
santo sahj samadhi bhali


santo sahj samadhi bhali



    santo sahj samādhi bhalī

    sā.īñ te milan bhayo din te surat na ant chalī

    aañkh na mūñdūñ kaan na rūdhūñ kaayā kashT na dhārūñ

    khule nain maiñ hañs-hañs dekhūñ sundar ruup nihārūñ

    kahūñ so naam sunūñ so sumirān jo kachhu karūñ so puujā

    girah uddhyān ek sam dekhūñ bhaav miTā.ūñ duujā

    jañh-jañh jā.ūñ soī pakiramā jo kachhu karūñ so sevā

    jab so.uuñ tab karūñ danDavat pūjūñ aur na devā

    shabd nirantar manuā raatā malin bachan tyāgī

    uThat-baiThat kabhuñ na bisrai aisī taarī laagī

    kahae 'kabīr' yah unmuni rahnī so pargaT kar gaa.ī

    sukh-dukh ke ik pare param sukh tehi meñ rahā samā.ī

    O sadhu! The simple union is the best. Since the day when I met with my Lord, there has been no end to the sport of our love.

    I shut not my eyes, I close not my ears, I do not mortify my body;

    I see with eyes open and smile, and behold His beauty everywhere:

    I utter His Name, and whatever I see, it reminds me of Him; whatever I do., it becomes His worship.

    The rising and the setting are one to me; all contradictions are solved.

    Wherever I go, I move round Him,

    All I achieve is His service: When I lie down, I lie prostrate at His feet.

    He is the only adorable one to me: I have none other.

    My tongue has left off impure words; it sings His glory day and night:

    Whether I rise or sit down, I can never forget Him; for the rhythm of His music beats in my ears.

    Kabir says: “My heart is frenzied, and I disclose in my soul what is hidden. I am immersed in that one great bliss which transcends all pleasure and pain.”

    santo sahj samadhi bhali

    sain te milan bhayo ja din te surat na ant chali

    aankh na mundun kan na rudhun kaya kashT na dhaarun

    khule nain main hans-hans dekhun sundar rup nihaarun

    kahun so nam sunun so sumiran jo kachhu karun so puja

    girah uddhyan ek sam dekhun bhaw miTaun duja

    janh-janh jaun soi pakirama jo kachhu karun so sewa

    jab soun tab karun danDawat pujun aur na dewa

    shabd nirantar manua raata malin bachan ka tyagi

    uThat-baiThat kabhun na bisrai aisi tari lagi

    kahae 'kabir' yah unmuni rahni so pargaT kar gai

    sukh-dukh ke ek pare param sukh tehi mein raha samai

    O sadhu! The simple union is the best. Since the day when I met with my Lord, there has been no end to the sport of our love.

    I shut not my eyes, I close not my ears, I do not mortify my body;

    I see with eyes open and smile, and behold His beauty everywhere:

    I utter His Name, and whatever I see, it reminds me of Him; whatever I do., it becomes His worship.

    The rising and the setting are one to me; all contradictions are solved.

    Wherever I go, I move round Him,

    All I achieve is His service: When I lie down, I lie prostrate at His feet.

    He is the only adorable one to me: I have none other.

    My tongue has left off impure words; it sings His glory day and night:

    Whether I rise or sit down, I can never forget Him; for the rhythm of His music beats in my ears.

    Kabir says: “My heart is frenzied, and I disclose in my soul what is hidden. I am immersed in that one great bliss which transcends all pleasure and pain.”

    Source :
    • Book : Kabir Samagra (Pg. 770)
    • Author :Kabeer
    • Publication : Hindi Pracharak Publication PVT, Varanasi (2001)

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