
qissa-e-didan-e-KHalifa laila ra


qissa-e-didan-e-KHalifa laila ra



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    qissa-e-dīdan-e-ḳhalīfa lailā

    Story of the Caliph's seeing Laylá

    guft lailā ḳhalīfa kaañ tuī

    kaz tu majnūñ shud pereshān-o-ġhavī

    The Caliph said to Laylá: Art thou she by whom

    Majnún was distracted and led astray?

    az digar ḳhūbāñ tu afzūñ nīstī

    guft ḳhāmush chuñ tu majnūñ nīstī

    Thou art not superior to other fair ones. Be silent,

    she replied, since thou art not Majnún.

    har ki bedārast uu dar ḳhvāb tar

    hast bedārīsh az kHvābash batar

    Whosoever is awake (to the material world) is the more asleep

    (to the spiritual world); his wakefulness is worse than his sleep.

    chuñ ba-haq bedār na-buvad jān-e-mā

    hast bedārī chu dar bandān-e-mā

    When our soul is not awake to God, wakefulness

    is like closing our doors (to Divine influences).

    jaañ hama roz az lagad kūb-e-ḳhayāl

    vaz ziyān-o-sūd vaz ḳhauf-e-zavāl

    All day long, from the buffets of phantasy and from

    (thoughts of) loss and gain and from fear of decline,

    ne safā mānadash ne lutf-o-far

    ne ba-sū-e-āsmāñ rāh-e-safar

    There remains to it (the soul) neither joy nor

    grace and glory nor way of journeying to Heaven.

    ḳhufta aañ bāshad ki uu az har ḳhayāl

    dārad ūmīd-o-kunad uu maqāl

    The one asleep (to spiritual things) is he who hath

    hope of every vain fancy and holds parley with it.

    dev chuñ huur bīnad uu ba-ḳhvāb

    pas za shahvat rezad uu dev aab

    Diabolum per somnum videt tanquam virginem caelestem,

    deinde propter libidinem effundit cum diabolo aquam (seminis). [During sleep,

    he sees (in a dream) a demon resembling a heavenly maiden (houri);

    then he pours forth (seminal) fluid out of lust (in imagined intercourse) with the demon.]

    chūñki tuḳhm-e-nasl dar shūrah reḳht

    uu ba-ḳhvesh aamad ḳhayāl az vai gurekHt

    Postquam semen generationis in terram salsuginosam infudit, ipse ad se rediit, fugit ab eo illa imago.

    [After he had scattered the seed of generation on salty (infertile) ground, he came to himself (and) the phantom fled from him.]

    zo'f-e-sar bīnad az ān-o-tan palīd

    aah az aañ naqsh-e-padīd-e-nāpadīd

    Hinc percepit languorem capitis et (videt) corpus pollutum. Proh dolor ob illud simulacrum

    visum (sed revera) non visum! [Because of that, he sees (himself as) faint of head and polluted of body. Alas, because of that visible (but) invisible form!]

    murġh bar baalā parān-o-sāya-ash

    mī-davad bar ḳhaak parrāñ murġh-vash

    The bird is flying on high, and below, its shadow is speeding

    on the earth, flying like a bird:

    ablahe sayyād-e-āñ saaya shavad

    mī-davad chandāñ-ki be-māya shavad

    Some fool begins to chase the shadow, running (after it)

    so far that he becomes powerless (exhausted),

    be-ḳhabar kaañ 'aks-e-āñ murġh-e-havāst

    be-ḳhabar ki asl-e-āñ saaya kujāst

    Not knowing that it is the reflexion of that bird in the air,

    not knowing where is the origin of the shadow.

    tiir andāzad basū-e-sāya-ū

    tarkashash ḳhālī shavad az justujū

    He shoots arrows at the shadow;

    his quiver is emptied in seeking (to shoot it):

    tarkash-e-'umrash tahī shud 'umr raft

    az davīdan dar shikār-e-sāya taft

    The quiver of his life became empty:

    his life passed in running hotly in chase of the shadow.

    sāya-e-yazdāñ chu bāshad daaya ash

    vārhānad az kHayāl-o-sāya ash

    (But) when the shadow of God is his nurse,

    it delivers him from (every) phantom and shadow.

    sāya-e-yazdāñ buvad banda-e-ḳhudā

    muda-e-īñ 'ālam-o-zinda-e-kHudā

    The shadow of God is that servant of God who is

    dead to this world and living through God.

    dāman-e-ū giir zūtar be-gumāñ

    rahī dar dāman-e-āḳhir zamāñ

    Lay hold of his skirt most quickly without misgiving,

    that you may be saved in the skirt (end) of the last days (of the world).

