
munaza’at-e-umara dar wali ahadi


munaza’at-e-umara dar wali ahadi



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    munāza'at-e-umarā dar valī 'ahadī

    The quarrel of the amírs concerning the succession.

    yak amīre zaañ amīrāñ pesh raft

    pesh-e-āñ qaum-e-vafā andesh raft

    One of those amírs advanced and

    went before that loyal-minded people.

    guft iinak nā.ib-e-āñ mard man

    nā.ib-e-'īsā manam andar zaman

    Behold, said he, I am that man's vicar:

    I am the vicar of Jesus at the present time.

    iinak iiñ tūmār burhān-e-manast

    kiiñ niyābat baad azū ān-e-manast

    Look, this scroll is my proof that after

    him the vicarate belongs to me.

    aañ amīr-e-dīgar aamad az kamīñ

    dā'va uu dar ḳhilāfat bud hamīñ

    Another amír came forth from ambush:

    his pretension regarding the vicegerency was the same;

    az baġhal uu niiz tūmāre numūd

    bar aamad har-do ḳhashm-e-jahūd

    He too produced a scroll from under his arm,

    so that in both (amírs) there arose the Jewish anger.

    aañ amīrān-e-digar yak-yak qatār

    bar kashīda teġh-hā-e-ābdār

    The rest of the amírs, one after another,

    drawing swords of keen mettle,

    har yake teġh-o-tūmāre ba-dast

    dar ham uftādand chuuñ pīlān-e-mast

    Each with a sword and a scroll in his hand,

    fell to combat like raging elephants.

    sad hazārāñ mard-e-tarsā kushta shud

    za sar-hā-e-burīda pushta shud

    Hundreds of thousands of Christians were slain,

    so that there were mounds of severed heads;

    ḳhuuñ ravāñ shud ham-chu sail az chap-o-rāst

    koh koh andar havā ziiñ gard ḳhāst

    Blood flowed, on left and right, like a torrent;

    mountains of this dust (of battle) rose in the air.

    tukHm-hā-e-fitna-hā kishta buud

    āfat-e-sar-hā-e-īshāñ gashta buud

    The seeds of dissension which he (the vizier) had sown

    had become a calamity (cause of destruction) to their heads.

    jauz-hā ba-shikast-o-āñ kaañ maġhz dāsht

    bād-e-kushtan rūh-e-pāk-e-naġhz dāsht

    The walnuts (bodies) were broken, and those which had the kernel had,

    after being slain, a spirit pure and fair.

    kushtan-o-murdan ki bar naqsh-e-tanast

    chuuñ anār-o-seb ba-shikastanast

    Slaughter and death which befalls the bodily

    frame is like breaking pomegranates and apples:

    āñ-che shīrīñst aañ shud nār-e-dāñg

    vāñ-ki posīda-st na-buvad ġhair-e-bāñg

    That which is sweet becomes pomegranate-syrup,

    and that which is rotten is naught but noise:

    āñ-che bā-mā'nīst ḳhud paidā shavad

    vāñche posīda ast aañ rusvā shavad

    That which has reality is made manifest (after death),

    and that which is rotten is put to shame.

    rau ba-mā'nī kosh ai sūrat parast

    zāñ-ki mā'nī bar tan-e-sūrat-parast

    Go, strive after reality, O worshipper of form,

    inasmuch as reality is the wing on form's body.

    ham-nashīn-e-ahl-e-mā'nī baash

    ham 'atā yābī-o-ham bāshī fatā

    Consort with the followers of reality, that you may both

    win the gift and be generous (in giving yourself up to God).

    jān-e-be-mā'nī dar iiñ tan be-kHilāf

    hast ham-chūñ teġh-e-chobīñ dar ġhilāf

    Beyond dispute, in this body the spirit devoid

    of reality is even as a wooden sword in the sheath:

    ġhilāf andar buvad qīmatast

    chuuñ barūñ shud soḳhtan ālatast

    Whilst it remains in the sheath, it is (apparently) valuable,

    (but) when it has come forth it is an implement (only fit) for burning.

    teġh-e-chobīñ ma-bar dar kār-zār

    ba-nigar avval na-gardad kār-zār

    Do not take a wooden sword into the battle! First see (whether your sword is a real one),

    in order that your plight may not be wretched.

    gar buvad chobīñ ba-rau dīgar talab

    var buvad ilmās pesh aa bā-tarab

    If it is made of wood, go, seek another;

    and if it is adamant, march forward joyously.

