
hikayat-e-baadshah-e-jahud-e-digar ki dar halak-e-din-e-’isa sa’i numud


hikayat-e-baadshah-e-jahud-e-digar ki dar halak-e-din-e-’isa sa’i numud



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    hikāyat-e-bādshāh-e-jahūd-e-dīgar ki dar halāk-e-dīn-e-'īsā sa'ī numūd

    The story of another Jewish king who endeavored to destroy the religion of Jesus.

    baa'd aziiñ ḳhūñ-rez darmāñ nā-pazīr

    ki-andar uftād az balā-e-āñ vazīr

    After this irremediable bloodshed which befell through

    the affliction (brought upon the Christians) by the vizier,

    yak shah-e-dīgar za nasl-e-āñ jahūd

    dar halāk-e-qaum-e-'īsā numūd

    Another king, of the progeny of that Jew,

    addressed himself to the destruction of the people of Jesus.

    gar ḳhabar ḳhvāhī aziiñ dīgar kHurūj

    sūrah bar ḳhvāñ vassamā zātil-burūj

    If you desire information about this second outbreak, read the chapter of the Qur’án (beginning):

    By Heaven which hath the (zodiacal) signs.

    sunnat-e-bad kaz shah-e-avval ba-zād

    iiñ shah-e-dīgar qadam dar vai nihād

    This second king set foot in the evil way

    that was originated by the former king.

    har ki uu ba-nihād nā-ḳhush sunnte

    sū-e-ū nafrīñ ravad har sā'ate

    Whosoever establishes an evil way (practice),

    towards him goes malediction every hour.

    nekvāñ raftand-o-sunnat-hā ba-māñd

    vaz la'īmāñ zulm-o-lā'nat-hā ba-māñd

    The righteous departed and their ways remained,

    and from the vile there remained (nothing but) injustice and execrations.

    qayāmat har ki jins-e-āñ badāñ

    dar vujūd aayad buvad rūyash badāñ

    Until the Resurrection, the face of every congener of those wicked men

    who comes into existence is turned towards that one (who belongs to his own kind).

    rag ragast iiñ āb-e-shīrīn-o-āb-e-shor

    dar ḳhalā.eq ravad nafḳh-e-sūr

    Vein by vein is this sweet water and bitter water, flowing in

    (God's) creatures until the blast of the trumpet (at the Resurrection).

    nekvāñ hast mīrās az ḳhush-āb

    āñche mīrāsast aurasnal-kitāb

    To the righteous is the inheritance of the sweet water. What is that inheritance?

    We have caused (those of Our servants whom We have chosen) to inherit the Book.

    shud niyāz-e-tālibāñ ar bañgarī

    sho’la-hā az gauhar-e-paiġhambarī

    If you will consider, the supplications of the seekers (of God) are rays

    (proceeding) from the substance of prophethood.

    sho’la-hā bā-gauharāñ gardāñ buvad

    sho'la aañ jānib ravad ham kaañ buvad

    The rays are circling with the substances (whence they spring):

    the ray goes (ultimately) in the direction where that (substance) is.

    nūr-e-rauzan gird-e-kHāna davad

    zāñ-ki ḳhur burje ba-burje mī-ravad

    The window-gleam runs round the house,

    because the sun goes from sign to sign of the zodiac.

    har ki akHtare paivast-gīst

    ma-rau bā-akHtar-e-kHud ham tagīst

    Any one who has affinity with a star (planet)

    has a concurrence (of qualities) with his star.

    tāle'ash gar zohra bāshad dar tarab

    mail-e-kullī dārad-o-'ishq-o-talab

    If his ascendant star be Venus, his whole

    inclination and love and desire is for joy;

    var buvad mirrīkHī-e-kHūñ-rez ḳhū

    jañg-o-bohtān-o-kHusūmat jūyad uu

    And if he be one born under Mars, one whose

    nature is to shed blood, he seeks war and malignity and enmity.

    akHtarānand az varā-e-akHtarāñ

    ki ihtirāq-o-nahs na-buvad andr-āñ

    Beyond the (material) stars are stars in

    which is no conflagration or sinister aspect,

    sā.irāñ dar āsmāñ hā-e-digar

    ġhair-e-īñ haft āsmān-e-mushtahar

    (Stars) moving in other heavens, not these

    seven heavens (which are) held in high regard,

    rāsikHāñ dar tāb-e-anvār-e-ḳhudā

    ne baham paivasta ne az ham judā

    (Stars) immanent in the radiance of the light of God,

    neither joined to each other nor separate from each other.

    har ki bāshad tāle'-e-ū aañ nujūm

    nafs-e-ū kuffār sozad dar rujūm

    When any one's ascendant (fortune) is from those stars,

    his soul burns the infidels in driving (them) off.

