba-shino az girwi-e-mushtaqan

    hazar ghalghala dar jau gumbad-e-KHazra

    Hark with the soul’s ear to the sounds innumerable

    In the hollow of the green dome, rising from lovers’ passionate cry.

    chu bar kushayad band-e-qaba ze-masti-e-ishq

    tu hae-o-hue malak-bin wa hairat-e-hura

    When the strings of thy robe are loosed by the intoxication of love,

    Behold heaven’s triumph and Orion’s bewilderment!

    che iztirab ki baala wa zer-e-alam rast

    ze-ishq kust munazzah ze-zer-o-az-baala

    How the world, high and low, is troubled

    By love which is purified from high and low!

    chu aaftab bar aayad kuja ba-mand shab

    rasid jaish-e-inayat kuja ba-mand ana

    When the sun goes up, where stayeth night?

    When the joy of bounty came, where lagged affliction?

    KHamosh kardam ai jaan-e-jaan-e-jaan-e-tu ba-go

    zarra zarra ze-shauq-e-ruKH-e-tu shud goya

    I am silent. Speak thou, O soul of soul of soul,

    From desire of whose face every atom grew articulate.


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