
kabir kab se bhaye bairagi


kabir kab se bhaye bairagi




    'kabīr' kab se bhaye bairāgī

    tumharī sūrati kahāñ ko laagī


    ba.ī chitrā melā nahīñ nahīñ gurū nahiñ chelā

    sakal pasārā jin din nahīñ jihi din purūsh akelā

    gorakh ham tabke ahai bairāgī

    hamrī surti braham so laagī

    braham nahi jab Topī dīnhi bisnu nahīñ jab Tiikā

    siv-shaktī kai janmau nahīñ tabai jog ham sīkhā

    kaasī meñ ham pargaT bhaye hai rāmā-nand chetāy

    pyaas anhad saath ham laa.e milan karne ko aa.e

    sahjai sahjai melā hoigā jaagī bhakti utañgā

    kahae 'kabīr' suno ho gorakh chalo giit ke sañg

    Gorakhnath asks Kabir:

    Tell me, O Kabir, when did your vocation begin? Where did your love have its rise?

    Kabir answers: When He whose forms are manifold had not begun His play: when there was no Guru, and no disciple: when the world was not spread out: when the

    Supreme One was alone--

    Then I became an ascetic; then, O Gorakh, my love was drawn to Brahma.

    Brahma did not hold the crown on his head; the god Vishnu was not anointed as king; the power of Shiva was still unborn; when I was instructed in Yoga.

    I became suddenly revealed in Benares, and Ramananda illumined me; I brought with me the thirst for the Infinite, and I have come for the meeting with Him.

    In simplicity will I unite with the Simple One; my love will surge up.

    O Gorakh, march thou with His music!


    'kabir' kab se bhaye bairagi

    tumhari surati kahan ko lagi


    bai chitra ka mela nahin nahin guru nahin chela

    sakal pasara jin din nahin jihi din purush akela

    gorakh hum tabke ahai bairagi

    hamri surti braham so lagi

    braham nahi jab Topi dinhi bisnu nahin jab Tika

    siw-shakti kai janmau nahin tabai jog hum sikha

    kasi mein hum pargaT bhaye hai rama-nand chetay

    pyas anhad ki sath hum lae milan karne ko aae

    sahjai sahjai mela hoiga jagi bhakti utanga

    kahae 'kabir' suno ho gorakh chalo git ke sang

    Gorakhnath asks Kabir:

    Tell me, O Kabir, when did your vocation begin? Where did your love have its rise?

    Kabir answers: When He whose forms are manifold had not begun His play: when there was no Guru, and no disciple: when the world was not spread out: when the

    Supreme One was alone--

    Then I became an ascetic; then, O Gorakh, my love was drawn to Brahma.

    Brahma did not hold the crown on his head; the god Vishnu was not anointed as king; the power of Shiva was still unborn; when I was instructed in Yoga.

    I became suddenly revealed in Benares, and Ramananda illumined me; I brought with me the thirst for the Infinite, and I have come for the meeting with Him.

    In simplicity will I unite with the Simple One; my love will surge up.

    O Gorakh, march thou with His music!

    Source :
    • Book : Kabir Samagra (Pg. 765)
    • Author :Kabeer
    • Publication : Hindi Pracharak Publication PVT, Varanasi (2001)

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