
kazh mandan-e-dahan aan mard ki nam-e-mohamad ra ’alaihissalam ba-taskHar KHwand


kazh mandan-e-dahan aan mard ki nam-e-mohamad ra ’alaihissalam ba-taskHar KHwand



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    kazh māñdan-e-dahāñ aañ mard ki nām-e-mohamād ’alaihissalām ba-taskHar ḳhvāñd

    How the mouth remained awry of a man who pronounced the name of Mohammed, on whom be peace, derisively.

    aañ dahān kazh kard-o-az taskHar ba-kHvāñd

    nām-e-ahmad dahānash kazh ba-māñd

    He made his mouth wry and called (the name of)

    Mohammed in derision: his mouth remained awry.

    baaz aamad ki-ai mohammad 'afv kun

    ai turā altāb-o-'ilm-e-min-ladun

    He came back, saying, Pardon me, O Mohammed, O thou to

    whom belong the (Divine) favours and knowledge (derived) immediately from God.

    man turā afsos kardam za jahl

    man budam afsos mansūb-o-ahl

    In my folly I was ridiculing thee, (but)

    I myself was related to ridicule and deserving it.

    chuuñ ḳhudā ḳhvāhad ki parda-e-kas darad

    mailash andar tā'na-e-pākāñ barad

    When God wishes to rend the veil of any one (expose him to shame),

    He turns his inclination towards reviling holy men.

    chuuñ ḳhudā ḳhvāhad ki poshad 'aib-e-kas

    kam zanad dar 'aib-e-mā'yūbāñ nafas

    And if God wishes to hide the blame of any one, he (that person) does

    not breathe a word of blame against the blameworthy.

    chuuñ ḳhudā ḳhvāhad ki maañ yaarī kunad

    mail-e-mā jānib-e-zārī kunad

    When God wishes to help us,

    He turns our inclination towards humble lament.

    ai ḳhunuk chashme ki aañ giryān-e-ūst

    ai humā.ūñ dil ki aañ biryān-e-ūst

    Oh, happy the eye that is weeping for His sake! Oh,

    fortunate the heart that is seared for His sake!

    ākHir-e-har girya ākHir kHanda-īst

    mard-e-ākHir biiñ mubārak banda-īst

    The end of every weeping is laughter at last;

    the man who foresees the end is a blessed servant (of God).

    har kujā āb-e-ravāñ sabza buvad

    har kujā ashk-e-ravāñ rahmat shavad

    Wherever is flowing water, there is greenery:

    wherever are running tears, (the Divine) mercy is shown.

    baash chuuñ dūlāb-e-nālāñ chashm-tar

    za sahn-e-jānat bar rūyad kHuzar

    Be moaning and moist-eyed like the water-wheel,

    that green herbs may spring up from the courtyard of your soul.

    ashk ḳhvāhī rahm kun bar ashk-bār

    rahm ḳhvāhī bar za'īfāñ rahm aar

    If you desire tears, have mercy on one who sheds tears;

    if you desire mercy, show mercy to the weak.

    kazh mandan-e-dahan aan mard ki nam-e-mohamad ra ’alaihissalam ba-taskHar KHwand

    How the mouth remained awry of a man who pronounced the name of Mohammed, on whom be peace, derisively.

    aan dahan kazh kard-o-az taskHar ba-kHwand

    nam-e-ahmad ra dahanash kazh ba-mand

    He made his mouth wry and called (the name of)

    Mohammed in derision: his mouth remained awry.

    baz aamad ki-ai mohammad 'afw kun

    ai tura altab-o-'ilm-e-min-ladun

    He came back, saying, Pardon me, O Mohammed, O thou to

    whom belong the (Divine) favours and knowledge (derived) immediately from God.

    man tura afsos mi kardam za jahl

    man budam afsos ra mansub-o-ahl

    In my folly I was ridiculing thee, (but)

    I myself was related to ridicule and deserving it.

    chun KHuda KHwahad ki parda-e-kas darad

    mailash andar ta'na-e-pakan barad

    When God wishes to rend the veil of any one (expose him to shame),

    He turns his inclination towards reviling holy men.

    chun KHuda KHwahad ki poshad 'aib-e-kas

    kam zanad dar 'aib-e-ma'yuban nafas

    And if God wishes to hide the blame of any one, he (that person) does

    not breathe a word of blame against the blameworthy.

    chun KHuda KHwahad ki man yari kunad

    mail-e-ma ra jaanib-e-zari kunad

    When God wishes to help us,

    He turns our inclination towards humble lament.

    ai KHunuk chashme ki aan giryan-e-ust

    ai humaun dil ki aan biryan-e-ust

    Oh, happy the eye that is weeping for His sake! Oh,

    fortunate the heart that is seared for His sake!

    aakHir-e-har girya aakHir kHanda-ist

    mard-e-akHir bin mubarak banda-ist

    The end of every weeping is laughter at last;

    the man who foresees the end is a blessed servant (of God).

    har kuja aab-e-rawan sabza buwad

    har kuja ashk-e-rawan rahmat shawad

    Wherever is flowing water, there is greenery:

    wherever are running tears, (the Divine) mercy is shown.

    bash chun dulab-e-nalan chashm-tar

    ta za sahn-e-jaanat bar ruyad kHuzar

    Be moaning and moist-eyed like the water-wheel,

    that green herbs may spring up from the courtyard of your soul.

    ashk KHwahi rahm kun bar ashk-bar

    rahm KHwahi bar za'ifan rahm aar

    If you desire tears, have mercy on one who sheds tears;

    if you desire mercy, show mercy to the weak.


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