
kahain kabir suno ho sadho amrit-bachan hamar


kahain kabir suno ho sadho amrit-bachan hamar



    kahaiñ 'kabīr' suno ho sādho amrit-bachan hamār

    jo bhal chāho āpnauñ parkho kaaro bichār

    je karatā taiñ ūpajai tāsoñ pari gaayo biich

    apnī buddhi vivek bin sahj bisāhī miich

    yahi mete sab mat chalai yahī chalyau updes

    nishchai gahī nirbhā raho sun param tat sandes

    kohi gāvau kohi dhāvahū chhoḌo sakal dhamār

    yah hirde sab ko base kyuuñ sevo sunn-ujāḌ

    duur hi kartā thāpi kai karī duur aas

    jo kartā thāpi kai kari duur aas

    jo kartā dūrai hute to ko jag sirjai aan

    jo jaano yañh hai nahīñ to tum dhovo duur

    duur se duur bharmi bharmi nis-phal maro bisūr

    durlabh darsan duur ke nīyar sadā sukh-bās

    kahaiñ 'kabīr' mohiñ vyāpiyā mat dukh pāvai daas

    aap apanpau chīnhahū nakh-sikh sahit 'kabīr'

    ānand-mañgal gāvahū hohī apanpau viir

    Kabir says: “O Sadhu! Hear my deathless words. If you want your own good, examine and consider them well.

    You have estranged yourself from the Creator, of whom you have sprung: you have lost your reason, you have bought death.

    All doctrines and all teachings are sprung from Him, from Him they grow: know this for certain, and have no fear.

    Hear from me the tidings of this great truth!

    Whose name do you sing, and on whom do you meditate? O, come forth from this entanglement!

    He dwells at the heart of all things, so why take refuge in empty desolation?

    If you place the Guru at a distance from you, then it is but the distance that you honour:

    If indeed the Master be far away, then who is it else that is creating this world?

    When you think that He is not here, then you wander further and further away and seek Him in vain with tears.

    Where He is far off, there He is unattainable: where He is near, He is very bliss.

    Kabir says: Lest His servant should suffer pain He pervades him through and through.

    Know yourself then, O Kabir; for He is in you from head to foot. Sing with gladness, and keep your seat unmoved within your heart.

    kahain 'kabir' suno ho sadho amrit-bachan hamar

    jo bhal chaho aapnaun parkho karo bichaar

    je karata tain upajai tason pari gayo bich

    apni buddhi wiwek bin sahj bisahi mich

    yahi mete sab mat chalai yahi chalyau updes

    nishchai gahi nirbha raho sun param tat sandes

    kohi gawau kohi dhawahu chhoDo sakal dhamar

    yah hirde sab ko base kyun sewo sunn-ujaD

    dur hi karta thapi kai kari dur ki aas

    jo karta thapi kai kari dur ki aas

    jo karta durai hute to ko jag sirjai aan

    jo jaano yanh hai nahin to tum dhowo dur

    dur se dur bharmi bharmi nis-phal maro bisur

    durlabh darsan dur ke niyar sada sukh-bas

    kahain 'kabir' mohin wyapiya mat dukh pawai das

    aap apanpau chinhahu nakh-sikh sahit 'kabir'

    aanand-mangal gawahu hohi apanpau wir

    Kabir says: “O Sadhu! Hear my deathless words. If you want your own good, examine and consider them well.

    You have estranged yourself from the Creator, of whom you have sprung: you have lost your reason, you have bought death.

    All doctrines and all teachings are sprung from Him, from Him they grow: know this for certain, and have no fear.

    Hear from me the tidings of this great truth!

    Whose name do you sing, and on whom do you meditate? O, come forth from this entanglement!

    He dwells at the heart of all things, so why take refuge in empty desolation?

    If you place the Guru at a distance from you, then it is but the distance that you honour:

    If indeed the Master be far away, then who is it else that is creating this world?

    When you think that He is not here, then you wander further and further away and seek Him in vain with tears.

    Where He is far off, there He is unattainable: where He is near, He is very bliss.

    Kabir says: Lest His servant should suffer pain He pervades him through and through.

    Know yourself then, O Kabir; for He is in you from head to foot. Sing with gladness, and keep your seat unmoved within your heart.

    Source :
    • Book : Kabir Samagra (Pg. 781)
    • Author :Kabeer
    • Publication : Hindi Pracharak Publication PVT, Varanasi (2001)

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