    ḳhashm-e-mirrīkHī na-bāshad ḳhashm-e-ū

    munqalib rau ġhālib-o-maġhlūb ḳhū

    His anger is not (like) the anger of the man born under Mars—going upside down,

    and of such nature that it is (now) dominant and (now) dominated.

    nūr-e-ġhālib aiman az naqs-o-ġhasq


    The dominant light (of the saints) is secure from defect and

    dimness between the two fingers of the Light of God.

    haq fishāñd aañ nuur bar jān-hā

    muqbilāñ bar dāshta dāmān-hā

    God hath scattered that light over (all) spirits,

    (but only) the fortunate have held up their skirts (to receive it);

    vaañ nisār-e-nūr uu yāfta

    rū-e-az ġhair-e-ḳhudā bar tafta

    And he (that is fortunate), having gained that strown largesse of light,

    has turned his face away from all except God.

    har ki dāmān-e-'ishqe nā-buda

    zaañ nisār-e-nū be-bahra shuda

    Whosoever has lacked (such) a skirt of love is

    left without share in that strown largesse of light.

    juzv-hā rū-e-hā sū-e-kulast

    bulbulāñ 'ishq-bāzī bā-gulast

    The faces of particulars are set towards the universal:

    nightingales are in love with the face of the rose.

    gaav rañg az barūñ-o-mard

    az darūñ rañg-e-surkH-o-zard

    The ox has his colour outside, but in the

    case of a man seek the red and yellow hues within.

    rañg-hā-e-nek az kHumm-e-safāst

    rañg za shitāñ az siyāh āba-e-jafāst

    The good colours are from the vat of purity;

    the colour of the wicked is from the black water of iniquity.

    sibaġhatullāh nām-e-āñ rañg-e-latīf

    lā'natullāh bū-e-āñ rañg-e-kasīf

    The baptism of God is the name of that subtle colour;

    the curse of God is the smell of this gross colour.

    āñ-che az dariyā ba-dariyā ravad

    az ham āñ-jā ki-āmad āñ-jā ravad

    That which is of the sea is going to the sea:

    it is going to the same place whence it came—

    az sar-e-ki sail-hā-e-tez rau

    vaz tan-e-mā jān-e-'ishq-āmez rau

    From the mountain-top the swift-rushing torrents,

    and from our body the soul whose motion is mingled with love.

    hikayat-e-baadshah-e-jahud-e-digar ki dar halak-e-din-e-'isa sa'i numud

    The story of another Jewish king who endeavored to destroy the religion of Jesus.

    ba'd azin KHun-rez darman na-pazir

    ki-andar uftad az bala-e-an wazir

    After this irremediable bloodshed which befell through

    the affliction (brought upon the Christians) by the vizier,

    yak shah-e-digar za nasl-e-an jahud

    dar halak-e-qaum-e-'isa ru numud

    Another king, of the progeny of that Jew,

    addressed himself to the destruction of the people of Jesus.

    gar KHabar KHwahi azin digar kHuruj

    surah bar KHwan wassama zatil-buruj

    If you desire information about this second outbreak, read the chapter of the Qur’án (beginning):

    By Heaven which hath the (zodiacal) signs.

    sunnat-e-bad kaz shah-e-awwal ba-zad

    in shah-e-digar qadam dar wai nihad

    This second king set foot in the evil way

    that was originated by the former king.

    har ki u ba-nihad na-KHush sunnte

    su-e-u nafrin rawad har sa'ate

    Whosoever establishes an evil way (practice),

    towards him goes malediction every hour.

    nekwan raftand-o-sunnat-ha ba-mand

    waz la'iman zulm-o-la'nat-ha ba-mand

    The righteous departed and their ways remained,

    and from the vile there remained (nothing but) injustice and execrations.

    ta qayamat har ki jins-e-an badan

    dar wujud aayad buwad ruyash badan

    Until the Resurrection, the face of every congener of those wicked men

    who comes into existence is turned towards that one (who belongs to his own kind).

    rag ragast in aab-e-shirin-o-ab-e-shor

    dar KHalaeq mi rawad ta nafKH-e-sur

    Vein by vein is this sweet water and bitter water, flowing in

    (God's) creatures until the blast of the trumpet (at the Resurrection).

    nekwan ra hast miras az KHush-ab

    aanche mirasast aurasnal-kitab

    To the righteous is the inheritance of the sweet water. What is that inheritance?

