
ba-suKHan aamdan-e-tifl darmiyan-e-atish-o-tahriz kardan-e-kHalq ra dar uftadan-e-ba-atish


ba-suKHan aamdan-e-tifl darmiyan-e-atish-o-tahriz kardan-e-kHalq ra dar uftadan-e-ba-atish



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    ba-suḳhan āmdan-e-tifl darmiyān-e-ātish-o-tahrīz kardan-e-kHalq dar uftādan-e-ba-ātish

    How a child began to speak amidst the fire and urged the

    people to throw themselves into the fire.

    yak zane bā-tifl āvurd aañ jahūd

    pesh-e-āñ but-o-ātish andar sho'ala buud

    That Jew brought to that idol a woman with her child,

    and the fire was blazing.

    tifl azū ba-sitad dar ātish dar fa-kand

    zan ba-tarsīd-o-dil az īmāñ ba-kand

    He took the child from her and cast it into the fire: the woman

    was affrighted and withdrew her heart from (abandoned) her faith.

    ḳhvāst tā-ū-sajda aarad pesh-e-but

    baañg zad aañ tifl ki innī lam-amut

    She was about to bow down before the idol

    (when) the child cried, Verily, I am not dead.

    andar aa ai mādar īñ-jā man ḳhusham

    garche dar sūrat miyān-e-ātisham

    Come in, O mother: I am happy here,

    although in appearance I am amidst the fire.

    chashm band-ast ātish az bahr-e-hujīb

    rahmatast iiñ sar bar āvurda za jeb

    The fire is a spell that binds the eye for the sake of screening (the truth);

    this is (in reality) a Divine mercy which has raised its head from the collar (has been manifested from the Unseen).

    andar aa mādar ba-bīñ burhān-e-haq

    ba-bīnī 'ishrat-e-kHāsān-e-haq

    Come in, mother, and see the evidence of God,

    that thou mayst behold the delight of God's elect.

    andar ā-o-āb biiñ ātish misāl

    az jahāne ki-ātishast ābash misāl

    Come in, and see water that has the semblance of fire; (come away)

    from a world which is (really) fire and (only) has the semblance of water.

    andar aa asrār-e-ibrāhīm ba-bīñ

    dar ātish yaaft sarv-o-yāsmīñ

    Come in, and see the mysteries of Abraham,

    who in the fire found cypress and jessamine.

    marg dīdam gah zādan za

    saḳht kHaufam buud uftādan za

    I was seeing death at the time of birth from thee:

    sore was my dread of falling from thee;

    chuuñ ba-zādam rastam az zindān-e-tañg

    dar jahāne ḳhush havā-e-kHūb rañg

    (But) when I was born, I escaped from the narrow prison

    (of the womb) into a world of pleasant air and beautiful colour.

    man jahāñ chuuñ raham dīdam kanūñ

    chuuñ darīñ ātish ba-dīdam iiñ sukūñ

    Now I deem the (earthly) world to be like the womb,

    since in this fire I have seen such rest:

    andarīñ ātish ba-dīdam 'ālame

    zarra zarra andar uu 'iisā dame

    In this fire I have seen a world wherein every

    atom possesses the (life-giving) breath of Jesus.

    nak jahān-e-nīst shakle hast zaat

    vaañ jahān-e-hast shakle be-sabāt

    Lo, (it is) a world apparently non-existent (but) essentially existent,

    while that (other) world is apparently existent (but) has no permanence.

    andar aa mādar ba-haqq-e-mādarī

    biiñ ki iiñ aazar na-dārad āzarī

    Come in, mother, (I beseech thee) by the right of motherhood:

    see this fire, how it hath no fieriness.

    andar aa mādar ki iqbāl āmdast

    andar aa mādar ma-deh daulat za dast

    Come in, mother, for felicity is come; come in, mother,

    do not let fortune slip from thy hand.

    qudrat-e-āñ sag ba-dīdī andar aa

    ba-bīnī qudrat-e-lutf-e-kHudā

    Thou hast seen the power of that (Jewish) cur: come in,

    that thou mayst see the power and the grace of God.

    man za rahmat kishānam pā-e-tū

    kaz tarab ḳhud nīstam parvā-e-tū

    ’Tis (only) out of pity that I am drawing thy feet (hither),

    for indeed such is my rapture that I have no care for thee.

    andar ā-o-dīgarāñ ham ba-kHvāñ

    ki-andar ātish shaah ba-nihādast-ḳhvāñ

    Come in and call the others also,

    for the King has spread a (festal) table within the fire.

