
taulidan-e-sher az der aamdan-e-kHargosh


taulidan-e-sher az der aamdan-e-kHargosh



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    taulīdan-e-sher az der āmdan-e-kHargosh

    How the lion roared wrathfully because the hare was late in coming.

    ham-chu aañ ḳhargosh bar sher zad

    rūh-e-ū ke buud andar ḳhurd-e-qad

    As (for example) the hare who struck against the lion:

    how was his spirit analogous to his stature?

    sher guft az sare-tezī-o-khashm

    kaz rah-e-gosham 'adū bar bast chashm

    The lion from fury and rage was saying,

    By means of my ear the enemy has bound up my eye.

    makr-hā-e-jabriyānam basta kard

    teġh-e-chobīñ shaañ tanam ḳhasta kard

    The tricks of the necessitarians have bound me (in captivity); their wooden sword has wounded my body.

    ziiñ sapash man nashnavam aañ damdama

    bāñg-e-devānst-o-ġholāñ aañ hama

    After this I will not hearken to their palaver: all that is (only meant to deceive, like) the cry of demons and ghouls.

    bar darāñ ai dil īshāñ mah iist

    post shaañ bar kun kishāñ juz post niist

    O my heart, tear them to pieces, do not lag;

    rend their skins, for they have naught but skin.”

    post che buvad guft-hā-e-rañg-rañg

    chuun zirah bar aab kish na-buvad darañg

    What is skin? Specious words, like ripples

    on water which have no continuance.

    iiñ suḳhan chuuñ post-mā'nī maġhz-dāñ

    iiñ suḳhan chuuñ naqsh-o-mā'nī ham-chu jaañ

    Know that these words are as the skin (rind), and the meaning is (as) the kernel; these words are as the form, and the

    meaning is like the spirit.

    post bāshad maġhz-e-bad 'aib-posh

    maġhz-e-neko za ġhairat ġhaib posh

    The skin hides the defect of the bad kernel;

    it (also) hides jealously the secrets of the good kernel.

    chuuñ qalam az baad bad daftar za aab

    har che ba-navīsī fanā gardad shitāb

    When the pen is of wind and the scroll of water,

    whatever you write perishes speedily;

    naqsh-e-ābast ar vafā juuī azaañ

    baaz gardī dast-hā-e-kHud gazāñ

    It is written on water: if you seek constancy from it,

    you will return biting your hands (in disappointment).

    baad dar mardum havā-o-ārzūst

    chuuñ havā ba-guzāshtī paiġhām-e-hūst

    The wind in men is vanity and desire; when you have

    abandoned vanity, (then) is (the time for) the message from

    Him (God).

    ḳhush buvad piaġhām-hā-e-kirdgār

    za sar paa.e bāshad pā-e-dār

    Sweet are the messages of the Maker, for it (that message) from head to foot (from first to last) is enduring.

    kHutba-e-shāhāñ ba-gardad vaañ kiyā

    juz kiyā-o-kHutba-hā-e-ambiyā

    The khutbas for kings change (and pass), and their empire; (all will pass) except the empire and khutbas (insignia) of the prophets,

    zāñ-ki bavash-e-pādshāhāñ az havāst

    baar naama ambiyā az kibriyāst

    Because the pomp of kings is from (earthly) vanity, (while) the glorious privilege of the prophets is from (Divine) Majesty.

    az daram-hā nām-e-shāhāñ bar kunand

    nām-e-ahmad abad bar zanand

    The names of kings are removed from the dirhems, (but) the

    name of Ahmad (Mohammed) is stamped on them for ever.

    nām-e-ahmad nām-e-jumla ambiyāst

    chūñki sad aamad navad ham pesh-e-māst

    The name of Ahmad is the name of all the prophets:

    when the hundred comes (is counted), ninety is with us as well.

    taulidan-e-sher az der aamdan-e-kHargosh

    How the lion roared wrathfully because the hare was late in coming.

    ham-chu aan KHargosh ku bar sher zad

    ruh-e-u ke bud andar KHurd-e-qad

    As (for example) the hare who struck against the lion:

    how was his spirit analogous to his stature?

    sher mi guft az sare-tezi-o-khashm

    kaz rah-e-gosham 'adu bar bast chashm

    The lion from fury and rage was saying,

    By means of my ear the enemy has bound up my eye.

    makr-ha-e-jabriyanam basta kard

    tegh-e-chobin shan tanam ra KHasta kard

    The tricks of the necessitarians have bound me (in captivity); their wooden sword has wounded my body.

    zin sapash man nashnawam aan damdama

    bang-e-dewanst-o-gholan aan hama

    After this I will not hearken to their palaver: all that is (only meant to deceive, like) the cry of demons and ghouls.

    bar daran ai dil tu ishan ra mah ist

    post shan bar kun kishan juz post nist

    O my heart, tear them to pieces, do not lag;

    rend their skins, for they have naught but skin.”

    post che buwad guft-ha-e-rang-rang

    chun zirah bar aab kish na-buwad darang

    What is skin? Specious words, like ripples

    on water which have no continuance.

    in suKHan chun post-ma'ni maghz-dan

    in suKHan chun naqsh-o-ma'ni ham-chu jaan

    Know that these words are as the skin (rind), and the meaning is (as) the kernel; these words are as the form, and the

    meaning is like the spirit.

    post bashad maghz-e-bad ra 'aib-posh

    maghz-e-neko ra za ghairat ghaib posh

    The skin hides the defect of the bad kernel;

    it (also) hides jealously the secrets of the good kernel.

    chun qalam az baad bad daftar za aab

    har che ba-nawisi fana gardad shitab

    When the pen is of wind and the scroll of water,

    whatever you write perishes speedily;

    naqsh-e-abast ar wafa jui azan

    baz gardi dast-ha-e-kHud gazan

    It is written on water: if you seek constancy from it,

    you will return biting your hands (in disappointment).

    baad dar mardum hawa-o-arzust

    chun hawa ba-guzashti paigham-e-hust

    The wind in men is vanity and desire; when you have

    abandoned vanity, (then) is (the time for) the message from

    Him (God).

    KHush buwad piagham-ha-e-kirdgar

    ku za sar ta pae bashad pa-e-dar

    Sweet are the messages of the Maker, for it (that message) from head to foot (from first to last) is enduring.

    kHutba-e-shahan ba-gardad wan kiya

    juz kiya-o-kHutba-ha-e-ambiya

    The khutbas for kings change (and pass), and their empire; (all will pass) except the empire and khutbas (insignia) of the prophets,

    zan-ki bawash-e-padshahan az hawast

    bar nama ambiya az kibriyast

    Because the pomp of kings is from (earthly) vanity, (while) the glorious privilege of the prophets is from (Divine) Majesty.

    az daram-ha nam-e-shahan bar kunand

    nam-e-ahmad ta abad bar mi zanand

    The names of kings are removed from the dirhems, (but) the

    name of Ahmad (Mohammed) is stamped on them for ever.

    nam-e-ahmad nam-e-jumla ambiyast

    chunki sad aamad nawad hum pesh-e-mast

    The name of Ahmad is the name of all the prophets:

    when the hundred comes (is counted), ninety is with us as well.


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