    We have caused (those of Our servants whom We have chosen) to inherit the Book.

    shud niyaz-e-taliban ar bangari

    sho’la-ha az gauhar-e-paighambari

    If you will consider, the supplications of the seekers (of God) are rays

    (proceeding) from the substance of prophethood.

    sho’la-ha ba-gauharan gardan buwad

    sho'la aan jaanib rawad hum kan buwad

    The rays are circling with the substances (whence they spring):

    the ray goes (ultimately) in the direction where that (substance) is.

    nur-e-rauzan gird-e-kHana mi dawad

    zan-ki KHur burje ba-burje mi-rawad

    The window-gleam runs round the house,

    because the sun goes from sign to sign of the zodiac.

    har ki ra ba akHtare paiwast-gist

    ma-rau ra ba-akHtar-e-kHud hum tagist

    Any one who has affinity with a star (planet)

    has a concurrence (of qualities) with his star.

    tale'ash gar zohra bashad dar tarab

    mail-e-kulli darad-o-'ishq-o-talab

    If his ascendant star be Venus, his whole

    inclination and love and desire is for joy;

    war buwad mirrikHi-e-kHun-rez KHu

    jang-o-bohtan-o-kHusumat juyad u

    And if he be one born under Mars, one whose

    nature is to shed blood, he seeks war and malignity and enmity.

    akHtaranand az wara-e-akHtaran

    ki ihtiraq-o-nahs na-buwad andr-an

    Beyond the (material) stars are stars in

    which is no conflagration or sinister aspect,

    sairan dar aasman ha-e-digar

    ghair-e-in haft aasman-e-mushtahar

    (Stars) moving in other heavens, not these

    seven heavens (which are) held in high regard,

    rasikHan dar tab-e-anwar-e-KHuda

    ne baham paiwasta ne az hum juda

    (Stars) immanent in the radiance of the light of God,

    neither joined to each other nor separate from each other.

    har ki bashad tale'-e-u aan nujum

    nafs-e-u kuffar sozad dar rujum

    When any one's ascendant (fortune) is from those stars,

    his soul burns the infidels in driving (them) off.

    KHashm-e-mirrikHi na-bashad KHashm-e-u

    munqalib rau ghaalib-o-maghlub KHu

    His anger is not (like) the anger of the man born under Mars—going upside down,

    and of such nature that it is (now) dominant and (now) dominated.

    nur-e-ghaalib aiman az naqs-o-ghasq


    The dominant light (of the saints) is secure from defect and

    dimness between the two fingers of the Light of God.

    haq fishand aan nur ra bar jaan-ha

    muqbilan bar dashta daman-ha

    God hath scattered that light over (all) spirits,

    (but only) the fortunate have held up their skirts (to receive it);

    wan nisar-e-nur ra u yafta

    ru-e-az ghair-e-KHuda bar tafta

    And he (that is fortunate), having gained that strown largesse of light,

    has turned his face away from all except God.

    har ki ra daman-e-'ishqe na-buda

    zan nisar-e-nu be-bahra shuda

    Whosoever has lacked (such) a skirt of love is

    left without share in that strown largesse of light.

    juzw-ha ra ru-e-ha su-e-kulast

    bulbulan ra 'ishq-bazi ba-gulast

    The faces of particulars are set towards the universal:

    nightingales are in love with the face of the rose.

    gaw ra rang az barun-o-mard ra

    az darun ju rang-e-surkH-o-zard ra

    The ox has his colour outside, but in the

    case of a man seek the red and yellow hues within.

    rang-ha-e-nek az kHumm-e-safast

    rang za shitan az siyah aaba-e-jafast

    The good colours are from the vat of purity;

    the colour of the wicked is from the black water of iniquity.

    sibaghatullah nam-e-an rang-e-latif

    la'natullah bu-e-an rang-e-kasif

    The baptism of God is the name of that subtle colour;

    the curse of God is the smell of this gross colour.

    aan-che az dariya ba-dariya mi rawad

    az hum aan-ja ki-amad aan-ja mi rawad

    That which is of the sea is going to the sea:

    it is going to the same place whence it came—

    az sar-e-ki sail-ha-e-tez rau

    waz tan-e-ma jaan-e-'ishq-amez rau

    From the mountain-top the swift-rushing torrents,

    and from our body the soul whose motion is mingled with love.


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