    kaifa madda-zilla naqsh-e-auliyāst


    (The shadow mentioned in the words) How He (God) extended the

    shadow is the form of the saints, which guides to the light of the Divine Sun.

    andarīñ vaadī marau be-īñ dalīl

    lā-uhibbul-āfilīñ go chuuñ ḳhalīl

    Do not go in this valley without this guide; say,

    like Khalíl (Abraham), I love not them that set.

    rau za saaya āftābe ba-yāb

    dāman-e-shah 'shams'-e-tabrezī ba-tāb

    Go, from the shadow gain a sun: pluck the skirt of the

    (spiritual) king, Shams-i Tabrízí (the Sun of Tabríz)!

    rah na-dānī jānib-e-īñ sūr-o-'urs

    az ziyā-ul-haq hisāmuddīñ ba-purs

    If you do not know the way to this feast and bridal,

    ask of Ziyá’u ’l-Haqq (the Radiance of God) Husámu’ddín.

    var hasad gīrad turā dar rah gulū

    dar hasad iblīs bāshad ġhulū

    And if on the way envy seize you by the throat, it belongs

    to (is characteristic of) Iblís to go beyond bounds in envy;

    za aadam nañg dārad az hasad

    bā-sa'ādat jañg dārad az hasad

    For he because of envy hath disdain for Adam,

    and because of envy is at war with felicity.

    'aqba-e-zīñ sā'b-e-tū dar raah niist

    ai ḳhunak āñkash hasad ham-rāh niist

    In the Way there is no harder pass than this. Oh,

    fortunate he who is not companioned by envy!

    iiñ jasad ḳhāna hasad aamad badāñ

    kaz hasad ālūda bāshad ḳhāndāñ

    This body, you must know, is the house of envy,

    for the household are tainted with envy.

    gar jasad ḳhāna hasad bāshad va-lek

    aañ jasad paak kard allah nek

    If the body is the house of envy, yet

    God made that body very pure.

    tahhirā baitī bayān-e-pākī-ast

    ganj-e-nūrast ar tilismash kHākī-ast

    (The text) Cleanse My house, ye twain, is the explanation of (such) purity:

    it (the purified heart) is a treasure of (Divine) light, though its talisman is of earth.

    chuuñ kunī bar be-jasad makr-o-hasad

    zaañ hasad dil siyāhī rasad

    When you practise deceit and envy against one who is without envy,

    from that envy black stain arise in your heart.

    ḳhaak sho mardān-e-haq zer-e-pā

    ḳhaak bar sar kun hasad ham-chu

    Become (as) dust under the feet of the men of God;

    throw dust on the head of envy, even as we do.

    qissa-e-didan-e-KHalifa laila ra

    Story of the Caliph's seeing Laylá

    guft laila ra KHalifa kan tui

    kaz tu majnun shud pereshan-o-ghawi

    The Caliph said to Laylá: Art thou she by whom

    Majnún was distracted and led astray?

    az digar KHuban tu afzun nisti

    guft KHamush chun tu majnun nisti

    Thou art not superior to other fair ones. Be silent,

    she replied, since thou art not Majnún.

    har ki bedarast u dar KHwab tar

    hast bedarish az kHwabash batar

    Whosoever is awake (to the material world) is the more asleep

    (to the spiritual world); his wakefulness is worse than his sleep.

    chun ba-haq bedar na-buwad jaan-e-ma

    hast bedari chu dar bandan-e-ma

    When our soul is not awake to God, wakefulness

    is like closing our doors (to Divine influences).

    jaan hama roz az lagad kub-e-KHayal

    waz ziyan-o-sud waz KHauf-e-zawal

    All day long, from the buffets of phantasy and from

    (thoughts of) loss and gain and from fear of decline,

    ne safa mi manadash ne lutf-o-far

    ne ba-su-e-asman rah-e-safar

    There remains to it (the soul) neither joy nor

    grace and glory nor way of journeying to Heaven.

    KHufta aan bashad ki u az har KHayal

    darad umid-o-kunad ba u maqal

    The one asleep (to spiritual things) is he who hath

    hope of every vain fancy and holds parley with it.

    dew ra chun hur binad u ba-KHwab

    pas za shahwat rezad u ba dew aab

    Diabolum per somnum videt tanquam virginem caelestem,

    deinde propter libidinem effundit cum diabolo aquam (seminis). [During sleep,

    he sees (in a dream) a demon resembling a heavenly maiden (houri);

    then he pours forth (seminal) fluid out of lust (in imagined intercourse) with the demon.]

    chunki tuKHm-e-nasl ra dar shurah reKHt

    u ba-KHwesh aamad KHayal az wai gurekHt

    Postquam semen generationis in terram salsuginosam infudit, ipse ad se rediit, fugit ab eo illa imago.

