
har ek chehre se be-rabti ’ayan hai

Nushur Wahidi

har ek chehre se be-rabti ’ayan hai

Nushur Wahidi

MORE BYNushur Wahidi

    har ik chehre se be-rabtī ’ayāñ hai

    mohabbat hai magar jaane kahāñ hai

    tire kānoñ meñ aate haiñ jo alfāz

    vo be-mā'nī-sī koī dāstāñ hai

    ye hastī hai musalsal ḳhvāb lekin

    har ik lamha hayāt-e-jāvidāñ hai

    koī shaidā nahīñ husn-e-butāñ

    ba-zāhir ik hujūm-e-'āshiqāñ hai

    hamīñ tum haiñ rumūz-e-bazm-e-hastī

    zamāna ek andāz-e-bayāñ hai

    'nushūr' apnī ġhazal se raushnī le

    ki shā.ir bhī charāġh-e-gul-fishāñ hai

    har ek chehre se be-rabti ’ayan hai

    mohabbat hai magar jaane kahan hai

    tere kanon mein aate hain jo alfaz

    wo be-ma'ni-si koi dastan hai

    ye hasti hai musalsal KHwab lekin

    har ek lamha hayat-e-jawidan hai

    koi shaida nahin husn-e-butan ka

    ba-zahir ek hujum-e-'ashiqan hai

    hamin tum hain rumuz-e-bazm-e-hasti

    zamana ek andaz-e-bayan hai

    'nushur' apni ghazal se raushni le

    ki shair bhi charagh-e-gul-fishan hai


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