
dasht-e-be-ab ko karata hua jal-thal nikla

Noorul Hasan Noor

dasht-e-be-ab ko karata hua jal-thal nikla

Noorul Hasan Noor

MORE BYNoorul Hasan Noor

    dasht-e-be-āb ko karatā huā jal-thal niklā

    jis ko samjhā thā yūñhī kaam bādal niklā

    ham se aage jo ga.e the na palaT kar aa.e

    rāsta jis ko samajhte the vo daldal niklā

    ham ne milne ke ka.ī ḳhvāb bune the lekin

    kīsa-e-umar se bas ek yahī pal niklā

    ḳhauf ke saa.e vo dushman taraf phail ga.e

    vo rajaz paḌhtā sipāhī sar-e-maqtal niklā

    jin ko bastī ke dar-o-bām samajh baiThā thā

    chāñd chamkā to mere sāmne jañgal niklā

    sab meñ ḳhāmī thī koī sab meñ kamī thī koī

    kaun aisā hai jo duniyā meñ mukammal niklā

    nahr ke vāste kohsār dil chiir diyā

    jis ko ham ahl-e-ḳhirad samjhe the pāgal niklā

    'nūr' har samt udāsī fusūñ bikhrā thā

    koshisheñ ga.iiñ to mas.ale hal niklā

    dasht-e-be-ab ko karata hua jal-thal nikla

    jis ko samjha tha yunhi kaam ka baadal nikla

    hum se aage jo gae the na palaT kar aae

    rasta jis ko samajhte the wo daldal nikla

    hum ne milne ke kai KHwab bune the lekin

    kisa-e-umar se bas ek yahi pal nikla

    KHauf ke sae wo dushman ki taraf phail gae

    wo rajaz paDhta sipahi sar-e-maqtal nikla

    jin ko basti ke dar-o-baam samajh baiTha tha

    chand chamka to mere samne jangal nikla

    sab mein KHami thi koi sab mein kami thi koi

    kaun aisa hai jo duniya mein mukammal nikla

    nahr ke waste kohsar ka dil chir diya

    jis ko hum ahl-e-KHirad samjhe the pagal nikla

    'nur' har samt udasi ka fusun bikhra tha

    koshishen ki gain to masale ka hal nikla


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