    [After he had scattered the seed of generation on salty (infertile) ground, he came to himself (and) the phantom fled from him.]

    zo'f-e-sar binad az aan-o-tan palid

    aah az aan naqsh-e-padid-e-napadid

    Hinc percepit languorem capitis et (videt) corpus pollutum. Proh dolor ob illud simulacrum

    visum (sed revera) non visum! [Because of that, he sees (himself as) faint of head and polluted of body. Alas, because of that visible (but) invisible form!]

    murgh bar baala paran-o-saya-ash

    mi-dawad bar KHak parran murgh-wash

    The bird is flying on high, and below, its shadow is speeding

    on the earth, flying like a bird:

    ablahe sayyaad-e-an saya shawad

    mi-dawad chandan-ki be-maya shawad

    Some fool begins to chase the shadow, running (after it)

    so far that he becomes powerless (exhausted),

    be-KHabar kan 'aks-e-an murgh-e-hawast

    be-KHabar ki asl-e-an saya kujast

    Not knowing that it is the reflexion of that bird in the air,

    not knowing where is the origin of the shadow.

    tir andazad basu-e-saya-u

    tarkashash KHali shawad az justuju

    He shoots arrows at the shadow;

    his quiver is emptied in seeking (to shoot it):

    tarkash-e-'umrash tahi shud 'umr raft

    az dawidan dar shikar-e-saya taft

    The quiver of his life became empty:

    his life passed in running hotly in chase of the shadow.

    saya-e-yazdan chu bashad daya ash

    warhanad az kHayal-o-saya ash

    (But) when the shadow of God is his nurse,

    it delivers him from (every) phantom and shadow.

    saya-e-yazdan buwad banda-e-KHuda

    muda-e-in 'alam-o-zinda-e-kHuda

    The shadow of God is that servant of God who is

    dead to this world and living through God.

    daman-e-u gir zutar be-guman

    ta rahi dar daman-e-aKHir zaman

    Lay hold of his skirt most quickly without misgiving,

    that you may be saved in the skirt (end) of the last days (of the world).

    kaifa madda-zilla naqsh-e-auliyast

    ku dalil-e-nur-e-KHurshid-e-KHudast

    (The shadow mentioned in the words) How He (God) extended the

    shadow is the form of the saints, which guides to the light of the Divine Sun.

    andarin wadi marau be-in dalil

    la-uhibbul-afilin go chun KHalil

    Do not go in this valley without this guide; say,

    like Khalíl (Abraham), I love not them that set.

    rau za saya aaftabe ra ba-yab

    daman-e-shah 'shams'-e-tabrezi ba-tab

    Go, from the shadow gain a sun: pluck the skirt of the

    (spiritual) king, Shams-i Tabrízí (the Sun of Tabríz)!

    rah na-dani jaanib-e-in sur-o-'urs

    az ziya-ul-haq hisamuddin ba-purs

    If you do not know the way to this feast and bridal,

    ask of Ziyá’u ’l-Haqq (the Radiance of God) Husámu’ddín.

    war hasad girad tura dar rah gulu

    dar hasad iblis ra bashad ghulu

    And if on the way envy seize you by the throat, it belongs

    to (is characteristic of) Iblís to go beyond bounds in envy;

    ku za aadam nang darad az hasad

    ba-sa'adat jang darad az hasad

    For he because of envy hath disdain for Adam,

    and because of envy is at war with felicity.

    'aqba-e-zin sa'b-e-tu dar rah nist

    ai KHunak aankash hasad ham-rah nist

    In the Way there is no harder pass than this. Oh,

    fortunate he who is not companioned by envy!

    in jasad KHana hasad aamad badan

    kaz hasad aaluda bashad KHandan

    This body, you must know, is the house of envy,

    for the household are tainted with envy.

    gar jasad KHana hasad bashad wa-lek

    aan jasad ra pak kard allah nek

    If the body is the house of envy, yet

    God made that body very pure.

    tahhira baiti bayan-e-paki-ast

    ganj-e-nurast ar tilismash kHaki-ast

    (The text) Cleanse My house, ye twain, is the explanation of (such) purity:

    it (the purified heart) is a treasure of (Divine) light, though its talisman is of earth.

    chun kuni bar be-jasad makr-o-hasad

    zan hasad dil ra siyahi ha rasad

    When you practise deceit and envy against one who is without envy,

    from that envy black stain arise in your heart.

    KHak sho mardan-e-haq ra zer-e-pa

    KHak bar sar kun hasad ra ham-chu ma

    Become (as) dust under the feet of the men of God;

    throw dust on the head of envy, even as we do.


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