
lutf se bagh-e-jahan mein surat-e-shabnam rahe

Sheerin Lakhnavi

lutf se bagh-e-jahan mein surat-e-shabnam rahe

Sheerin Lakhnavi

MORE BYSheerin Lakhnavi

    lutf se bāġh-e-jahāñ meñ sūrat-e-shabnam rahe

    ek shab ko rahe lekin guloñ meñ ham rahe

    bulbuloñ ko zab.h kar ke le chalā sayyād jab

    shabza-e-gulshan pe kuchh qatre lahū ke jam rahe

    vo mere dam toḌne sair gar dekhā kareñ

    hashr tak zinda rahūñ aur naza.a 'ālam rahe

    tum ko aise chāhne vaale mileñge phir kahāñ

    ye du'ā māñgo hasīnoñ 'āshiqoñ dam rahe

    hukm-e-'shīrīñ' thā na hāthoñ meñ koī mehñdī male

    koh par jab tak mire farhād mātam rahe

    lutf se bagh-e-jahan mein surat-e-shabnam rahe

    ek hi shab ko rahe lekin gulon mein hum rahe

    bulbulon ko zabh kar ke le chala sayyaad jab

    shabza-e-gulshan pe kuchh qatre lahu ke jam rahe

    wo mere dam toDne ki sair gar dekha karen

    hashr tak zinda rahun aur naza ka 'alam rahe

    tum ko aise chahne wale milenge phir kahan

    ye du'a mango hasinon 'ashiqon ka dam rahe

    hukm-e-'shirin' tha na hathon mein koi mehndi male

    koh par jab tak mere farhad ka matam rahe

    Source :
    • Book : Naghma-e-Sheeri'n (Pg. 3)

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