
ba-mashhad gar saram sude che bude

Haji Waris Ali Shah

ba-mashhad gar saram sude che bude

Haji Waris Ali Shah

MORE BYHaji Waris Ali Shah

    ba-mashhad gar saram suude che buude

    darash masjūd-e-man buude che buude

    habāb-āsā tanam dar sail-e-ashkam

    rah-e-āñ rauza paimūde che buude

    ġhubāram agar bād-e-sahar-gāh

    ba-kū-e-shāh bar buude che buude

    marā ai kaash sultān-e-do-'ālam

    sag-e-dargāh farmūde che buude shoḳh-e-āñ shaah

    sarāpāyam chū farsūde che buude

    agar tīr-e-mizha aañ kamāñ-dār

    ba-kīs-e-chasm andūde che buude

    ḳhudāvandā ba-mīnā-e-dil-e-man

    mai-e-ishqash gar āmūde che buude

    agar mānind-e-shāna panja-e-man

    girah zaañ zulf ba-kashūde che buude

    shab-o-rozast chuuñ dulāb dar charḳh

    dame 'vāris' gar āsūde che buude

    ba-mashhad gar saram sude che bude

    darash masjud-e-man bude che bude

    habab-asa tanam dar sail-e-ashkam

    rah-e-an rauza paimude che bude

    ghubaram ra agar baad-e-sahar-gah

    ba-ku-e-shah bar bude che bude

    mara ai kash sultan-e-do-'alam

    sag-e-dargah farmude che bude

    tah-e-nal-e-samandar shoKH-e-an shah

    sarapayam chu farsude che bude

    agar tir-e-mizha ra aan kaman-dar

    ba-kis-e-chasm andude che bude

    KHudawanda ba-mina-e-dil-e-man

    mai-e-ishqash gar aamude che bude

    agar manind-e-shana panja-e-man

    girah zan zulf ba-kashude che bude

    shab-o-rozast chun dulab dar charKH

    dame 'waris' gar aasude che bude


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