
intizar az man wa suyam na-rasidan az tu

Ghulam Hasan Bithvi

intizar az man wa suyam na-rasidan az tu

Ghulam Hasan Bithvi

MORE BYGhulam Hasan Bithvi

    intizār az man va sūyam na-rasīdan az

    guftan-e-dard-e-dil az man na-shanīdan az

    az afzūdan-e-ġham sabr numūdan az man

    parda-poshī ze-man va parda dīdan az

    tarz-e-nāz az ḳhush va vaz.a-e-niyāzam neko

    sar nihādan ze-man va teġh kashīdan az

    turfa saudāst ba-bāzār-e-mohabbat yaarā

    dil-faroshī ze-man va muft ḳharīdan az

    tuī va sharm-o-hayā-o-man va rusvā.ī-hā

    kūcha gardī ze-man va gosha guzīdan az

    az ki āmokhta-e-tarz-e-mohabbat ki shuda ast

    fikr-e-paivand ze-man qasd-e-burīdan az

    pesh-e-jānāñ 'hasan' iiñ vaqt marā ḳhush aamad

    bahr-e-pā-bos ba-sad zauq ḳhamīdan az

    intizar az man wa suyam na-rasidan az tu

    guftan-e-dard-e-dil az man na-shanidan az tu

    az tu afzudan-e-gham sabr numudan az man

    parda-poshi ze-man wa parda didan az tu

    tarz-e-naz az tu KHush wa waza-e-niyazam neko

    sar nihadan ze-man wa tegh kashidan az tu

    turfa saudast ba-bazar-e-mohabbat yara

    dil-faroshi ze-man wa muft KHaridan az tu

    tui wa sharm-o-haya-o-man wa ruswai-ha

    kucha gardi ze-man wa gosha guzidan az tu

    az ki aamokhta-e-tarz-e-mohabbat ki shuda ast

    fikr-e-paiwand ze-man qasd-e-buridan az tu

    pesh-e-jaanan 'hasan' in waqt mara KHush aamad

    bahr-e-pa-bos ba-sad zauq KHamidan az tu

    Source :
    • Book : Naghmat-e-Sima (Pg. 322)
    • Publication : Nurulhasan Maudoodi Sabri (1935)

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