    andar aayed ai muslamānāñ hama

    ġhair iiñ 'azabe 'azābast aañ hama

    O true believers, come in, all of you: except the sweetness

    (‘adhbí) of (the true) religion all is torment (‘adháb).

    andar aayed ai hama parvāna-vār

    andarīñ bahra ki dārad sad bahār

    Oh, come in, all of you, like moths; (come) into

    this fortune which hath a hundred springtimes.

    baañg zad darmiyān-e-āñ giroh

    pur hamī shud jān-e-kHalqāñ az shikoh

    (Thus) he was crying amidst that multitude:

    the souls of the people were filled with awe.

    ḳhalq ḳhud baad az aañ be-kHveshtan

    figandand andar ātish mard-o-zan

    After that, the folk, men and women (alike),

    cast themselves unwittingly into the fire—

    be-mu.vakkil be-kashish az 'ishq-e-dost

    zāñ-ki shīrīñ kardan-e-har talḳh azūzt

    Without custodian, without being dragged, for love of the Friend,

    because from Him is the sweetening of every bitterness—

    chunāñ shud ki-āñ 'avvānāñ ḳhalq

    man'a kardand ki ātish dar miyā

    Until it came to pass that the (king's) myrmidons were

    holding back the people, saying, Do not enter the fire!

    aañ yahūdī shud siyah-rū-o-kHajil

    shud pashemāñ ziiñ sabab bīmār dil

    The Jew became black-faced (covered with shame)

    and dismayed; he became sorry and sick at heart,

    ki-andar īmāñ ḳhalq 'āshiq-tar shudand

    dar fanā-e-jism sādiq-tar shudand

    Because the people grew more loving (ardent) in

    their Faith and more firm in mortification (faná) of the body.

    makr-e-shaitāñ ham dar uu pechīd shukr

    dev ham ḳhud siyah-rū diid shukr

    Thanks (be to God), the Devil's plot caught him in its toils;

    thanks (be to God), the Devil saw himself disgraced.

    āñ-che mālīd dar rū-e-kasāñ

    jam' shud dar chehra-e-āñ nā-kasāñ

    That which he was rubbing (the shame he was inflicting) on

    the faces of those persons (the Christians) was all accumulated on the visage of that vile wretch.

    āñ-ki durrīd jāma-e-kHalq chust

    shud darīda ān-e-ū īshāñ durust

    He who was busy rending the garment (honour and integrity)

    of the people—his own (garment) was rent, (while) they were unhurt.

    ba-suKHan aamdan-e-tifl darmiyan-e-atish-o-tahriz kardan-e-kHalq ra dar uftadan-e-ba-atish

    How a child began to speak amidst the fire and urged the

    people to throw themselves into the fire.

    yak zane ba-tifl aawurd aan jahud

    pesh-e-an but-o-atish andar sho'ala bud

    That Jew brought to that idol a woman with her child,

    and the fire was blazing.

    tifl azu ba-sitad dar aatish dar fa-kand

    zan ba-tarsid-o-dil az iman ba-kand

    He took the child from her and cast it into the fire: the woman

    was affrighted and withdrew her heart from (abandoned) her faith.

    KHwast ta-u-sajda aarad pesh-e-but

    bang zad aan tifl ki inni lam-amut

    She was about to bow down before the idol

    (when) the child cried, Verily, I am not dead.

    andar aa ai madar in-ja man KHusham

    garche dar surat miyan-e-atisham

    Come in, O mother: I am happy here,

    although in appearance I am amidst the fire.

    chashm band-ast aatish az bahr-e-hujib

    rahmatast in sar bar aawurda za jeb

    The fire is a spell that binds the eye for the sake of screening (the truth);

    this is (in reality) a Divine mercy which has raised its head from the collar (has been manifested from the Unseen).

    andar aa madar ba-bin burhan-e-haq

    ta ba-bini 'ishrat-e-kHasan-e-haq

    Come in, mother, and see the evidence of God,

    that thou mayst behold the delight of God's elect.

    andar aa-o-ab bin aatish misal

    az jahane ki-atishast aabash misal

    Come in, and see water that has the semblance of fire; (come away)

    from a world which is (really) fire and (only) has the semblance of water.

    andar aa asrar-e-ibrahim ba-bin

    ku dar aatish yaft sarw-o-yasmin

    Come in, and see the mysteries of Abraham,

    who in the fire found cypress and jessamine.

