
tafsir-e-qaul-e-fariduddin ’attar quddesallahu sirrahu


tafsir-e-qaul-e-fariduddin ’attar quddesallahu sirrahu



    Interesting Fact

    اردو ترجمہ: سجاد حسین

    tafsīr-e-qaul-e-farīduddīn 'attār quddesallāhu sirrahu

    Commentary on the saying of Farídu’ddín ‘Attár,

    sāhib-e-nafsī ai ġhāfil mayān-e-kHāk ḳhuuñ mī-ḳhur

    ki sāhib dil agar zahre ḳhurad aañ añgbīñ bāshad

    -may God sanctify his spirit- “Thou art a sensualist: O heedless one, drink blood (mortify thyself) amidst the dust (of thy bodily existence),

    For if the spiritualist drink a poison, it will be (to him as) an antidote.”

    sāhib-e-dil na-dārad aañ ziyāñ

    gar ḳhurad uu zahr-e-qātil 'ayāñ

    It does not harm the spiritualist (saint) though

    he drink deadly poison for all to see,

    zāñ-ki sehat yāft-o-az parhez rast

    tālib-e-miskīñ miyān-e-tab dar ast

    Because he has attained to (spiritual) health and has been set free from (the need for) abstinence,

    (while) the poor seeker (of God) is (still) in the (state of) fever.

    guft paiġhambar ki ai tālib jari

    haañ ma-kun hech matlūbe marī

    The Prophet said, O seeker of the (Divine) allowance

    (bounty), do not contend with anyone who is sought..

    dar namrūdīst ātish dar maro

    raft ḳhvāhī avval ibrāhīm sho

    In thee is a Nimrod: do not go into the fire. If thou wish to go in, first become Abraham!

    chuñ neh sabbāh-o-ne dariyā.ī-e

    dar mī-afgan ḳhvesh az ḳhud rā.ī-e

    When thou art neither a swimmer nor a seaman,

    do not cast thyself (into the sea) from a (feeling of) self-conceit.

    uu za qā'r-e-bahr gauhar āvarad

    az ziyāñ-hā suud bar-sar āvarad

    He (the saint) brings red roses from the fire,

    from losses he brings gain to the surface.

    kāmile gar ḳhaak gīrad zar shavad

    nāqis ar zar burd ḳhākistar shavad

    If a perfect man (saint) take earth, it becomes gold;

    if an imperfect one has carried away gold, it becomes ashes.

    chuuñ qubūl-e-haq buvad aañ mard-e-rāst

    dast-e-ū dar kār-hā dast-e-kHudāst

    Since that righteous man is accepted of God,

    his hand in (all) things is the hand of God.

    dast-e-nāqis dast-e-shaitānast-o-dev

    zāñ-ki andar dām-e-taklīfast-o-rev

    The hand of the imperfect man is the hand of Devil and demon,

    because he is in the trap of imposition and guile.

    jahl aayad pesh-e-ū dānish shavad

    jahl shud 'ilme ki dar nāqis ravad

    If ignorance come to him (the perfect man),

    it becomes knowledge, (but) the knowledge that goes into the disbelieving man becomes ignorance.

    har che gīrad 'illate 'illat shavad

    kufr gīrad kāmile millat shavad

    Whatever an ill man takes becomes illness,

    (but) if a perfect man takes infidelity, it becomes religion.

    ai mire darda pyāda bā-savār

    sar naḳhvāhī burd aknūñ pā-e-dār

    O thou who, being on foot, hast contended with a horseman, thou wilt not save thy head. Now hold thy foot (desist)!

    tafsir-e-qaul-e-fariduddin 'attar quddesallahu sirrahu

    Commentary on the saying of Farídu’ddín ‘Attár,

    tu sahib-e-nafsi ai ghafil mayan-e-kHak KHun mi-KHur

    ki sahib dil agar zahre KHurad aan angbin bashad

    -may God sanctify his spirit- “Thou art a sensualist: O heedless one, drink blood (mortify thyself) amidst the dust (of thy bodily existence),

    For if the spiritualist drink a poison, it will be (to him as) an antidote.”

    sahib-e-dil ra na-darad aan ziyan

    gar KHurad u zahr-e-qatil ra 'ayan

    It does not harm the spiritualist (saint) though

    he drink deadly poison for all to see,

    zan-ki sehat yaft-o-az parhez rast

    talib-e-miskin miyan-e-tab dar ast

    Because he has attained to (spiritual) health and has been set free from (the need for) abstinence,

    (while) the poor seeker (of God) is (still) in the (state of) fever.

    guft paighambar ki ai talib jari

    han ma-kun ba hech matlube mari

    The Prophet said, O seeker of the (Divine) allowance

    (bounty), do not contend with anyone who is sought..

    dar tu namrudist aatish dar maro

    raft KHwahi awwal ibrahim sho

    In thee is a Nimrod: do not go into the fire. If thou wish to go in, first become Abraham!

    chun neh sabbah-o-ne dariyai-e

    dar mi-afgan KHwesh az KHud rai-e

    When thou art neither a swimmer nor a seaman,

    do not cast thyself (into the sea) from a (feeling of) self-conceit.

    u za qa'r-e-bahr gauhar aawarad

    az ziyan-ha sud bar-sar aawarad

    He (the saint) brings red roses from the fire,

    from losses he brings gain to the surface.

    kaamile gar KHak girad zar shawad

    naqis ar zar burd KHakistar shawad

    If a perfect man (saint) take earth, it becomes gold;

    if an imperfect one has carried away gold, it becomes ashes.

    chun qubul-e-haq buwad aan mard-e-rast

    dast-e-u dar kar-ha dast-e-kHudast

    Since that righteous man is accepted of God,

    his hand in (all) things is the hand of God.

    dast-e-naqis dast-e-shaitanast-o-dew

    zan-ki andar dam-e-taklifast-o-rew

    The hand of the imperfect man is the hand of Devil and demon,

    because he is in the trap of imposition and guile.

    jahl aayad pesh-e-u danish shawad

    jahl shud 'ilme ki dar naqis rawad

    If ignorance come to him (the perfect man),

    it becomes knowledge, (but) the knowledge that goes into the disbelieving man becomes ignorance.

    har che girad 'illate 'illat shawad

    kufr girad kaamile millat shawad

    Whatever an ill man takes becomes illness,

    (but) if a perfect man takes infidelity, it becomes religion.

    ai mere darda pyaada ba-sawar

    sar naKHwahi burd aknun pa-e-dar

    O thou who, being on foot, hast contended with a horseman, thou wilt not save thy head. Now hold thy foot (desist)!


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