
sain se lagan kaThin hai bhai


sain se lagan kaThin hai bhai



    sā.īñ se lagan kaThin hai bhaa.ī

    jaise papīhā pyāsā buuñd piyā piyā raT laa.ī

    pyāse parān laḌaphai din-rāt aur niir bhaa.ī

    jaise mirgā shabd-sanehī shabd sunan ko jaa.ī

    shabd sunai aur prān-dān de taniko naahi Darā.ī

    jaise satī chaḌhī sat uupar piyā raah man bhaa.ī

    pāchak dekh Dare vah naahī hañste baiTe sadā maa.ī

    chhoḌo tan apne aasā nirbhā ke gun gaa.ī

    kahat 'kabīr' suno bhaa.ī sādho nāhiñ to janam nasā.ī

    Now hard it is to meet my Lord!

    The rain-bird wails in thirst for the rain: almost she dies of her longing, yet she would have none other water than the rain.

    Drawn by the love of music, the deer moves forward: she dies as she listens to the music, yet she shrinks not in fear.

    The widowed wife sits by the body of her dead husband: she is not afraid of the fire.

    Put away all fear for this poor body.

    sain se lagan kaThin hai bhai

    jaise papiha pyasa bund ka piya piya raT lai

    pyase paran laDaphai din-raat aur nir na bhai

    jaise mirga shabd-sanehi shabd sunan ko jai

    shabd sunai aur pran-dan de taniko nahi Darai

    jaise sati chaDhi sat upar piya ki rah man bhai

    pachak dekh Dare wah nahi hanste baiTe sada mai

    chhoDo tan apne ki aasa nirbha ke gun gai

    kahat 'kabir' suno bhai sadho nahin to janam nasai

    Now hard it is to meet my Lord!

    The rain-bird wails in thirst for the rain: almost she dies of her longing, yet she would have none other water than the rain.

    Drawn by the love of music, the deer moves forward: she dies as she listens to the music, yet she shrinks not in fear.

    The widowed wife sits by the body of her dead husband: she is not afraid of the fire.

    Put away all fear for this poor body.

    Source :
    • Book : Kabir Samagra (Pg. 775)
    • Author :Kabeer
    • Publication : Hindi Pracharak Publication PVT, Varanasi (2001)

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