
sur-parkas tahn rain kanh pa۔iye


sur-parkas tahn rain kanh pa۔iye



    sūr-parkās tahñ rain kañh pā۔iye

    rain-parkās nahī suur bhāsai

    gyān-parkās gyaan kañh pā۔iye

    hoai agyān tahñ gyaan nāsia

    kaam balvān tahñ prem kañh pā۔iye

    prem jahāñ hoai tahñ kaam naahī

    kahae 'kabīr' yah satt vichār hai

    samajh vichār kar dekh māñhī

    Where is the night, when the sun is shining? If it is night, then the sun withdraws its light.

    Where knowledge is, can ignorance endure? If there be ignorance, then knowledge must die.

    If there be lust, how can love be there? Where there is love there is no lust.

    pakaḌ samser sañgrām meñ paisiye

    deh-parajant kar juddh bhaa.ī

    kaaT sir bairiyāñ daab jañh-kā-tahāñ

    aay darbār meñ siis navā.ī

    Lay hold on your sword, and join in the fight. Fight, O my brother, as long as life lasts.

    Strike off your enemy's head, and there make an end of him quickly: then come, and bow your head at your King's Durbar.

    sur sañgrām ko dekh bhāgai nahīñ

    dekh bhāgai soī suur nahīñ

    kaam aur krodh mad-lobh se jūjhanā

    machā ghamsān tan-khet māñhīñ

    seel aur sāñch santosh saahī bhay

    naam samser tahāñ khuub baaje

    kahae 'kabīr' koī jujhīhai sūrmā

    kāyrāñ bhiiḌ tahñ turt bhāje

    He, who is brave, never forsakes the battle: he who flies from it is no true fighter.

    In the field of this body a great war goes forward, against passion, anger, pride, and greed:

    It is in the kingdom of truth, contentment and purity, that this battle is raging; and the sword that rings forth most loudly are the sword of His Name.

    Kabir says: When a brave knight takes the field, a host of cowards is put to flight.

    saadh ko khel to bikaT beñḌā matī

    satī aur suur chaal aage

    suur ghamsān hai palak do-chār

    satī ghamāsān pal ek lāgai

    saadh sañgrām hai rain-din jūjhanā

    deh parajant kaam bhaa.ī

    It is a hard fight and a weary one, this fight of the truth-seeker: for the vow of the truth-seeker is harder than that of the warrior or of the widowed wife who would follow her husband.

    For the warrior fights for a few hours, and the widow's struggle with death is soon ended:

    But the truth-seeker's battle goes on day and night, as long as life lasts it never ceases.

    sur-parkas tahn rain kanh pa۔iye

    rain-parkas nahi sur bhasai

    gyan-parkas gyan kanh pa۔iye

    hoai agyan tahn gyan nasia

    kaam balwan tahn prem kanh pa۔iye

    prem jahan hoai tahn kaam nahi

    kahae 'kabir' yah satt wichaar hai

    samajh wichaar kar dekh manhi

    Where is the night, when the sun is shining? If it is night, then the sun withdraws its light.

    Where knowledge is, can ignorance endure? If there be ignorance, then knowledge must die.

    If there be lust, how can love be there? Where there is love there is no lust.

    pakaD samser sangram mein paisiye

    deh-parajant kar juddh bhai

    kaT sir bairiyan dab janh-ka-tahan

    aay darbar mein sis nawai

    Lay hold on your sword, and join in the fight. Fight, O my brother, as long as life lasts.

    Strike off your enemy's head, and there make an end of him quickly: then come, and bow your head at your King's Durbar.

    sur sangram ko dekh bhagai nahin

    dekh bhagai soi sur nahin

    kaam aur krodh mad-lobh se jujhana

    macha ghamsan tan-khet manhin

    seel aur sanch santosh sahi bhay

    nam samser tahan khub baje

    kahae 'kabir' koi jujhihai surma

    kayran bhiD tahn turt bhaje

    He, who is brave, never forsakes the battle: he who flies from it is no true fighter.

    In the field of this body a great war goes forward, against passion, anger, pride, and greed:

    It is in the kingdom of truth, contentment and purity, that this battle is raging; and the sword that rings forth most loudly are the sword of His Name.

    Kabir says: When a brave knight takes the field, a host of cowards is put to flight.

    sadh ko khel to bikaT benDa mati

    sati aur sur ki chaal aage

    sur ghamsan hai palak do-chaar ka

    sati ghamasan pal ek lagai

    sadh sangram hai rain-din jujhana

    deh parajant ka kaam bhai

    It is a hard fight and a weary one, this fight of the truth-seeker: for the vow of the truth-seeker is harder than that of the warrior or of the widowed wife who would follow her husband.

    For the warrior fights for a few hours, and the widow's struggle with death is soon ended:

    But the truth-seeker's battle goes on day and night, as long as life lasts it never ceases.

    Source :
    • Book : Kabir Samagra (Pg. 768)
    • Author :Kabeer
    • Publication : Hindi Pracharak Publication PVT, Varanasi (2001)

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