
saDe wall mukhDa moD we pyaria

Bulleh Shah

saDe wall mukhDa moD we pyaria

Bulleh Shah

MORE BYBulleh Shah

    saaDe vall mukhḌā moḌ ve pyāri.ā

    saaDe vall mukhḌā moḌ

    aape lā.ī.āñ kuñDiyāñ taiñ te aape khichdā haiñ Dor

    saaDe vall mukhḌā moḌ

    arsh kursī te bāñgāñ miliyāñ makke pai gayā shor

    saaDe vall mukhḌā moḌ

    Dolī ke lai challe kheḌe kujh uzar zor

    saaDe vall mukhḌā moḌ

    je mae tainūñ kheḌe pyāre Dolī devīñ hor

    saaDe vall mukhḌā moḌ

    'bullahā' shauh asaañ marnā nahīñ ve mar gayā koī hor

    saaDe vall mukhḌā moḌ

    saDe wall mukhDa moD we pyaria

    saDe wall mukhDa moD

    aape laian kunDiyan tain te aape khichda hain Dor

    saDe wall mukhDa moD

    arsh kursi te bangan miliyan makke pai gaya shor

    saDe wall mukhDa moD

    Doli pa ke lai challe kheDe na kujh uzar na zor

    saDe wall mukhDa moD

    je mae tainun kheDe pyare Doli pa dewin hor

    saDe wall mukhDa moD

    'bullaha' shauh asan marna nahin we mar gaya koi hor

    saDe wall mukhDa moD


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