    marg mi didam gah zadan za tu

    saKHt kHaufam bud uftadan za tu

    I was seeing death at the time of birth from thee:

    sore was my dread of falling from thee;

    chun ba-zadam rastam az zindan-e-tang

    dar jahane KHush hawa-e-kHub rang

    (But) when I was born, I escaped from the narrow prison

    (of the womb) into a world of pleasant air and beautiful colour.

    man jahan ra chun raham didam kanun

    chun darin aatish ba-didam in sukun

    Now I deem the (earthly) world to be like the womb,

    since in this fire I have seen such rest:

    andarin aatish ba-didam 'alame

    zarra zarra andar u 'isa dame

    In this fire I have seen a world wherein every

    atom possesses the (life-giving) breath of Jesus.

    nak jahan-e-nist shakle hast zat

    wan jahan-e-hast shakle be-sabaat

    Lo, (it is) a world apparently non-existent (but) essentially existent,

    while that (other) world is apparently existent (but) has no permanence.

    andar aa madar ba-haqq-e-madari

    bin ki in aazar na-darad aazari

    Come in, mother, (I beseech thee) by the right of motherhood:

    see this fire, how it hath no fieriness.

    andar aa madar ki iqbaal aamdast

    andar aa madar ma-deh daulat za dast

    Come in, mother, for felicity is come; come in, mother,

    do not let fortune slip from thy hand.

    qudrat-e-an sag ba-didi andar aa

    ta ba-bini qudrat-e-lutf-e-kHuda

    Thou hast seen the power of that (Jewish) cur: come in,

    that thou mayst see the power and the grace of God.

    man za rahmat mi kishanam pa-e-tu

    kaz tarab KHud nistam parwa-e-tu

    ’Tis (only) out of pity that I am drawing thy feet (hither),

    for indeed such is my rapture that I have no care for thee.

    andar aa-o-digaran ra hum ba-kHwan

    ki-andar aatish shah ba-nihadast-KHwan

    Come in and call the others also,

    for the King has spread a (festal) table within the fire.

    andar aayed ai muslamanan hama

    ghair in 'azabe 'azabast aan hama

    O true believers, come in, all of you: except the sweetness

    (‘adhbí) of (the true) religion all is torment (‘adháb).

    andar aayed ai hama parwana-war

    andarin bahra ki darad sad bahaar

    Oh, come in, all of you, like moths; (come) into

    this fortune which hath a hundred springtimes.

    bang mi zad darmiyan-e-an giroh

    pur hami shud jaan-e-kHalqan az shikoh

    (Thus) he was crying amidst that multitude:

    the souls of the people were filled with awe.

    KHalq KHud ra baad az aan be-kHweshtan

    mi figandand andar aatish mard-o-zan

    After that, the folk, men and women (alike),

    cast themselves unwittingly into the fire—

    be-muwakkil be-kashish az 'ishq-e-dost

    zan-ki shirin kardan-e-har talKH azuzt

    Without custodian, without being dragged, for love of the Friend,

    because from Him is the sweetening of every bitterness—

    ta chunan shud ki-an 'awwanan KHalq ra

    man'a mi kardand ki aatish dar miya

    Until it came to pass that the (king's) myrmidons were

    holding back the people, saying, Do not enter the fire!

    aan yahudi shud siyah-ru-o-kHajil

    shud pasheman zin sabab bimar dil

    The Jew became black-faced (covered with shame)

    and dismayed; he became sorry and sick at heart,

    ki-andar iman KHalq 'ashiq-tar shudand

    dar fana-e-jism sadiq-tar shudand

    Because the people grew more loving (ardent) in

    their Faith and more firm in mortification (faná) of the body.

    makr-e-shaitan hum dar u pechid shukr

    dew hum KHud ra siyah-ru did shukr

    Thanks (be to God), the Devil's plot caught him in its toils;

    thanks (be to God), the Devil saw himself disgraced.

    aan-che mi malid dar ru-e-kasan

    jam' shud dar chehra-e-an na-kasan

    That which he was rubbing (the shame he was inflicting) on

    the faces of those persons (the Christians) was all accumulated on the visage of that vile wretch.

    aan-ki mi durrid jama-e-kHalq chust

    shud darida aan-e-u ishan durust

    He who was busy rending the garment (honour and integrity)

    of the people—his own (garment) was rent, (while) they were unhurt.


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