
aamoKHtan-e-wazir makr-e-baadshah ra


aamoKHtan-e-wazir makr-e-baadshah ra



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    āmoḳhtan-e-vazīr makr-e-bādshāh

    How the vizier instructed the king to plot.

    uu vazīre dāsht gabr-o-'ishva dah

    bar aab az makr bar baste girah

    He had a vizier, a miscreant and ogler (deceiver),

    who by reason of (his exceeding) guile would tie knots on water.

    guft tarsāyāñ panāh-e-jāñ kunand

    diin ḳhud az malik pinhāñ kunand

    The Christians, said he, seek to save their lives;

    they hide their religion from the king.

    kam-kush īshāñ ki kushtan suud niist

    diiñ na-dārad buue mushk-o-'ūd niist

    Slay them not, for slaying (them) is useless:

    religion hath no smell, it is not musk and aloes-wood.

    sirr-e-pinhānast andar sad ġhilāf

    zāhirash chu bātin ḳhilāf

    The secret is concealed in a hundred coverings: its outward form is

    (in agreement) with thee, (but) the inward (reality) is (in) disagreement.

    shaah guftash pas ba-go tadbīr chīst

    chāra-e-āñn makr-o-āñ tazvīr chīst

    The king said to him: Tell (me), then, what is the (best) plan?

    What is the remedy against that deceit and imposture?—

    na-mānad dar jahāñ nasrāniye

    ne huvaidā dīn-o-ne pinhāniye

    So that there may not remain a single Christian in the world,

    neither one whose religion is manifest nor one who is concealed.

    guft ai shah gosh-o-dastam be-bur

    biinī am be-shakāf-o-lab dar hukm-e-mur

    O king, said he, cut off my ears and hands,

    rip my nose and lips by bitter (cruel) decree;

    baa'd az aañ dar zer-e-dār aavar marā

    ba-kHvāhad yak shafā'at gar marā

    Then bring me under the gallows,

    that an intercessor may plead for me.

    bar munādī gaah kun iiñ kaar

    barsar-e-rāhe ki bāshad chaar

    Do this deed in the place for (public) proclamation,

    on a highway where roads run in four directions.

    aañ gaham az ḳhud barañ shahr duur

    dar andāzam dar īshāñ sharr-o-shūr

    Then banish me from thy presence to a distant land,

    that I may cast mischief and confusion amongst them.

    aamoKHtan-e-wazir makr-e-baadshah ra

    How the vizier instructed the king to plot.

    u wazire dasht gabr-o-'ishwa dah

    ku bar aab az makr bar baste girah

    He had a vizier, a miscreant and ogler (deceiver),

    who by reason of (his exceeding) guile would tie knots on water.

    guft tarsayan panah-e-jaan kunand

    din KHud ra az malik pinhan kunand

    The Christians, said he, seek to save their lives;

    they hide their religion from the king.

    kam-kush ishan ra ki kushtan sud nist

    din na-darad bue mushk-o-'ud nist

    Slay them not, for slaying (them) is useless:

    religion hath no smell, it is not musk and aloes-wood.

    sirr-e-pinhanast andar sad ghilaf

    zahirash ba tu chu tu baatin KHilaf

    The secret is concealed in a hundred coverings: its outward form is

    (in agreement) with thee, (but) the inward (reality) is (in) disagreement.

    shah guftash pas ba-go tadbir chist

    chaara-e-ann makr-o-an tazwir chist

    The king said to him: Tell (me), then, what is the (best) plan?

    What is the remedy against that deceit and imposture?—

    ta na-manad dar jahan nasraniye

    ne huwaida din-o-ne pinhaniye

    So that there may not remain a single Christian in the world,

    neither one whose religion is manifest nor one who is concealed.

    guft ai shah gosh-o-dastam ra be-bur

    bini am be-shakaf-o-lab dar hukm-e-mur

    O king, said he, cut off my ears and hands,

    rip my nose and lips by bitter (cruel) decree;

    ba'd az aan dar zer-e-dar aawar mara

    ta ba-kHwahad yak shafa'at gar mara

    Then bring me under the gallows,

    that an intercessor may plead for me.

    bar munadi gah kun in kar tu

    barsar-e-rahe ki bashad chaar su

    Do this deed in the place for (public) proclamation,

    on a highway where roads run in four directions.

    aan gaham az KHud baran ta shahr dur

    ta dar andazam dar ishan sharr-o-shur

    Then banish me from thy presence to a distant land,

    that I may cast mischief and confusion amongst them.


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