    teġh dar zarrād-kHāna-e-auliyāst

    dīdan-e-īshāñ shumā kīmiyāst

    The sword (of reality) is in the armoury of the saints: to see (and associate with)

    them is for you (as precious as) the Elixir.

    jumla dānāyāñ hamīñ gufta hamīñ

    hast daanā rahamtul-lil-'ālamīñ

    All the wise have said this same thing:

    the wise man is a (Divine) mercy to created beings.

    gar anāre mī-ḳharī ḳhandāñ ba-ḳhar

    dehad ḳhanda za dāna-e-ū ḳhabar

    If you would buy a pomegranate, buy (it when it is) laughing (having its rind cleft open),

    so that its laughter (openness) may give information as to its seeds.

    ai mubārak kHanda-ash az dahāñ

    numāyad dil chu durr az durj-e-jāñ

    Oh, blessed is its laughter, for through its mouth it shows the heart,

    like a pearl from the casket of the spirit.

    nā-mubārak kHanda-e-āñ laala buud

    kaz dahān-e-ū syāhī dil numūd

    Unblest was the laughter (openness) of the red anemone,

    from whose mouth appeared the blackness of its heart.

    nār-e-ḳhandāñ baaġh ḳhandāñ kunad

    sohbat-e-mardānat az mardāñ kunad

    The laughing pomegranate makes the garden laughing (gay and blooming):

    companionship with (holy) men makes you one of the (holy) men.

    gar sañg-e-sakHra-o-mar-mar shavī

    chuuñ ba-sāhab dil-rasī gauhar shavī

    Though you be rock or marble, you will become

    a jewel when you reach the man of heart (the saint).

    mehr-e-pākāñ darmiyān-e-jāñ nishāñ

    dil ma-deh illā ba-mehr-e-dil ḳhushāñ

    Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; do not give your heart

    (to aught) save to the love of them whose hearts are glad.

    kū-e-nau-mīdī marau ummīd-hāst

    sū-e-tārīkī ma-rau kHurshīd-hāst

    Go not to the neighbourhood of despair: there are hopes.

    Go not in the direction of darkness: there are suns.

    dil turā dar kū-e-ahl-e-dil kashd

    tan turā dar habs-e-āb-o-gil kashd

    The heart leads you into the neighbourhood of the men of heart

    (the saints); the body leads you into the prison of water and earth.

    hiiñ ġhizā-e-dil ba-deh az ham dile

    rau ba-jū iqbāl az muqbile

    Oh, give your heart food from (conversation with) one who is in accord with it; go,

    seek (spiritual) advancement from one who is advanced.

    munaza'at-e-umara dar wali 'ahadi

    The quarrel of the amírs concerning the succession.

    yak amire zan amiran pesh raft

    pesh-e-an qaum-e-wafa andesh raft

    One of those amírs advanced and

    went before that loyal-minded people.

    guft inak naib-e-an mard man

    naib-e-'isa manam andar zaman

    Behold, said he, I am that man's vicar:

    I am the vicar of Jesus at the present time.

    inak in tumar burhan-e-manast

    kin niyabat baad azu aan-e-manast

    Look, this scroll is my proof that after

    him the vicarate belongs to me.

    aan amir-e-digar aamad az kamin

    da'wa u dar KHilafat bud hamin

    Another amír came forth from ambush:

    his pretension regarding the vicegerency was the same;

    az baghal u niz tumare numud

    ta bar aamad har-do ra KHashm-e-jahud

    He too produced a scroll from under his arm,

    so that in both (amírs) there arose the Jewish anger.

    aan amiran-e-digar yak-yak qatar

    bar kashida tegh-ha-e-abdar

    The rest of the amírs, one after another,

    drawing swords of keen mettle,

    har yake ra tegh-o-tumare ba-dast

    dar hum uftadand chun pilan-e-mast

    Each with a sword and a scroll in his hand,

    fell to combat like raging elephants.

    sad hazaran mard-e-tarsa kushta shud

    ta za sar-ha-e-burida pushta shud

    Hundreds of thousands of Christians were slain,

    so that there were mounds of severed heads;

    KHun rawan shud ham-chu sail az chap-o-rast

    koh koh andar hawa zin gard KHast

    Blood flowed, on left and right, like a torrent;

    mountains of this dust (of battle) rose in the air.

    tukHm-ha-e-fitna-ha ku kishta bud

    aafat-e-sar-ha-e-ishan gashta bud

    The seeds of dissension which he (the vizier) had sown

    had become a calamity (cause of destruction) to their heads.

