
ma sajda kunem dida-e-didar

Ahmad Shahjahanpuri

ma sajda kunem dida-e-didar

Ahmad Shahjahanpuri

MORE BYAhmad Shahjahanpuri

    sajda kunem dīda-e-dīdār

    zāhid ba-kunad ba-sū-e-dīvār

    We will prostrate upon seeing you, while Zahid will prostrate towards the wall.

    maa.em ḳharāb-e-ishq-e-āñ yaar


    In the love of this beloved, we have been destroyed. We are enamored by the beauty of the beloved's face.

    dil jazb kunad jamāl-e-mahbūb

    az ḳhud na-ravem sū-e-dil-dār

    The heart is inclined towards the beauty of the beloved. We do not go towards the beloved ourselves.

    az hastī-e-ḳhvesh 'ahmadā' ḳhez

    guft marā ba-gosh aañ yaar

    Ahmed, wake up and be aware of your existence. He came to me and whispered in my ear.

    ma sajda kunem dida-e-didar

    zahid ba-kunad ba-su-e-diwar

    We will prostrate upon seeing you, while Zahid will prostrate towards the wall.

    maem KHarab-e-ishq-e-an yar


    In the love of this beloved, we have been destroyed. We are enamored by the beauty of the beloved's face.

    dil jazb kunad jamal-e-mahbub

    az KHud na-rawem su-e-dil-dar

    The heart is inclined towards the beauty of the beloved. We do not go towards the beloved ourselves.

    az hasti-e-KHwesh 'ahmada' KHez

    di guft mara ba-gosh aan yar

    Ahmed, wake up and be aware of your existence. He came to me and whispered in my ear.

    Source :
    • Book : NaGmaat-e-Simaa (Pg. 167)
    • Publication : Nurulhasan Maudoodi Sabri (1935)

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