
furqat ki hazaron raaton se ek raat suhani mangi thi


furqat ki hazaron raaton se ek raat suhani mangi thi


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    furqat hazāroñ rātoñ se ik raat suhānī māñgī thī

    jo phuul ke bojh se dab jaa.e ik aisī javānī māñgī thī

    ho tujh ko mubārak ai maalī ye nargis champā aur juuhī

    ham ne to faqat gulshan se tire ik raat raanī māñgī thī

    añgūr duḳhtar-e-nek-aḳhtar kahte haiñ jise sab laal parī

    us lāl-parī se rindoñ ne saaqī javānī māñgī thī

    hai dil meñ ye hasrat ai jānāñ siine pe ik aisā tiir chalā

    jo zaḳhm rahe tā-'umr harā ik aisī javānī māñgī thī

    furqat ki hazaron raaton se ek raat suhani mangi thi

    jo phul ke bojh se dab jae ek aisi jawani mangi thi

    ho tujh ko mubarak ai mali ye nargis champa aur juhi

    hum ne to faqat gulshan se tere ek raat ki rani mangi thi

    angur ki duKHtar-e-nek-aKHtar kahte hain jise sab lal pari

    us lal-pari se rindon ne saqi ki jawani mangi thi

    hai dil mein ye hasrat ai jaanan sine pe ek aisa tir chala

    jo zaKHm rahe ta-'umr hara ek aisi jawani mangi thi

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