
are man dhiraj kahe na dharai


are man dhiraj kahe na dharai



    are man dhīraj kaahe na dharai

    pasu-panchhī jiiv kīT-patañgā sab sudh karai

    गर्भ-बास meñ ḳhabar letu hai bāhar kyuuñ bisrai

    man hasan se sāheb ke bhaTkat kaahe phirai

    pirītam chhāñḌ aur ko dhārai kāraj ik na sarai

    Why so impatient, my heart?

    He who watches over birds, beasts, and insects.

    He who cared for you whilst you were yet in your mother's womb,

    Shall He not care for you now that you are come forth?

    Oh my heart, how could you turn from the smile of your Lord and wander so far from Him?

    You have left Your Beloved and are thinking of others: and this is why all your work is in vain.

    are man dhiraj kahe na dharai

    pasu-panchhi jiw kiT-patanga sab ki sudh karai

    गर्भ-बास mein KHabar letu hai bahar kyun bisrai

    man tu hasan se saheb ke bhaTkat kahe phirai

    piritam chhanD aur ko dhaarai karaj ek na sarai

    Why so impatient, my heart?

    He who watches over birds, beasts, and insects.

    He who cared for you whilst you were yet in your mother's womb,

    Shall He not care for you now that you are come forth?

    Oh my heart, how could you turn from the smile of your Lord and wander so far from Him?

    You have left Your Beloved and are thinking of others: and this is why all your work is in vain.

    Source :
    • Book : Kabir Samagra (Pg. 775)
    • Author :Kabeer
    • Publication : Hindi Pracharak Publication PVT, Varanasi (2001)

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