
jawab guftan-e-sher KHargosh ra-o-rawan shudan ba-u


jawab guftan-e-sher KHargosh ra-o-rawan shudan ba-u



    Interesting Fact

    हिंदी अनुवाद: सज्जाद हुसैन

    javāb guftan-e-sher ḳhargosh rā-o-ravāñ shudan baa-ū

    How the lion answered the hare and set off with him.

    guft bismillāh biyā uu kujāst

    pesh dar sho gar hamī goī tu raast

    “Come on in God's name,” said he, “let me see where he is! Go thou in front, if thou art speaking truth,

    sazā-e-ū-o-sad chuuñ uu deham

    var daroġhast iiñ sazā-e-ū deham

    That I may give him and a hundred like him the punishment they deserve,

    or if this is a lie, that I may give thy deserts to thee.

    andar aamad chuuñ qalāvuze ba-pesh

    bard uu ba-sū-e-dām-e-kHvesh

    The hare set out on the way, (going) in front like a guide,

    that he might lead him towards his snare,

    sū-e-chāhe nishānash karda buud

    chāh-e-maġh dām-e-jānash karda buud

    Towards the well which he had designated:

    he had made the deep well a snare for his (the lion's) life.

    shudand iiñ har-do tā-nazdīk-e-chāh

    iiñat ḳhargoshe chu aabe zer-e-kāh

    (Thus) were these twain going till (they arrived) near the well. Look, you, (this was) a hare (deceitful) as a (pool of) water (hidden) under straw.

    aab kaahe ba-hāmūñ barad

    kaah kohe 'ajab chuuñ barad

    The water bears a blade of straw (down) to the plain:

    how, I wonder, will the water bear away a mountain?

    dām-e-makr-e-ū kamand-e-sher buud

    turfa ḳhargoshe ki shere mī-rubūd

    The snare of his (the hare's) guile was a noose for the lion: a marvellous hare (he), who was carrying off a lion (as his prey)!

    mūsā-e-fir'aun bā-rīd-e-nill

    kashad bā-lashkar-o-jam'-e-saqīl

    A Moses kills Pharaoh, with his army and mighty host,

    by means of (a sea like) the river Nile.

    pashsha-e-namrūd bā-nīm par

    shikāfad be-muhābā darz-e-sar

    A single gnat with half a wing cleaves

    intrepidly the suture of Nimrod's skull.

    hāl-e-āñ qaul-e-dushman shunūd

    biiñ jazā-e-āñ-ki shud yār-e-husūd

    Behold the state of him who hearkened to the words of his enemy, and the retribution of him who became the friend of the envious one—

    hāl-e-fir'aune ki hāmāñ shunūd

    hāl-e-namrūde ki shaitāñ shunūd

    The state of a Pharaoh who hearkened to Haman,

    and the state of a Nimrod who hearkened to Satan.

    dushman-e-ar che dostāna goyadat

    dām-e-dāñ garche za daana goyadat

    Albeit the enemy speak to thee in friendly wise, know (his words to be) the snare,

    though he speak to thee of the grain (bait).

    gar turā qande dehad aañ zahr daañ

    gar batan lutfe kund aañ qahr daañ

    If he give thee some candy, regard it as poison;

    if he do a kindness to thy body, regard it as cruelty.

    chuuñ qazā aayad na-bīnī ġhair post

    dushmanāñ baaz na-shināsī za dost

    When the (Divine) destiny comes to pass, you see naught but the skin (outward appearance):

    you do not distinguish enemies from friends

    chuuñ chunīñ shud ibtihāl āġhāz kun

    nāla-o-tasbīh-o-roza-sāz kun

    Since the case is thus, begin humble supplication;

    set about lamenting and glorifying (God) and fasting.

    naala mī-kun ka.e 'allām-ul-ġhuyūb

    zer-e-sañg-e-makr-e-bad ma-kūb

    Lament continually, crying, “O Thou who well knowest the hidden things,

    do not crush us beneath the stone of evil contrivance.

    gar sagī kardem ai sher āfrīñ

    sher magmār bar ziiñ kamīñ

    O Creator of the lion, if we have wrought currishness,

    do not set the lion (to spring) on us from this covert.

