
jawab guftan-e-wazir ki KHalwat ra nami shikanam


jawab guftan-e-wazir ki KHalwat ra nami shikanam



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    javāb guftan-e-vazīr ḳhalvat namī shikanam

    The refusal of the vizier to interrupt his seclusion.

    guft hujjat-hā-e-kHud kotah kunīd

    pand dar jān-o-dar dil rah kunīd

    He said: Cut short your arguments,

    let my advice make its way into your souls and hearts.

    gar amīnam muttahim na-buvad amiiñ

    gar ba-goyam āsmāñ man zamīñ

    If I am trustworthy, the trustworthy is not doubted,

    even though I should call heaven earth.

    gar kamālam bā-kamāl inkār chīst

    var niyam iiñ zahmat-o-āzār chīst

    If I am (endowed with) perfection, why (this) disbelief in my perfection?

    and if I am not (perfect), why this molestation and annoyance?

    man na-ḳhvāham shud az iiñ ḳhalvat barūñ

    zāñ-ki mashġhūlam ba-ahvāl-e-darūñ

    I will not go forth from this seclusion,

    because I am occupied with inward experiences.

    jawab guftan-e-wazir ki KHalwat ra nami shikanam

    The refusal of the vizier to interrupt his seclusion.

    guft hujjat-ha-e-kHud kotah kunid

    pand ra dar jaan-o-dar dil rah kunid

    He said: Cut short your arguments,

    let my advice make its way into your souls and hearts.

    gar aminam muttahim na-buwad amin

    gar ba-goyam aasman ra man zamin

    If I am trustworthy, the trustworthy is not doubted,

    even though I should call heaven earth.

    gar kamalam ba-kamal inkar chist

    war niyam in zahmat-o-azar chist

    If I am (endowed with) perfection, why (this) disbelief in my perfection?

    and if I am not (perfect), why this molestation and annoyance?

    man na-KHwaham shud az in KHalwat barun

    zan-ki mashghulam ba-ahwal-e-darun

    I will not go forth from this seclusion,

    because I am occupied with inward experiences.


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