    jauz-ha ba-shikast-o-an kan maghz dasht

    baad-e-kushtan ruh-e-pak-e-naghz dasht

    The walnuts (bodies) were broken, and those which had the kernel had,

    after being slain, a spirit pure and fair.

    kushtan-o-murdan ki bar naqsh-e-tanast

    chun anar-o-seb ra ba-shikastanast

    Slaughter and death which befalls the bodily

    frame is like breaking pomegranates and apples:

    aan-che shirinst aan shud nar-e-dang

    wan-ki posida-st na-buwad ghair-e-bang

    That which is sweet becomes pomegranate-syrup,

    and that which is rotten is naught but noise:

    aan-che ba-ma'nist KHud paida shawad

    wanche posida ast aan ruswa shawad

    That which has reality is made manifest (after death),

    and that which is rotten is put to shame.

    rau ba-ma'ni kosh ai surat parast

    zan-ki ma'ni bar tan-e-surat-parast

    Go, strive after reality, O worshipper of form,

    inasmuch as reality is the wing on form's body.

    ham-nashin-e-ahl-e-ma'ni bash ta

    hum 'ata yabi-o-ham bashi fata

    Consort with the followers of reality, that you may both

    win the gift and be generous (in giving yourself up to God).

    jaan-e-be-ma'ni dar in tan be-kHilaf

    hast ham-chun tegh-e-chobin dar ghilaf

    Beyond dispute, in this body the spirit devoid

    of reality is even as a wooden sword in the sheath:

    ta ghilaf andar buwad ba qimatast

    chun barun shud soKHtan ra aalatast

    Whilst it remains in the sheath, it is (apparently) valuable,

    (but) when it has come forth it is an implement (only fit) for burning.

    tegh-e-chobin ra ma-bar dar kar-zar

    ba-nigar awwal ta na-gardad kar-zar

    Do not take a wooden sword into the battle! First see (whether your sword is a real one),

    in order that your plight may not be wretched.

    gar buwad chobin ba-rau digar talab

    war buwad ilmas pesh aa ba-tarab

    If it is made of wood, go, seek another;

    and if it is adamant, march forward joyously.

    tegh dar zarrad-kHana-e-auliyast

    didan-e-ishan shuma ra kimiyast

    The sword (of reality) is in the armoury of the saints: to see (and associate with)

    them is for you (as precious as) the Elixir.

    jumla danayan hamin gufta hamin

    hast dana rahamtul-lil-'alamin

    All the wise have said this same thing:

    the wise man is a (Divine) mercy to created beings.

    gar anare mi-KHari KHandan ba-KHar

    ta dehad KHanda za dana-e-u KHabar

    If you would buy a pomegranate, buy (it when it is) laughing (having its rind cleft open),

    so that its laughter (openness) may give information as to its seeds.

    ai mubarak kHanda-ash ku az dahan

    mi numayad dil chu durr az durj-e-jaan

    Oh, blessed is its laughter, for through its mouth it shows the heart,

    like a pearl from the casket of the spirit.

    na-mubarak kHanda-e-an lala bud

    kaz dahan-e-u syahi dil numud

    Unblest was the laughter (openness) of the red anemone,

    from whose mouth appeared the blackness of its heart.

    nar-e-KHandan bagh ra KHandan kunad

    sohbat-e-mardanat az mardan kunad

    The laughing pomegranate makes the garden laughing (gay and blooming):

    companionship with (holy) men makes you one of the (holy) men.

    gar tu sang-e-sakHra-o-mar-mar shawi

    chun ba-sahab dil-rasi gauhar shawi

    Though you be rock or marble, you will become

    a jewel when you reach the man of heart (the saint).

    mehr-e-pakan darmiyan-e-jaan nishan

    dil ma-deh illa ba-mehr-e-dil KHushan

    Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; do not give your heart

    (to aught) save to the love of them whose hearts are glad.

    ku-e-nau-midi marau ummid-hast

    su-e-tariki ma-rau kHurshid-hast

    Go not to the neighbourhood of despair: there are hopes.

    Go not in the direction of darkness: there are suns.

    dil tura dar ku-e-ahl-e-dil kashd

    tan tura dar habs-e-ab-o-gil kashd

    The heart leads you into the neighbourhood of the men of heart

    (the saints); the body leads you into the prison of water and earth.

    hin ghiza-e-dil ba-deh az hum dile

    rau ba-ju iqbaal ra az muqbile

    Oh, give your heart food from (conversation with) one who is in accord with it; go,

    seek (spiritual) advancement from one who is advanced.


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