
yaftan-e-rasul-e-rum amir-ul-mominin umar razi-allahu anhu ra KHufta dar zer-e-nakHl


yaftan-e-rasul-e-rum amir-ul-mominin umar razi-allahu anhu ra KHufta dar zer-e-nakHl



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    yāftan-e-rasūl-e-rūm amīr-ul-mominīn 'umar razī-allāhu 'anhu ḳhufta dar zer-e-nakHl

    How the ambassador of Rum found the Commander of the Faithful, 'Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, sleeping under the tree.

    aamad uu āñ-jā-o-az duur īstād

    mar 'umar dīd-o-dar larz ūftād

    He came thither and stood afar off;

    he saw 'Umar and fell a-trembling.

    haibate zaañ ḳhufta aamad bar rasūl

    hālate ḳhush kard dar jānash nuzūl

    An awe came upon the ambassador from that

    slumbering man, a sweet ecstasy lodged in his soul.

    mehr-o-haibat hast zidd-e-ham-digar

    iiñ do zid diid jam' andar jigar

    Love and awe are contrary to each other:

    he saw these two contraries united in his heart.

    guft bā-ḳhud man shahāñ dīda-am

    pesh-e-sultānāñ mah-o-ba-guzīda-am

    He said to himself: “I have seen (many) kings,

    I have been great (in esteem) and chosen (for honour) in the presence of sultans:

    az shahānam haibat-o-tarsī na-būd

    haibat-e-īñ mard hosham rabūd

    I had no awe or dread of kings,

    (but) awe of this man has robbed me of my wits.

    rafta-am dar besha-e-sher-o-palañg

    rū-e-man zīshāñ na-gardānīd rañg

    I have gone into a jungle of lions and leopards,

    and my face did not change colour because of them;

    bas shudastam dar masāf-o-kār-zār

    ham-chu sher āñ-dam ki bāshad kār-zār

    Often where the ranks are arrayed on the field of battle have I become (fierce)

    as a lion at the time when the affair is grievous (desperate);

    bas ki ḳhūdam bas za dam zaḳhm-e-garāñ

    dil qavī tar būda-am az dīgarāñ

    Many a heavy blow have I suffered and inflicted,

    I have been stouter in heart than (all) the others.

    be-salīh-e-īñ mard-e-kHufta bar zamīñ

    man ba-haft-andām larzāñ chīst iiñ

    This man is asleep on the earth, unarmed,

    (and yet) I am trembling in my seven limbs (my whole body): what is this?

    haibat-e-haqast iiñ az ḳhalq niist

    haibat-e-īñ mard-e-sāhab dalq niist

    This is awe of God, it is not from created beings,

    it is not awe of this man who wears the frock of a dervish.

    har ki tarsīd az haq-o-taqvā guzīd

    tarsad az vai jinn-o-ins-o-har ki diid

    Whoever is afraid of God and has chosen fear of God (as his religion),

    the Jinn and mankind and every one who sees (him) are afraid of him.

    andarīñ fikrat be-hurmat dast bast

    baa'd yak sā'at 'umar az ḳhvāb jast

    Thus meditating, he folded his hands reverently.

    After a while ‘Umar sprang up from sleep.

    yaftan-e-rasul-e-rum amir-ul-mominin 'umar razi-allahu 'anhu ra KHufta dar zer-e-nakHl

    How the ambassador of Rum found the Commander of the Faithful, 'Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, sleeping under the tree.

    aamad u aan-ja-o-az dur istad

    mar 'umar ra did-o-dar larz uftad

    He came thither and stood afar off;

    he saw 'Umar and fell a-trembling.

    haibate zan KHufta aamad bar rasul

    haalate KHush kard dar jaanash nuzul

    An awe came upon the ambassador from that

    slumbering man, a sweet ecstasy lodged in his soul.

    mehr-o-haibat hast zidd-e-ham-digar

    in do zid ra did jam' andar jigar

    Love and awe are contrary to each other:

    he saw these two contraries united in his heart.

    guft ba-KHud man shahan ra dida-am

    pesh-e-sultanan mah-o-ba-guzida-am

    He said to himself: “I have seen (many) kings,

    I have been great (in esteem) and chosen (for honour) in the presence of sultans:

    az shahanam haibat-o-tarsi na-bud

    haibat-e-in mard hosham ra rabud

    I had no awe or dread of kings,

    (but) awe of this man has robbed me of my wits.

    rafta-am dar besha-e-sher-o-palang

    ru-e-man zishan na-gardanid rang

    I have gone into a jungle of lions and leopards,

    and my face did not change colour because of them;

    bas shudastam dar masaf-o-kar-zar

    ham-chu sher aan-dam ki bashad kar-zar

    Often where the ranks are arrayed on the field of battle have I become (fierce)

    as a lion at the time when the affair is grievous (desperate);

    bas ki KHudam bas za dam zaKHm-e-garan

    dil qawi tar buda-am az digaran

    Many a heavy blow have I suffered and inflicted,

    I have been stouter in heart than (all) the others.

    be-salih-e-in mard-e-kHufta bar zamin

    man ba-haft-andam larzan chist in

    This man is asleep on the earth, unarmed,

    (and yet) I am trembling in my seven limbs (my whole body): what is this?

    haibat-e-haqast in az KHalq nist

    haibat-e-in mard-e-sahab dalq nist

    This is awe of God, it is not from created beings,

    it is not awe of this man who wears the frock of a dervish.

    har ki tarsid az haq-o-taqwa guzid

    tarsad az wai jinn-o-ins-o-har ki did

    Whoever is afraid of God and has chosen fear of God (as his religion),

    the Jinn and mankind and every one who sees (him) are afraid of him.

    andarin fikrat be-hurmat dast bast

    ba'd yak sa'at 'umar az KHwab jast

    Thus meditating, he folded his hands reverently.

    After a while ‘Umar sprang up from sleep.


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