
jawab guftan-e-hudhud tana-e-zagh ra


jawab guftan-e-hudhud tana-e-zagh ra



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    javāb guftan-e-hudhud tā'na-e-zāġh

    The hoopoe's answer to the attack of the crow.

    guft ai shah bar man-e-'ūr-e-gadā

    qaul-e-dushman ma-shino az bahr-e-ḳhudā

    He said, “O king, for God's sake do not listen to

    the enemy's words against me, bare beggar as I am.

    gar na-bāshad iiñ ki dā'va mī-kunam

    man nihādam sar ba-bur iiñ gardanam

    If my claim is (made) with falsehood,

    I lay my head (before thee): sever this neck of mine.

    zaaġh hukm-e-qazā munkirast

    gar hazārāñ 'aql dārad kāfirast

    The crow, who disbelieves in the (absolute) authority of the

    Divine destiny, is an infidel, though he have thousands of wits.

    dar tu kaafī buvad az kāfirāñ

    jā-e-gand-o-shahvatī chuuñ kāferāñ

    Whilst there is in you a single k (derived) from the káfirán

    (infidels), you are the seat of stench and lust, velut rima

    femoris. [Whilst there is in you a single k (derived) from the

    káfirán (infidels), you are the seat of stench and lust, like the slit (vulva) between the thighs (of a woman).]

    man ba-bīnam daam andar havā

    gar ba-poshad chashm-e-'aqlam qazā

    I see the snare (when I am) in the air,

    if the Divine destiny do not muffle the eye of my intelligence.

    chuuñ qazā aayad shavad dānish ba-ḳhvāb

    mah siyah gardad ba-gīrad āftāb

    When the Divine destiny comes, wisdom goes to sleep, the moon becomes black, the sun is stopped (from shining).

    az qazā iiñ tā'biya ke nādirast

    az qazā daañ qazā munkirast

    How is this disposal (of things) by the Divine destiny (to be called) singular? Know that it is by the Divine destiny that he (the infidel) disbelieves in the Divine destiny.

    jawab guftan-e-hudhud ta'na-e-zagh ra

    The hoopoe's answer to the attack of the crow.

    guft ai shah bar man-e-'ur-e-gada

    qaul-e-dushman ma-shino az bahr-e-KHuda

    He said, “O king, for God's sake do not listen to

    the enemy's words against me, bare beggar as I am.

    gar na-bashad in ki da'wa mi-kunam

    man nihadam sar ba-bur in gardanam

    If my claim is (made) with falsehood,

    I lay my head (before thee): sever this neck of mine.

    zagh ku hukm-e-qaza ra munkirast

    gar hazaran 'aql darad kafirast

    The crow, who disbelieves in the (absolute) authority of the

    Divine destiny, is an infidel, though he have thousands of wits.

    dar tu ta kafi buwad az kafiran

    ja-e-gand-o-shahwati chun kaferan

    Whilst there is in you a single k (derived) from the káfirán

    (infidels), you are the seat of stench and lust, velut rima

    femoris. [Whilst there is in you a single k (derived) from the

    káfirán (infidels), you are the seat of stench and lust, like the slit (vulva) between the thighs (of a woman).]

    man ba-binam dam ra andar hawa

    gar ba-poshad chashm-e-'aqlam ra qaza

    I see the snare (when I am) in the air,

    if the Divine destiny do not muffle the eye of my intelligence.

    chun qaza aayad shawad danish ba-KHwab

    mah siyah gardad ba-girad aaftab

    When the Divine destiny comes, wisdom goes to sleep, the moon becomes black, the sun is stopped (from shining).

    az qaza in ta'biya ke nadirast

    az qaza dan ku qaza ra munkirast

    How is this disposal (of things) by the Divine destiny (to be called) singular? Know that it is by the Divine destiny that he (the infidel) disbelieves in the Divine destiny.


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