    āb-e-ḳhush sūrat-e-ātish ma-deh

    andar ātish sūrat-e-ābī maneh

    Do not give to sweet water the form of fire,

    do not put upon fire the form of water.

    az sharāb-e-qahr chuuñ mastī dehī

    nīsta-hā sūrat-e-hastī dehī

    When Thou makest (us) drunken with the wine of Thy wrath, Thou givest to things non-existent the form of existence.

    chīst mastī band-e-chashm az dīd-e-chashm

    na-māñd sañg gauhar pashm yashm

    What is (this) drunkenness? That which binds (prevents) the eye from (true) eyesight,

    so that a (common) stone appears a jewel, and wool (pashm) a jasper (yashm).

    chīst mastī hissa-hā mubaddal shudan

    chop-e-gaz andar nazar sandal shudan

    What is (this) drunkenness? The perversion of the senses,

    the change of tamarisk-wood into sandal-wood in the (perverted) sight.

    jawab guftan-e-sher KHargosh ra-o-rawan shudan ba-u

    How the lion answered the hare and set off with him.

    guft bismillah biya ta u kujast

    pesh dar sho gar hami goi tu rast

    “Come on in God's name,” said he, “let me see where he is! Go thou in front, if thou art speaking truth,

    ta saza-e-u-o-sad chun u deham

    war daroghast in saza-e-u deham

    That I may give him and a hundred like him the punishment they deserve,

    or if this is a lie, that I may give thy deserts to thee.

    andar aamad chun qalawuze ba-pesh

    ta bard u ra ba-su-e-dam-e-kHwesh

    The hare set out on the way, (going) in front like a guide,

    that he might lead him towards his snare,

    su-e-chahe ku nishanash karda bud

    chah-e-magh ra dam-e-jaanash karda bud

    Towards the well which he had designated:

    he had made the deep well a snare for his (the lion's) life.

    mi shudand in har-do ta-nazdik-e-chah

    inat KHargoshe chu aabe zer-e-kah

    (Thus) were these twain going till (they arrived) near the well. Look, you, (this was) a hare (deceitful) as a (pool of) water (hidden) under straw.

    aab kahe ra ba-hamun mi barad

    kah kohe ra 'ajab chun mi barad

    The water bears a blade of straw (down) to the plain:

    how, I wonder, will the water bear away a mountain?

    dam-e-makr-e-u kamand-e-sher bud

    turfa KHargoshe ki shere mi-rubud

    The snare of his (the hare's) guile was a noose for the lion: a marvellous hare (he), who was carrying off a lion (as his prey)!

    musa-e-fir'aun ra ba-rid-e-nill

    mi kashad ba-lashkar-o-jam'-e-saqil

    A Moses kills Pharaoh, with his army and mighty host,

    by means of (a sea like) the river Nile.

    pashsha-e-namrud ra ba-nim par

    mi shikafad be-muhaba darz-e-sar

    A single gnat with half a wing cleaves

    intrepidly the suture of Nimrod's skull.

    haal-e-an ku qaul-e-dushman ra shunud

    bin jaza-e-an-ki shud yar-e-husud

    Behold the state of him who hearkened to the words of his enemy, and the retribution of him who became the friend of the envious one—

    haal-e-fir'aune ki haman ra shunud

    haal-e-namrude ki shaitan ra shunud

    The state of a Pharaoh who hearkened to Haman,

    and the state of a Nimrod who hearkened to Satan.

    dushman-e-ar che dostana goyadat

    dam-e-dan garche za dana goyadat

    Albeit the enemy speak to thee in friendly wise, know (his words to be) the snare,

    though he speak to thee of the grain (bait).

    gar tura qande dehad aan zahr dan

    gar batan lutfe kund aan qahr dan

    If he give thee some candy, regard it as poison;

    if he do a kindness to thy body, regard it as cruelty.

    chun qaza aayad na-bini ghair post

    dushmanan ra baz na-shinasi za dost

    When the (Divine) destiny comes to pass, you see naught but the skin (outward appearance):

    you do not distinguish enemies from friends

    chun chunin shud ibtihaal aaghaz kun

    nala-o-tasbih-o-roza-saz kun

    Since the case is thus, begin humble supplication;

    set about lamenting and glorifying (God) and fasting.

    nala mi-kun kae tu 'allam-ul-ghuyub

    zer-e-sang-e-makr-e-bad ma ra ma-kub

    Lament continually, crying, “O Thou who well knowest the hidden things,

    do not crush us beneath the stone of evil contrivance.

    gar sagi kardem ai sher aafrin

    sher ra magmar bar ma zin kamin

    O Creator of the lion, if we have wrought currishness,

    do not set the lion (to spring) on us from this covert.

    aab-e-KHush ra surat-e-atish ma-deh

    andar aatish surat-e-abi maneh

    Do not give to sweet water the form of fire,

    do not put upon fire the form of water.

    az sharab-e-qahr chun masti dehi

    nista-ha ra surat-e-hasti dehi

    When Thou makest (us) drunken with the wine of Thy wrath, Thou givest to things non-existent the form of existence.

    chist masti band-e-chashm az did-e-chashm

    ta na-mand sang gauhar pashm yashm

    What is (this) drunkenness? That which binds (prevents) the eye from (true) eyesight,

    so that a (common) stone appears a jewel, and wool (pashm) a jasper (yashm).

    chist masti hissa-ha mubaddal shudan

    chop-e-gaz andar nazar sandal shudan

    What is (this) drunkenness? The perversion of the senses,

    the change of tamarisk-wood into sandal-wood in the (perverted) sight.


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